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Everything posted by Master_Vrook

  1. Exile: How the hell do I carry around 20 something pistols and 8 swords in three sets of Jedi Robes? Kriea:Some of the greatest Jedi could hold such a load for hours and even days. They retired and became packmules [You have gained forced Burden]
  2. Why exactly did they decide to make Nihilus so pathetic? He actually couldn't save stasis field I casted on him the first time I fought him, what a fricken glass-jawed wimp. I think Kreia was just making a metaphor when she said he killed the Miraluka Home world with the Force and he just bombarded it with a bunch a cannons from his crappy ship.
  3. Protecting the weak makes the weak weaker and strengthens yourself, Kreia teaches you this on Nar Shadaa.
  4. The sith are far more evil then the Jedi. Since when have the Jedi Massacred people in a quest for power? The Jedi earn their power in the Republic through trust and their usefull ness. Tell me when the Sith haven't just clawed their way up the tier into power without decimating millions of lives or creating an oppressive government of their own? The Jedi can have faults but the Sith and the Jedi are not in the same moral league.
  5. He could direct and produce, just don't ask him to write.
  6. only so that he can try and strip you of the force later. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That whole thing was just the plot petering out just to end itself. Individually all the Masters seemed to think highly of you when your lightside to a degree, then after talking it over they suddenly find you too dangerous to remain connected to the force when you're infact the only one who isn't apathetic. The sith and the Jedi hide from each other, and only the Exile and Nihilus dare to strike either side in the open. Without the Exile, Telos would be sucked of all life by Nihilus and no one could stop him. I don't pretend to fully comprehend how the fact that he is a wound in the force makes him too dangerous but it could be over looked after all since the Exile had the power to fight the sith threat. The whole ordeal didn't turn out the way I would have liked because I thought the Jedi would have finally done something.
  7. I wonder if a lightsaber could deflect a deathstar beam... Is there any rule saying a mirror can't refract a laser based on it's intensity?
  8. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?ac...pe=post&id=2682 OH MY GOD HE IS SO HAWT!!11!!!!!
  9. "You've come all this way, you deserve to know some answers."
  10. It looked a little like Malachor died anyway to me. I'm currently trying to get the fabled Neutral ending, but so far it's been a bitch staying neutral and still geting money and experience points. Are neutrals even allowed in the Cave on Korriban?
  11. Oh please, like you could really decipher that to mean something else. <_< They all spoke in code around Revan making sure to talk about him as if they were to entities.
  12. Actually he constantly tells you to avert war and only participates in conflict as the last resort. He didn't want to make war with the Mandos, and he didn't want to bring war to Khoonda and tried to persue peace. Revan and the Exile are the arrogant ones who went to war. The Councilers were just humble people dedicated to following their code. Despite the fact that he is what many would consider "mean", he isn't war-like and brutal. It's true that he is a little rough around the edges during conflict, but I would refer to him as strict since being mean normally revolves around mindless cruelty, he just acts roughly as a form of encouragement and to reprimind those around him. He is "mean" in the same way that Kreia is "mean". They are just harsh instructors.
  13. That certainly makes sense.^ I mean what makes you think he has no talent as a Jedi? He's good as a diplomat and as a leader and he's a tough fighter.
  14. I always thought everyone had to lose their light mastery to get out and I wondered why Obisidian would put in something that is so frustrating. The second time I went through the Temple it just wouldn't let me out due to the fact that I had an LS Mastery so the damn doors kept saying "Locked".
  15. I think at some point in the game she was supposed to have been Brianna's mom but they dropped it and it holds very little importance.
  16. Maybe it's just a glitch on my Xbox, but everytime I go in with a Lightside Mastery I'm not allowed to leave and as long as I gain one darkside point it'll let me out of the tomb.
  17. Why is it that the tomb won't let you out until you get at least one darkside point?
  18. Exile: It would be really useful to hold a Blaster in one hand and a Saber in the other. Kreia: Shut up, fool!
  19. Well because Revan met the Mandos in battle, the atrocity of Malachor created an echo of the force that made all those not strong enough to renounce the force entirely die. It really wasn't a good thing to goad the Mandalorians into a fight because that's exactly what they wanted to achieve by picking on those outer rim systems. Because of Malachor the Exile became a wound in the Force that allowed the Sith to strike at the Jedi through the force itself.
  20. Many people are not totally sure there dead. I didn't buy that they were dead the first time I saw it happen. It was just a newbish assumption because of the fact their clothes were still flowing in the wind and I didn't get remains :"> , but now I think it might be because she just wanted them to be stripped of the force, since it's more in Kreia's character to want to make people see the truth and abolish ignorance then to mindlessly destroy. Notice all the times you take "revenge" on her old enemies your not just killing them, you debate them first and fight away their dogmas with Kreia's teachings. All she really ever wanted is for her philosophies to be understood by both the Jedi and Sith religions. I think she is more or less forcing them to experience life without the force by making them give it up. It seems that Jedi in the past used the force just to retain normal bodily functions and lose almost all control of things like balance once it's gone. Kreia mentions they can hardly wield a weapon without using the force to guide them. The three of them probably slipped into some kind of coma from shock, experiencing all that the Exile went through when he shrugged of the Force. If they were to come back from such a state they would be very powerful and the Traya set out to prove one can live without the force and since she was successful, I think there is a chance they can come back.
  21. The most I can do is point a crappy camera at my Xbox screens.
  22. Vrook was more of strict father in one who only wants what is best from you, in two he is a bit of an ass and goes off at you because you ruined his plan to get captured by the Mercenaries on purpose. He should have talked it over with Adare first instead of making her worry and sending you over to rescue him.
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