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Everything posted by OLD SKOOL WHEELMAN

  1. Precisely. You see, I showed you the errors that you make, through letting you find mine, so that you may learn a lesson from this forum, and from me. Glad to have this argument, for you are truly an articulate foe that has graced me, and this I must respect. And if you should ever err from this course, I beg you to remember:
  2. I thought it was his ability to live off small amounts of cheese that were fittingly caught in his beard...
  3. I suppose it's suggesting that you are part of the Amphibia society and that you are the exact specimen that high schoolers lick for your hallucinogenic quality of substance that exudes from your very small body... And if that's true, then you're getting more from high school than I ever did...
  4. How immasculating these names must be for you guys...
  5. But what would you say if you did revive a person, and they were no longer what you had known them as?
  6. Yes, I know... :"> Yes, I do...who else did I proclaim lived in his basement? BTW, I have tread through all the spam of my posts when someone had the audacity to call me demeaning to find that only 87 of my posts could have been considered inflammatory, however, now I am trying to get this number up, instead of worrying if I will hurt someone else's pride, and I have only recently come back, so I doubt the number has grown immensely... "
  7. What are you saying you roguish, gorbellied, onion-eyed, hugger-mugger? But yes, I do need to read a bit more... :">
  8. But it probably happens over here too... <_<
  9. Oops. :"> Once again haste makes me look like a fool...
  10. Souls? Nothing has a soul nowadays. It's all cheap liqour, STD's, and selfishness. P.S. That is totally awesome. out of Five.
  11. I believe I first heard this in the reader's digest, but in that version, he didn't really shoot them, he just declared that and when the police arrived, they themselves caught the burglars... And yes, Kaftan, they would probably do that...
  12. Ah, that's my favourite... I don't have any feelings for Pastaroni though... " And if you like them, there is a minute chance that you will like The Super Pineapples... They have a good amount of energy about them...but like Kodos, some of the songs I'm not as fond of, but my oh my, I love "What I Always Do"...
  13. I'll be honest. I never watched Transformers, and I never will. Because The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are better. :cool:
  14. I Voted For Kodos. My Other Girlfriend says I have to Leave you.
  15. No, he's old, but he's invincible!
  16. Math? What is this math?
  17. Tupac-Brenda's Got a Baby... I liked another song of his a whole lot, but sadly I don't believe I have it on CD anymore...
  18. You just remember, Vanilla Ice is a god born from the union of Zeus and Hera, while, Eminem is...merely nothing... Ice Cube-Today Was a Good Day
  19. I was just being a mewling, fusty whoreson of a miscreant... Will you forgive me, and maybe go out with me on a date to the movies? Maybe Episode III?
  20. Eazy-E:Boyz-n-tha-Hood(Remix)
  21. Your face is a loser, yeah, I said it...
  22. I depise the Harry Potter anyway... :angry:
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