1. The Force Bond was never lethel. As for the Exile's hand, I always thought that Traya did that simple because she wanted the Exile to think it was lethel.
2. Everyone to safty? This is probably more cut content, considering Mira was still on the surface.
3. More cut content. HK was supposed to come in and bitch up some HK-50s, and GO-T0.
4. Ah, more cut content.
5. "There must always be a Darth Traya." I have always thought that this line, stated by Kriea, inferred that there were Darth Traya's before her. Darth Traya is a title, hence the Trayus Acadamy. 5,000 years before KotOR there could have been a Darth Traya who founded the Acadamy.