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Everything posted by Fredward

  1. Lol no. This is why context exists, so you can specify meaning on your own without resorting to ludicrous levels of pedantry and trying to enforce that on everyone.
  2. Is this defensive/pre-emptively aggressive attitude common among Kickstarters?
  3. Can it be your honest opinion if it's on behalf of trolling? I DON'T KNOW WHETHER TO BE OFFENDED. STOP PLAYING WITH MY EMOTIONS.
  4. Yeah, thanks that's basically what I wanted to see whether we were on the same page on. The rest of your post seems to be in the vein of: Person X: You know that one law? I find it morally objectionable. Person Y: No. Person X: But- Person Y: No. Person X: But I- Person Y: NO! YOU DON'T GET TO QUESTION IT IT'S THE LAW! AND I HAPPEN TO AGREE WITH IT THIS TIME SO NO! NO! IT'S RIGHT! IT'S RATIFIED BY PEOPLE OF AUTHORITY AND EVERYTHING! As for romance always showing up the same I'm sorry that's been your experience, romance can span the entire spectrum of human emotion so it's a shame the one kind is so ubiquitous. I could point you in the direction of some non-standard romance but I'm not sure you'd be willing to entertain it. I agree that often, especially in games, they take a relatively predictable path but that's what people like. Maybe the great writers that whipped up New Vegas could be the people to introduce something fresh? As for knowingly getting on your high horse over preference... that's not something I understand or particularly want to but it's not like I can stop you from doing it yeah? And lastly: be careful of conflating someone's stance in a discussion with what you THINK their view is. I like playing devil's advocate cuz it helps me understand others' PoV. As I stated earlier in this thread I don't care whether we have fully fledged romances all that much, I just don't want the idea entirely ignored. What I really wanted was to point out that 1) romance is not inherently bad, often badly done? Sure. Inherently lesser? Nah. And 2) to understand why people would get on their high horse over a preference/if they understood that it was preference at the end of the day. Number 2 is kind of a really broad, human nature kind of question though. Still. Insight is insight.
  5. So, again, it boils down to 'what you want is not what I want.' It takes time away from story or gameplay? Conceivably. Now what if someone else considered that sacrifice worth it? Is there any way to say whether they are objectively wrong for believing that? For having different priorities when it comes their games? By the same token you tell someone to go watch harem anime they can tell you to go play X game with no romance but a great story.gameplay. It's just preference yeah? And if it was usually argued like that I wouldn't be bothered so much but often people seem to think their preferences are objectively better and they take this high-horse, upturned nose approach to anyone who doesn't share it and that view just isn't... valid.
  6. Not necessarily a spoiler, depends on how sensitive you are to info I found on the wiki.
  7. It's not so much that I look down on them as I tend to exaggerate things, so much as I just can't fathom why they want the romance options in the first place. I've never truly had a romance story in an RPG game play out in a good way (if there's an exceptionally good one out there, let me know, I love to be proven wrong about these things), they always feel so shoehorned in and badly done that I can't imagine why anyone would want it. There are even people that say (as evidenced by this thread in fact) that having a romance option is such a big factor to them that they wouldn't buy a game without it. I'm kind of on the opposite end of that spectrum, I don't want a badly played out romance shoved in my face. After a bad experience with that kind of thing (among other bad things, of course) in Dragon Age 2, and seeing all that on display in DA3 previews I opted to skip the game entirely. To me it's like people are playing the same game as me for different reasons, and since there's only so much you can fit into any game, allocating resources for a romance plot could take away from things that would be better served with more resources, similar to your example of not wanting the time and money spent on evil path options as the expense of good options/core gameplay. Also I absolutely do snub my friends on certain games, as they do me. That's half the fun of talking game with people So basically it boils down to 'what you want is not what I want'?
  8. I've never completed a legion playthrough either and I'm a dude. You (or your character) would either have to be borderline psychopathic to be okay with it or have a ends-justify-the-means pragmatism like Longknife talked about. Honestly it seems to me that if something only becomes objectionable, or if it becomes EXTRA objectionable, just because it suddenly encompasses a group that's closer to home... that seems like a weird kind of selfishness. A sort of myopia. Only objecting when something starts infringing on your own personal bubble. Now mind you, rationally I can understand that it would be easier to inhabit the headspace of such an individual because it's really quite common but if the objection is primarily moral then I can't see it. Someone who chooses not to see a problem because he doesn't affect him directly and doesn't do anything about it isn't more moral than the person who DOES see it and still chooses to do nothing.
  9. Really? I did not know that. That's pretty boss. And they got to black widow Benny which is like the best part of the game.
  10. I noticed in someone's vid (I think it was RPS) that one of the responses you can have for why you're on the caravan thingie is that you're looking for love. Really that's enough for me. I certainly wouldn't mind some flirting or vague implications of deeper romance but I only really need to know that love/romance isn't treated as if it doesn't exist at all and I'm happy.
  11. So can anyone say how big a role the companions play in PoE? We talking NWN2 or New Vegas here?
  12. Wondering this too. And yes I know ALL the attributes will be used but I'm also pretty sure I heard somewhere that Intellect, resolve and perception would be used most often. And I also know that they're not automatic win buttons (which I really like btw) but I still want those options. Though what I'm really wondering is if there's any class that would function relatively well if I chose to focus on those three things.
  13. They're on different systems and one is an action rpg/hack-n-slash and the other one is a nostalgic golden age isometric RPG heavily focusing on dialogue. You uh... you really think there's a lot of fan crossover here? And what would stop a fan from not just buying the other one the following month? Why not both (stop the decadence train)?
  14. I would've gone with irritating. Or maybe depressing. The opposite of female is male, not default. The hilarious was tinged with bitter disillusionment. and male and female aren't necessarily opposites I've always wondered why people feel the need to mock such things. Those who simply do not care simply would not bother to comment. Resentment? Anger? The idea that if you can make something laughable it excuses you from having to consider whether there might be a point? Exasperation?
  15. Not sure why but I find the 'default' text vs the 'female' text hilarious.
  16. I like how the anti-SJWs feel the need to make themselves known before any SJW have made a peep. For what it's worth gender discrimination, in my mind, is fine if it makes sense (as much as it ever does) and is consistent within the setting. And there's a difference between it being present as a result of the world the story is set in and it being present as some kind of bias of the creator.
  17. I'm hoping this is the case. Or like a Death godlike showing up at a backwards village and suddenly being blamed for all the ills that have befallen them. it would be not too logical to me. When you name someone with different appearance as "Godlike" you would think that this people are above others not below. I think if people blame Godlikes in all their problems, they wouldn't be called "Godlikes" more something like "Cursed". As far as I know the name 'godlike' just means 'touched by the gods' but that does NOT necessarily equate reverence. Wiki. I'm not even sure gods in this setting receive quite the same level of respect they do in other settings.
  18. I'm hoping this is the case. Or like a Death godlike showing up at a backwards village and suddenly being blamed for all the ills that have befallen them.
  19. Sometimes I play games and tell my 6-8 friends what I thought about it. Review cops pls.
  20. Yeeeaaaaaaahhhhh. Don't get this at all. If swearing is used as some sort of panacea for bad writing... well it's not yeah? And even when it is the complaint would be bad writing since it'd manifest in a whole number of ways not just in the amount of times '****' crops up in the dialogue. With regards to Dragonfall specifically... Dietrich may have sworn a lot? I think? But that was totally in keeping with his character so I don't see that as a valid complaint, not if the complaint is quality of the writing. Now if the complaint is just 'I don't like swearing in my games' games that also happen to have a lot of brutal, excessive violence going on you have really weird priorities. 'Yes sir, you can kill me but I'd ask you to please not be crass about it.'
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