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Everything posted by Jad'en

  1. ShadowFaxIV the devs did that because we stumbled on the guys real name :D It has been published that Darth Nihilis is a Sith Lord <_<
  2. Won't be that hard to make the ships unmanned. Like the droids, they can be programmed to be independent in a battlefield. Like robots. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  3. He is right about the once or twice... Im getting the best scores in a Grammer school (Docter Challenors) in 6 years and ive rolled once or twice for partying purposes... Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut lets get back on topic, i would hate for this to be locked
  4. True... But a true Ex-Sith Lord like i would of persuaded Zaalbar to kill her for you B)
  5. Woah that is a sweet name for a KOTOR char.... lol Darth Infernal CHUBA LORD... Jad'en is brilliant... he should become an author <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hehe i could live with making up stupid names for the rest of my life and programming characters for them....but to hell with writing anything
  6. Are you going to pull me on 1 letter....
  7. ever heard curiosity killed the cat....well curiosity turned Jad'en into a homicidal maniac...please elaborate lol **for craftsman** WHAT is the christmas special, what is it about why is is so bad
  8. who was it that told me so strongly that Darth Nihilus wasnt the name of the masked Sith guy? I want to kick your little no-nothing ass
  9. means he wont be guided by the force...ie no blocking blaster bolts
  10. that makes you bokishi: the INFERNAL CHUBA LORD :D
  11. thanks for trying man :D
  12. too bad it was like a species apart.... **shivvers** Cross breeding mon cal's and humans :ph34r:
  13. Yeah well i was always under the immpression the way battle meditation made your enemies fight worse was bastila using mass telepathy to nag them constantly :D
  14. Watch it, if i took offense to that you could get banned from the forum
  15. I have nothing against consoles, but its idiotic 9 year olds that are hell bent on believing that my 3.2GH,P4, with the latest Nvidia graphics card and 1.2Gb worth of ram, need i go on... Ive heard too many times yes but consoles are designed for games so they must be better... grow up and learn the system specs :ph34r:
  16. eat something that comes out your a$$ and die :angry: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No need for such anger young padawan, he wasn't even talking to you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes master, but you insult 1 pc user, you insult all of us :angry: **draws lightsaber and stands in the heavy style**
  17. Not really, LA pay them to develop the game then thats about it, LA get the profits
  18. then your not paying enough attention... From watching the diary and the new screenshots i can clearly see new animations and definatly 1 additional stance
  19. OMG i believe that we are force sensitive... These headines sound too believeable to be made up
  20. and for my next thread: OMG OMG OMG, this is such a waste of time <_<
  21. Don't say that too loud. I can just see the headlines now....Microsoft Introduces Windows Based House Cleaning Assistant, or something like that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And i can see the next day's headline: Windows Based House Cleaning Assistant, sucks, and not in the intended way <_<
  22. dunno, probably whoever accept bill gates offer to release the pc version later o i so hate that corporate git... the day that microsoft make something that DOESNT suck is the day they start making vacuum cleanrs <_<
  23. Anakin rocks in lightsaber combat and force talent... nuff said
  24. omg i fully respect you and revel in the idea that you have given me :D **** you gates and certainly screw you LA for doing this, its time for a riot! **fires up bit torrent and kazaa lite** Download KotOR 2 i so hate doing this but from the amount they paid you off im sure you deserve every loss you make (first flame i have ever done and only thing i have got annoyed at since ever on forums!)
  25. eat something that comes out your a$$ and die :angry:
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