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Everything posted by DAWUSS

  1. Let's just hope they have enough proton torpedoes left for the exhaust port
  2. Lets hope K3 is like this-it would give a much greater scope to the overall game, and be the kind of ending the KOTOR series deserves. (And, BTW if LA or the developer of K3 reads this I am open to reasonable offers if you want to use this....... ) They'll just cannibalize and modify and call it a day.
  3. I wonder how many Darth Revan references it'll contain
  4. Yeah but he didn't whine and cry. He did it with style. True, and I should have realized that trying to compare Canderous to Anakin would be an insult to the fact he's (Canderous) all man...
  5. the huge battle could be done by breaking up areas into zones and having an animated background that depicts the rest of the battle. And overhead include 4 or 5 ships that just fly by and occasionally get blown up.
  6. Yeah, you can tell me the spoiler, its not like I read books. Or have any intent of reading one.. Therefore I am not going to be reading this Star Wars one. ps. Lamest introduction post for the thread everrrr. Wookieepedia FTW They're like free Cliffs Notes sometimes
  7. Where's the spoilers? I see no black lines in this thread anywhere...
  8. I wanna' be a Wookiee. Maybe the entire first level (which should take about 2-3 hours to finish) should take place on Kashyyyk.
  9. At least the graphic quality seen in video games
  10. Come on, DAWUSS. Admit it. You were one of those people. Wrong again. They're just not my type.
  11. There are people who probably also wanted to romance T3 and Goto
  12. As a backdrop or to actually be able to walk through them and count them all?
  13. me too I wonder who'll be the first one to announce "ONLY 24 BUGS LEFT!!! WHOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!".....
  14. The dust collectors on the Ebon Hawk were kinda irritating too. It wasn't bad with about 4 or 5 members (including PC) but 10 was too much
  15. Part 1 coulda gone for a few more pages and several more alarming reminders that another bug is gone...
  16. Is there anything that hasn't been mentioned in the other 22 segments? I'm running out of ideas
  17. True, not everyone gets to be like Roger Moore and sleep with women nearly young enough to be his daughter. But then again, he was James Bond, so...
  18. Which could be in a few hours, which could be tomorrow, which could be next year, which could be next decade, which could be next century
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