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Everything posted by DAWUSS

  1. Let's have the main character be a Wookiee and the game can start on Kashyyyk. *Runs for his life*
  2. http://www.weakgame.com/media_18582_wookie_nights.html Some material on the site may be NSFW
  3. As long as it includes an Easter Egg of HK-47 on Mustafar in EP III, I'll be fine with a few modifications
  4. I think that would have been a disgrace to Samuel L. Jackson to have his ass handed to him by someone like Hayden Christensen
  5. Someone needs to make a RP variant of that, where everything but the OOC comments are included
  6. It would have been film of the year had one donned a Darth Revan costume
  7. Has SuperShadow tried starting some junk involving K3 yet? lol
  8. And IIRC you have to have Mission talk to that one girl before heading to the spoilerized location otherwise you won't be able to finish it. Or at least that's what happened to me on my first playthrough of the game.
  9. Summer's here, so production should be increased with the increase in spare time...
  10. What he said. OMG the characters were almost unwatchable, knowing the excellence of CGI seen in the films...
  11. "We count one ship sir, and it's so fast it's evading our turbolasers." "Then we'll fight it ship-to-ship. Get the crews to their fighters."
  12. What "unbalanced" the Force to begin with? The Exile?
  13. I know, it would probably make for a great Infinities piece...
  14. He shouldn't have recited his OOC comments
  15. I wondered as to how the heck Bandon got off the ship
  16. I seem to recall something about Boba Fett having fight Vader in a Lightsabre duel at some point, so I assume he does have a sabre or two in his private collection. (And in case you wondered, no Fett didn't win the fight but Vader let him live anyway). I thought it was the other way around - Fett won but let Vader live because the whole galaxy would have been after him has he killed him, but again, this is IIRC
  17. I must say, the fight between Revan and Vader's apprentice would be a fun fight to watch...
  18. Now, they shall double their efforts on that last minor. The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am....
  19. Well...you know...guys aren't that great at sharing emotions...sometimes it's a bit awkward...eye contact isn't easy to do you know It actually adds to the effect. I dunno, IMO when revealing deep depressing secrets, staring 90 degrees away from the individual enhances the effect of "I'm still trying to keep this armor on, and if you won't give me any sympathy, I understand"
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