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Everything posted by kurtalb1

  1. Didn't know that! I thought all "unique" cards (only one copy of each) were limited to one per party. I don't know that I like being able to have two (or more) of him in the party at the same time. Thanks for the information!
  2. I have two characters with Poog in their decks in the same Quest Mode party. Shouldn't I have to drop one copy of Poog before the scenario starts? Both of them went through the entire scenario with Poog. iPad4, version
  3. After the update, I had a Shelyn issue as well. I tried to play two of them on a Wisdom check, but it would only accept one (two additional die instead of four). Checked the drop-down and Wisdom was selected, but it refused to take both Shelyn blessings. Unfortunately, can't remember specifics. Did you try to play both BoS with the same character? Because that is forbidden and would be working as intended. Different characters tried to use BofS.
  4. After the update, I had a Shelyn issue as well. I tried to play two of them on a Wisdom check, but it would only accept one (two additional die instead of four). Checked the drop-down and Wisdom was selected, but it refused to take both Shelyn blessings. Unfortunately, can't remember specifics.
  5. You should still get end of scenario/adventure rewards while playing offline.
  6. You need to supply more information about your situation. A screenshot would help, too.
  7. It looks like you just got some really bad luck on your rolls for those checks. Unfortunately, it happens. Try not to get discouraged and at least acquire cards that will be improvements for your characters.
  8. You need some form of damage prevention/reduction. Nualia does d4 damage, so it's not always four damage. Get your characters armor, amulet of life (item), mirror image (spell), etc. to absorb that initial damage.
  9. Exiting to the main menu and then "Continue" the game works to reset some things as well. Certainly not all of the time, but quite frequently. That's interesting - especially as "Continue" is Story Mode functionality. "Continue" continues whatever game is in progress. Story Mode may take priority, but if you don't have one in progress, it will continue a Quest Mode scenario.
  10. Enchanter is a pain, but I'm not thrilled with the Siren (having to discard allies later in a scenario can be a big problem).
  11. "Programmers George Wang and Kevin Smith are making them a reality and building them in such a way that I get to use them in Quest Mode for my own devilish plans in the future." I like where this is going. Would love to see Quest Mode fleshed out much more!
  12. Exiting to the main menu and then "Continue" the game works to reset some things as well. Certainly not all of the time, but quite frequently.
  13. Wow, never would have considered this build for Ezren. May have to try it some time. Just an FYI ... 269Hawkmoon is THE "go-to" person (or at least one of them) on the BGG forums for information on this game. It's nice to have him/her here!
  14. Personally, I try to permanently close two locations as fast as I can. With two locations closed, you can spread out your party to cover the remaining locations and be able to temporarily close if you need to (encountering the villain). Losing scenarios early on is not uncommon, so try not to get too discouraged. If defeating the scenario starts to look hopeless, I definitely focus on acquiring boons that will benefit my characters in the long run; therefore improving their decks.
  15. I thought some may find this information useful. Take a look at the "Pathfinder Advinture Card Game Strategy #1" post on Paizo's blog: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog
  16. All my content transferred with no problem (iPad to iPhone).
  17. I'm curious to know the ratio of people who bought the bundle, those that haven't paid a dime and those who have paid in bits and pieces (daily gold, new characters, etc.) It kind of seems to be an "all or nothing" vibe on here.
  18. This has happened to me as well. I can't remember if it was a horde or if was a summoned ancient skeleton henchman from a scenario effect.
  19. Spend your gold on chests. Characters and adventure packs should be purchased with money. Yes, you could grind gold, save up, and get all of the content in the game without spending any real money. But the game developers don't work for free, and create games like this just to see how many people can get as much content for free as they can. If you like the game, buy something and send some money to Obsidian to support their work. You aren't FORCED to spend any real money. But do it anyway, because it's the right thing to do. ---------------------------------------------------------- Edit: I'd advise you to quit this game, and forget it ever existed. Believe me, I **LOVED** this game before the latest patch. But it's clear that the game developers simply do not prioritize fixing bugs, or delivering promised content. Instead, they release garbage like a new UI that nobody asked for, and cosmetic garbage like dice skins. I've accepted that this isn't a story of a rag-tag team of indie developers just trying to find their stride before they really start delivering content & bugfixes. I've accepted that shoddy bug-laden releases and M.I.A. content are what we can expect in the future, because that's exactly what they've given us in the past. I'm done with this game. I'd invite you to do the same. Because it's not going to get better. Spend your money towards F2P developers that don't deliver absolute dog**** when it comes to buggy releases, missing content (AD4? Is it July yet?); and instead spend their development time on useless features that NOBODY asks for like dice skins and an obviously untested & unpolished magnified smartphone UI. I "like" the original post, not the edited one (for what it's worth).
  20. I thought Quest Mode characters were stored locally on the device, but when I installed the game on my iPhone 5, the experienced characters from my iPad 4 were all there (more or less. some progress was lost with a couple characters). I will have to check on my iPad when I get home from work and check the progress loss. I remember that happening to me with a previous update. The bigger issue is that one of my three Story Mode parties is missing. Again, I will have to check my iPad when I get home and see if it is affected as well. Anybody else seeing this?
  21. Played late Sunday morning and characters gained feats and cards as they should have after a victorious scenario.
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