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Everything posted by Master_Vrook

  1. Last time I was here you changed you avy every other day. <_<
  2. Every character with something relevant to say about Katarr mentions that the Jedi Masters who went there are dead.
  3. It's difficult to tell if that's true - The game contradicts itself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just beat the game again today so I think I am on a roll. Towards the end of the game it looks as if when the echo of Malachor reached him he was faced with a choice, give up the Force or die. From what I can piece together, it seemed like everyone who refused to part with the force perished and the Exile just let it all go. He became his own little catalyst for the Force echos like Malachor and when he reconnected with the force he grew the ability to acquire a greater and greater connection to the force from others and it is some how relative to the way Nihilus simply drained an entire planet of the force and life itself. He apparently has the same ability to seek out others in the force and connect with them as the sith that are hunting the jedi and that is why they were so afraid of him. His eyes were opened to a whole knew understanding about the Force after simply letting go of the force. Sources: Jedi Enclave meeting and optional dialog between Sion and the LS Male Exile.
  4. If he re-established his own connection to the force before, he wouldn't have any problem doing it again would he? EDIT: The last time he gave it up on his own free will.
  5. 25-27 damage? Today I just got a Saber up to X-40 and the other X-36 with several blaster deflect, fire and ice bonuses. Of course, being a level 42 helps you get some of these things.
  6. I don't care how much it cheapens KOTOR II but they need to write in a way to restore the Jedi Masters. Killing them off cheapened the storyline alot, as did the fact that when you meet them seperately they seem very understanding and helpful but when they meet on Dantooine, they decided to condemn you just because you feed off those around you in a similar manner as the sith. I don't see the big threat in that, I understand their concern about showing themselves and harming the innocent planets they dwell but they should let the Exile do as he wishes.
  7. Maybe, the sith empire just moved their most loyal and obediant members out of the galaxy to form an order of sith thats comparable to the Jedi Order? It would be made up of high level force users who are dedicated to the darkside and aren't just a whole lot of guys with blasters, droid armies and warships. They merely left the galaxy in an attempt to draw out the jedi masters, at the same time as the Jedi Masters hid to draw the sith out.
  8. The only problem with influence is that some characters can't be influenced through conversations and are exclusively situational influence gainers. For example, I wouldn't use Bao-Dur unless he's a Jedi, but in order to make him a Jedi I have to use him frequently as his technician form.
  9. They'll come back very slowly, that's all.
  10. Yeah, but are they the true sith? Kreia said the sith is a philosophy, not a race.
  11. About two force waves would do the tricks.
  12. That's probably because you told the game Revan was an LS and that he only commited the depraved acts that he did to prepare the Republic.
  13. What do you mean you can't edit? Maybe I can resize it for you but it does fit on my screen without having to scroll. Perhaps it'll slide.
  14. On one of my play throughs one of the random guards at a the Entertainment district on Citadel Station said something about recieving word of the recent destruction of the planet Katarr. If this is true, the destuction of Katarr is not a past event and actually takes place very early in the game and might change the communities outlook on this event. Or might this have been a discrepency between the writers and the line was meant to say Peragus?
  15. The game seems to imply the're out there waiting at the edge of the galaxy and Revan was gathering military might to stop them. I don't know what the hell they mean by "true sith" since the race known as sith died out a long time ago and they said the sith empire from KOTOR 1 was a shame.
  16. I was just telling my little brother that last night when he asked me how Mandalore was old enough to have been fighting for 40 years. I told him they live in a spartan-like society where boys as young as 5 or 6 begin very intense training for war.
  17. Same Chassis and different color judging by the cosmetic differences between them. I personally think he would be gold since the others were bronze and silver. It should be another mettallic color.
  18. Everytime any two friends and I search for something in the mall or in school I can't help but feel a KOTOR moment coming on. I know they feel it too because they play it as much as me. While watching ROTS, I couldn't help but think of it in KOTOR terms. - Level 8 Jedi Watchman, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Level 9 Jedi Guardian Anakin Skywalker leave the level 10 Tech Droid, R2-D2 in the Hangar bay. -Palpatine Casts a level ten Force Storm and Mace Windu casts a successful saving throw. -Anakin selects Master Power Attack to lower Mace Windu's constitution -20 -Palpatine casts level ten Force Storm -All members of Mace Windu's party have bee killed(X) -Anakin must go to the Temple and gain Max Darkside points to make a net shift so he gain a Sith Lord Prestige class and gain a plus +3 in Wisdom to cast a Master Heal on Padme.
  19. I'd say the Master/ Consular doesn't even need a weapon to beat the Trayus Academy. All he needs are fists and his force powers.
  20. Atton bum rushing the group of mercenaries on Telos with .0001 percent health left over and over again.
  21. The older Thompson drive Xboxes will do that nearly everytime^
  22. It's not so hard to believe he began fighting sooner since here on earth some preteens still participate in battles. With the technology in the GFFA it's not too much of a stretch that a 10 year old could kill another man with lots of power gloves and head bands and implants and such.
  23. Goto would have been nice on the Goto Yacht level...
  24. Equip you party members with some swords with high criticals and poison. He'll drop like a stone.
  25. I want to be B4-D4 with a dual lightsaber. :D
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