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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. GASP! Her nose is the size of a very big squirrel.
  2. I had like 6 of Carth's blasters at one point.
  3. My thoughts exactly. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seconded.
  4. Jimmy Eat World- 'A Praise Chorus'
  5. A Create-Your-Own-Armour feature would be nice.
  6. Your Score Summary Overall, you scored as follows: 95% scored higher (more nerdy), and 5% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Definitely not nerdy, you are probably cool.
  7. Yes. It all depends on level. Sparring with her is determined by what level you are on, and when you are the correct level, and spar for the third time, she becomse a Jedi, this can happen at any point in the game as long as your at the correct level.
  8. If you side with the female Rodian merchant on Narshadda, and keep going back to her after you finish other planets (and thus open trade routes to them for her), there will be a silver crystal for sale on her. After Dantooine, I think. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, that's the only non random way to get it. Unless there's one on Korriban...
  9. Hm, paying monthly to watch some grass grow sounds extreamly entertaining.
  10. Atleast it's still double digits "
  11. ...How young are you?
  12. Well, I'm a sucker for World War II. I've recently bought Brothers in Arms: Earned In Blood, and am close to finishing it. I just purchased Call of Duty 2 online, so to anyone who has it or has played it...Is it any good?
  13. The Bravery: 'No Brakes'
  14. For the 'flashback' or recording of you at your trial. And when she shows you that she has it...
  15. Nope, sorry. In order to get a lightsaber, you have to gather the correct parts and build one. Welcome to the forums!
  16. We're talking about playing for hours on end, not total game time. Like if you sit down and play for 14 hours.
  17. I've never had Force Storm, in either game. I've never played through DS in either game.
  18. So is everything else. "
  19. If I really ever do need one though, I find a free one on the internet.
  20. I've never bought a game guide, for any game.
  21. Yeah, I've found myself saying stuff like that a few times. Most of the time I just force myself off of the couch and shut it off.
  22. C'mon, finish the game! Then you can say you finished it in one sitting.
  23. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LS Revan is canon.
  24. Unless you have a very uneventful life, lack of friends, and other social incapablities, I highly doubt that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ahahahha! not straight but over like a 5 day period? like 6 hrs a day and ya I got friends <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That explains it then. I think when whoever started the thread asked the question, they meant sitting in a chair and playing for how ever many hours, only for bathroom breaks and eating. Sorry if I seemed harsh, I've got a lot on my mind.
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