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Everything posted by DAWUSS

  1. There are some good bits in post ROTJ-EU. If they'd only've left out the whole Sith material (as mentioned above), it would've been not too bad at all. I mean, sure, maybe some 2000 years later the Sith can slowly begin to come back, but that's after a long period of time. And don't get me started on the Legacy comics. IMO that should be degraded to sub-Infinities (take the few good elements and make a story out of that)
  2. The only time mine gets anywhere near unplayable is during the Peragus Mining Tunnels. It doesn't like the excess smoke
  3. Pretty soon we'll be seeing a Saberaxe, a Shotgun Saber, a Saberfork, a Sabersickle, a Sabersaw...
  4. What are "noodz?" What are "noodz?" After a quick search on Urbandictionary i found the word, and it was... creepy. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=noodz So what he wants is Knights of the Old Republic; The Porn Lords. Can't see Lucasarts going with that idea somehow...... It'll be the KOTOR III "Restoration Project"
  5. Wasn't Star Wars Galaxies nicknamed KOTOR Online by a few pundits way back when?
  6. And on a side note, Canderous admitted to killing children as well...
  7. I think if you can do your enhancements before engaging battle, the buffs'll still be there when you begin
  8. Don't forget a PC that will make people forget about Bastila in terms of appearance
  9. We're a few weeks away from another spike in the bug count
  10. It had potential, but as we all know, potential is a bad thing
  11. When I read the book, I thought that the transition was well done. It was a long process that was intricate and it tore Anakin apart. Thus, when he killed the children, it was accepted. That part of the movie, in my opinion, was done poorly. It was rushed and as you said, he agrees to be Vader, the light switch is flipped, and he's killing kids. Yeah, I thought Order 66 itself was rushed.
  12. I don't think Mandos ever said: THIS IS MANDALORE!!!!
  13. agreed . . . y fix some thing that aint broke ? ? ? Because you enhance to make sure it doesn't get broke
  14. probably Don't be surprised to see someone lift a skyscraper with the Force and hurl it at someone...
  15. Because you fail to understand the conspiracy. The entire project is just a tease to yank our chains. It will never be finished. And eventually, when they get bored of playing the "bugs keep appearing" game, they'll be down to like 5 bugs and they'll all of a sudden "get a letter from LA telling them to abandon the project", at which the KOTOR community will get into a serious uproar, only to find out it indeed was all an act to deceive the people.
  16. You two would make a great couple. In any case, how about relying on public shuttles for a time during the game? Surely everyone doesn't own something with a hyperdrive...
  17. or the Force... (that feature is one of those things I wish would be thrown out of SW canon...)
  18. You know you've played/seen/read too much Star Wars when: You worry about falling to the dark side You think you're Darth Revan You go into hiding upon hearing about Order 66 because you don't want to die. You try to send lightning bolts through your fingers You start saying "I have a bad feeling about this..." a little too often You say goodbye by saying "May the Force be with you." You save money so you can buy your own Twi'lek dancer
  19. Each planet should get its own timezone in that case. While it's daytime on Coruscant, it should be evening on Aquilaris, and midnight on Ryloth.
  20. Pod racers have brakes both on the pod and on both engains. If they didn't you'd run the very real risk of the cables that connect the pod to the engains snapping when you slowed down. If you watch the pod race carefully in TPM you can see airbrakes in action on the engains of some of the racers. Also in Racer when you slam on the brakes or slow down the pod doesn't fling out past the engines. ... and BTW, the swoops turn, but I think because it's (in KOTOR anyway) mainly following a straight track, you only swerve a little bit. In Star Wars Galaxies, for example, you travel various directions during a swoop race. Heck, you even get to race the Boonta Classic track in that game on your swoop!
  21. The only time I have a movement problem is during the super-heated tunnel where you have to equip the mining shield... Usually saving the game a few times when I stop moving does the trick for me. Save, exit, restart, load, move, repeat until out of that area.
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