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Everything posted by OLD SKOOL WHEELMAN

  1. in the first part of the game, you find out that the sith lords are EWOKS! So the rest of the game, you can torture them by busting their kneecaps, burning them alive, beating the living crap out of them, gouging their eyes out with red hot icepicks, decapitating them, cutting their little furry ears off, sew on four more arms so you can rip all of them off and then repeat, swing them around by their entrails, and more! SITH LORDS TO THE MAX!
  2. are you deliberatly trying to make me cry?
  3. I voted for that cantankerous ole coot of a jedi, but in a very close second came Bastila. Jolee for his character depth, and Bastila for her huge...tracts of land.
  4. 1st-jedi master 2nd-jedi weapon master 3rd-sith lord 4th-sith marauder
  5. We make war that we may live in peace. -Aristotle Who the Author of this Production is, is wholly unnecessary to the Public, as the Object for Attention is the Doctrine itself, not the Man. Yet it may not be unnecessary to say, That he is unconnected with any Party, and under no sort of Influence public or private, but the influence of reason and principle. -Thomas Payne
  6. I myself voted wookie. But i wouldn't mind a Togorian or something, and if they have another wookie, they need to give him the Rage ability. That would be awesome...
  7. I was just thinking of what races are going to be included in the Sith Lords, so hence, here is a poll to find out about others opinion on this matter. I did not include human, because we already know of three, Mira, the red head jailbait, "Atris" the fine jedi and Krea, the old jedi. I also did not include droid because we know of T3, which I think is enough. If you voted other, please tell me what you would like. P.S. If this has been done, then I'm sorry... :ph34r:
  8. and now for something completely different! *ahem* back on topic, that would be cool to have upgradeable swoop bikes, but after an immersive storyline and tweaked combat system and force powers. As for upgrading your swoop, you should also have the option to apply to MTV's "Pimp my Ride" so you can have pink velvet seats, spinners, a sweet stereo system, a fishtank in the back, and a nice paint job... :ph34r:
  9. the first time, i killed the rancor with a crapload of grenades and i got like 800xp, and then the next time, i didn't have a lot of grenades, so i did that little grenade and cologne thing and got less than 800xp, which i think was crap; but i could have gotten the figures messed up...
  10. probably...but what about force crush?
  11. I disliked the path to the darkside, or at the very least, the choices of going about it, incessantly harassing, pounding, and bullying your enemies to their submission or demise by physical means
  12. almost forgot, how's battle meditation going to work, and where will it work?
  13. hooded robes and masks would be awesome, i hope the have some good ones, like all white or all black...
  14. i heard about something called force crush...how is it going to work? is your advesary going to be suspended in the air while an invisible anaconda constricts his body or what?
  15. also gives a whole new meaning to a defeated opponent... but it would be funny if you chop off every limb of your adversary until he's forced to say,"Tis a flesh wound!" "Come on ya pansy!" and "I'll bite your legs off!"
  16. are you guys kidding me? the best game other than KotOR has to be Pod Racer! *runs away, laughing manaically*
  17. i think it might be cool, but if they're going to integrate dismemberment into the game, they should also include scars and other mutilations of the like, don't you think? but now that i really think about it, no, it shouldn't be included...
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