I will not even begin to explain how badly the Ps2 is. Wait, yes I will.
>Bad graphics. The only good looking game out for the Ps2 is Resident Evil 4, and the GameCube version looks better.
>No 'groundbreaking' games. Sony doesn't have any games that are exclusive to the Ps2 and are amazing. The X-Box has the Halo franchise, GameCube has Mario. Besides Shadow Of Collosus, which isn't even that great, the Ps2 has nothing.
>Load times are horrible. This one speaks for itself. If you have ever played a game like Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube, it's load times are very short. Then you switch over to the Ps2 and you feel like your waiting an hour to play.
>Controllers are uncomfortable. This one might just be me, as I have big hands. But either way, 4 shoulder buttons is two too many.
I own both an X-Box and a Ps2, so I have played both, but Ps2 was a complete waste of money.