p-p-p-p-p-power trip
let us have an argument bro, it's been the same 6 people posting in this thread for the last 5 years. my teenage virgin ears are the only ones young enough to be offended by anything, and I'm fine with it. arguing is what the internet is for.
i've gone from not caring about this series in the slightest to being pretty excited for tonight. I guess game 7s will make any series interesting. I'm not so much rooting for either team, but I think there will be ups and downs to either side winning. i.e., I would love to see Luongo fail out again and Rechi (sp?) get a cup in his last game, but i'm also kinda pulling for the sedins and all-american ryan kesler.
hopefully it'll be a good game regardless of who wins...if the bruins go foranother 6 goals i'm gonna be upset.