I din't read through that whole stuff, mainly because I can't read, but here were my thoughts.
"Nooooooooooo!" was just plain retarded.
"ONLY the Sith deal in absolutes."
Battles were very nice.
Order 66? 666? Devil?
Mace Windu shouldn't have tryed to execute Palpatine, or he would have his life, but in my heart, I know Mace schooled Palpatine like a little second grade bitch.
Padme was quite oily the first half of the movie but was freaking hot when she was dead. Is necrophilia outlawed in SW?
Yoda tapped into the DS didn't he? Or was he just blocking Palpatine's force lightning? I think the first because they showed a close up of his eyes, and then Yoda ran, so that's what I thought, but some others think different.
Obi Wan slaughtered that fool Anakin, just like that punk deserved.
Chewbacca was the best part of the movie.