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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Brothers In Arms: Road to Hill 30. World War 2 shooter, a true story. If you think Call of Duty was good, wait till you play this. If you've ever played Full Spectrum Warrior, picture that game set in WWII, and you have a gun. You play Matt Baker, "I never wanted to be squad leader." You will hear that line a dozen times throughout the game. It's all based on a true story. After the mis-drops on the D-Day invasion, your entire squad get's split up. You regroup entirely by about the 4th chapter. By this time, you have a 4 man assalt team, and a 4 man fire team. The controls are pretty simple, given all the things you have to do. Your squad reacts to your actions, and won't be to happy with you when you send them in the path of an MG42. This game is highly over looked, even though the reviews for it have been great. GameSpot.com gave it a..9.2 I think, somewhere in the 9's. Great story, great charecters, hours of fun. And it's all true. I'm a WWII fantic..and not just videogames. I watch all the History Channel stuff too :D . If your looking for a good shooter, this is it. And by the way, the game is very, very realistic. When you here the sounds of an MG42 (the heavy machine gun of the era) you get scared. You can get taken out by one in a matter of seconds. Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't by the game, but if you have "temper" issues, you may wanna rent this one. The game is hard, no doubt about it. It's super realistic, and anyone who likes these kinds of game should buy one. Great graphics. Great story. Great charecters. Great chapters. Great ending. Great Game.
  2. Try playing through with a long sword. Don't upgrade it at all. I tried this.
  3. I've heard that this can mess your game up quite a bit though. I'm not positive, so just watch out for anything that seems...odd.
  4. It always seemed to me that Taris survived the attack. I mean think about it, look at Malachor. It basically imploded and it's still intact. I'd like to return to the "Ruins of Taris" in K3. Mabye we find Juhani there?
  5. K1-Both K2-Both I liked HK for his dialog, but I loved blowing through groups of enemys with that mini tank T3. Tank3-M4...
  6. I've started to read the EU novels and have just finished the book where Chewie gets killed off. My question is, how does the author of the book (Michael Stackpole) get the permission from George Lucas to do these sorts of things? I mean, I know it's that EU is not considered 'canon' or anything, but still, Lucas's charecter. My other question is, if someone else were to write a book, after the death of Chewie, are they allowed to include them in the story? This is why I think George should write a book or something to clear up exactly what happen to the Galaxy after ROTJ.
  7. I don't really use any of the 'cheat' stuff, so the highest my level has ever been is like 24-26.
  8. Clones have cooler weapons "
  9. I voted for T3. Personally, I take him in my party a lot. He's quite handy with all his skills, and if you upgrade him with the best weapons you can find, he's much better then Atton, Disciple, or Bao as a ranged fighter.
  10. He was usless. Even if you turned him into a Jedi, you still couldn't do much with him. He wasn't that great of a fighter, and he died to quickly. Most of the time he's back on the ship with that Remote. I useally take Visas and Disciple...
  11. The devs. couldn't work out the robes and arm effects or something.
  12. I'm still on my second planet.
  13. If you a 'cheater' then yes. But the X-Box version doesn't have half the bugs that the PC version has. I have the X-box version personally, and I've never ran into any glitch, besided the Galaxy Droid in K1.
  14. Mod your X-box.
  15. I've gotton 3 wookies, but that's about it. Hm, you can't take them all out with you can you? :ph34r:
  16. What's with all the extra "i"?
  17. Well why are there short lightsabers in K1 and K2 but never seen in the OT?
  18. Halo1- Very good game. Halo2- Overrated
  19. Yeah, headphones work.
  20. If none of the ideas above work, I have no clue what to tell you. This has never been much of a problem for me...When you say "high" levels, just what level are you at?
  21. Yeah, uncivilized.
  22. Yaddle+Vandar+Yoda vs. Darth Maul+Sion
  23. Try going back to the Ebon Hawk and see if you can get in. I missed the whole 'codes' thing on my first playthough.
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