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Everything posted by kurtalb1

  1. This seems to be the same or a similar problem to this post: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88632-quest-mode-card-feat-loss/
  2. I randomly determine party size and then composition before each Quest Mode scenario (I'm using a set pool of six characters for now). I really enjoy how this mixes up team members and party size. It allows for different play strategies. I guess if the game randomized these elements itself, I would be for it.
  3. The problem appears to be the awarding of experience when FAILING the scenario. This did not happen in Quest Mode before the recent update.
  4. After the latest update, I failed a five character scenario but still received experience (never happened after losing a scenario before). Two characters reached level 20 and the screen showed the reward "Card Feat". When I continued, it skipped the card feat selection screen and went directly to the card redistribution screen. The two characters have lost the opportunity for their card feats.
  5. After the most recent update, I had an issue with the game reverting my Quest Mode characters to a previous save point. Valeros had died in the last scenario I had played, but when I did the update, then went back to Quest Mode, Val was alive with all of his deck restored. I wonder if others have had this problem.
  6. In Story Mode it was before the patch, but in Quest Mode I really can't remember.
  7. I feel the same way, haha. I am also curious about the "Daily Challenges". I'm generally not one for the "Daily" stuff, but since I actually do play this game at least once a day, I'm wondering how this will work.
  8. Or a Ghost (I hate Ghosts!). I don't know that Shadow and Ghost are the only "requires magic", but they are probably the only two that you meet early on. The Specter, too.
  9. Last night Valeros died with Permadeath on in Quest Mode (damn Siren). Failed the scenario and on the post scenario screen I was able to redistribute dead Valeros' gear. He was marked as "dead" on the experienced characters list in Quest Mode. I updated the game this morning and when I went in to Quest Mode, Valeros wasn't dead anymore and had all his gear back! It appeared to have reverted to the save just before the scenario he died in. Although it's ok to have Val back, I'm wondering why this occurred. iPad 4, iOS 8.4.1, six character party in Quest Mode.
  10. It worked for me this morning. It didn't last night. The icon is there now.
  11. Looking forward to all of it!
  12. I definitely don't mind having multiple copies of generic cards in my characters decks, but I just don't want multiple copies of "unique" or "one-of-a-kind cards" (seems like cheating). I'll just have to go out of my way to fail to acquire those specific cards. Not a big deal. Thanks for all of the replies!
  13. It is a discard to change form, so it's not as bad. You can also give her ranged weapons to use her Dexterity of D6 or D10 (if in beast form). Can she use weapons while in Beast Form? I haven't ever tried that with her.
  14. I definitely have changed up parties as I randomly determine party size before each scenario in Quest Mode.
  15. Hmm ... was not aware of that and never noticed it before. I will have to keep an eye on that.
  16. My party of six in Quest Mode already has the unique allies Poog and Ilsoari in their decks, but each of them have been encountered again in scenarios. Is this supposed to happen? I thought that unique allies only had one copy of each in the vault.
  17. I'm with you 100%! As usual, complaints (justified or not) tend to always outweigh positive feedback. I'm certainly not saying the game is bug free, but it definitely is not unplayable! In my most recent Quest Mode play through, I've had one forced forfeit due to game bug in at least 50 scenarios played. Every computer/console game I have ever played has had bugs in varying degrees. I'm willing to have patience with this one. I just hope the negativity doesn't cause the developers to become frustrated to the point of not developing the game to its fullest (not to mention deterring people from trying the game in the first place). I believe this game could be awesome!
  18. I have played the game for well over 100 hours and am still enjoying it in Quest Mode (have maxed out three parties on Story Mode). I always play on Legendary and NEVER forfeit a game due to Scenario and Wild Card settings. I've selected six characters to play and randomly determine how many will be included in each scenario and then choose the party combinations. I have also created a simple spreadsheet to keep statistics on my group (Wins/Losses vs. specific Villain, Wins/Losses with different party size, etc.).
  19. Doesn't sound right, unless you were really at the Clock Tower (banish an ally to close location).
  20. I have to admit that the people complaining about problems with the game on their phone really bother me. It has been stated numerous times that phones are not optimized and/or supported! It has also been stated that there will be optimization for phones in the future. I wish Obsidian had not made the app available to Android phones. You know there are more Android smartphones in the world than ios', right? That doesn't change the fact that the game is neither endorsed or supported for phones!
  21. I have to admit that the people complaining about problems with the game on their phone really bother me. It has been stated numerous times that phones are not optimized and/or supported! It has also been stated that there will be optimization for phones in the future. I wish Obsidian had not made the app available to Android phones.
  22. Are all of you using Android devices? This issue has never entered my mind using an Ipad4. Maybe put this in the Tech Support section?
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