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Everything posted by ISC

  1. I dont think any order-specific talent is very useful though.
  2. Good point! It might actually be worth rerolling.
  3. What? You must be suffering from some kind of bug (Losing the defence bonus?). Paladins are awesome tanks. I've tried two very similar tanks the first few levels and I wouldnt go back to to the fighter for pure tanking. Why? Well, because the fighter just stands around there taking damage while the paladin adds a very nice aura and has the ability to self-heal. Sure, the fighter can take knockdown which can be very good, but not on a pure fighter (at least not on PotD), because with a large shield and possibly other negatives the fighters lousy accuracy will cause him/her to miss or graze very often and the low intelligence will cut its duration in half anyway. As for your other comments, I wouldn't go godlike at all, Orlans are the way to go for tanks imo, they both have a useful racial and perfect stats for tanking (why would you want +1dex and +1int?). The improved bonuses from behavior works as intended as well, but it increases not from every single behavior but when your reputation increases. Check your char screen. Every point in your approved behaviors will give you more defence stats. EDIT: The only reason I even considered the fighter is that their engagement-limit modal can lock some opponents in place, which is actually useful now when the AI considers changing targets now and then. However, this does now happen very often, and when you block a doorway or something it doesn't matter.
  4. But what about the player character? Or are you saying that the PC is not affected by this bug and I just have awesome defensive stats?
  5. No, it wont fix the problem. It does clear some duplicated stuff (explicit abilities), but not modifiers to attributes, skills, DR, defences, accuracy or endurance. All those hidden modifiers get duplicated in the same way, but is not cleared by ChangeClass.
  6. It's not (only?) about double clicking equipment (I never do). But yeah, its prob the same thing. Abilities duplicate for whatever reason.
  7. I dont know if we have any praise threads among all the panic over bugs and rage over disappointed expectations, but I have to say that I do love what Obsidian has done with PoE this far. Yes, the IE mod significantly improves the experience. Yes, there are a lot of small balance issues, the combat system has some wonky aspects and there are a few things I disagree with the devs decisions on. Yes, this is the first time ever I have had to stop playing a game due to bugs (or one specifically - the duplicates). But really, the game behind those surface flaws is beyond my expectations in just about all categories. One thing is writing, environments, art and music, which most people probably agree is about as good as it gets in a game - and full of dat IE feel. But I actually enjoy really gameplay mechanics, combat and character-building, at least as much as I did in the IE game. It works, it more than works (I never thought it would be very meaningful to swap between ranged and melee weapons for example, just a simple thing like that, which is just about never meaningful in any game). PotD is as far as I've come quite challenging but rewarding. All in all a very excellent game thus far. Now, just make it playable...
  8. I have characters with lots of extra endurance, accuracy, defence stats, some attributes and a few double abilities (confident aims, blinding strikes, constant recoveries). No wonder the game was getting easier. I really wanted to push on, and tried to salvage what I could using the console for a while, but its really out of hand now. I usually don't care about bugs but this is unsolvable and screws up the whole balance, so I'll just have to.. wait
  9. Same here, but that's different from the other duplicating abilities and stats because there seems to be no equipment that causes -2 DR? Maybe this should be submitted as a separate issue, but there seems to be some kind of DR-related ability behind the scenes with Pallegina.
  10. I think Bester will include a RemoveAbility command in the IE mod soon, so you should be able to remove some duplicates. However, it seems to not only be the explicit abilities that are affected. For example, I have duplicated stat bonuses from equipment, and endurance bonuses which I cant seem to get rid of. I also seem to have -2 DR on the Paladin permanently...
  11. So there is no remove ability command as of yet? How do you guys deal with duplicated abilities, just reload an old save?
  12. Some (other? dont think I use double click to equip) duplication issues can also be resolved by resetting the character by using the console to change class to the same one. This works with the player characters as well as the companions, however, you must keep track of abilities and sometimes remove or add some it appears (and remove is.. wonky).
  13. Hey Eronaile, Ill try to help you, because I think this game requires you to learn quite a bit about both the system and the game world (which is a good thing if you like old school rpgs, but takes time). That said, I have only played in PotD and I have not gotten much further than to the stronghold in my two games (because I chose to reroll when I knew the system a bit better), so everything I think of may not apply to normal. You should! Well, slow is a matter of preference, either you spam pause without slow or you keep slow on and pause once/second or so. I'm not a quick thinker so I like combat slow myself. There are two things in your post that I think hints at solutions to your situation: Here's the first, and maybe not most important but worth considering. You say you have a level 4 party, but you seem to have gotten very far for being level 4. My first party was around level 4 (main level 5, some 4s and some 3s) around when I completed what I think was the last quest on the west side and just got the stronghold (and that was a full hireling party, with the level penalty that comes with hiring adventurers!). Now, there might be two solutions. Either you're missing earlier content, although you say you do the side quests so I dont think thats a huge problem (although, make sure you try to do side quests before main quests). What may be an issue however is if you got your companions quite early on and/or a big party early. Big party isnt a large problem itself as the exp system is kind of scaling, but you should know that companion levels adjust to your own level at the moment you enlist them. So if you pick up a level 2 companion (or hire a level 1 adventurer) when you're level 2, instead of waiting to level 3, you will lose out on a significant amount of exp (what is it, 2 or 3000 between 2 and 3?). So you should always way until you really need a new companion, and try to get that extra level before you hire someone. For example, in my second game I went with the pre-made companions, but did the non-combat quests in gilded vale myself so that I hit level 3 before getting Eder and Aloth, and I will try to avoid getting anyone else before level 4. Although, this is on PotD so I have to be really careful about that stuff. Oh, you can see enemy levels in the beastiery [spelling?] (in your journal) if you have killed enough of them! Check that and you'll get an idea of how you're doing. Now there's your problem. I think. Of course it combines with the level-issue, but your inability to take down enemies while standing around healing yourself implies a lack of damage (and/or cc). Looking at your party set-up, I think thats the case. You have what.. a fighter, monk, ranger, chanter, priest? + some other caster/supporter. From what I see there, only the ranger can be considered somewhat of a damage dealer. And maybe the monk as well, but neither are very good at it. You may have a wizard or druid, and since you're on normal you might be able to afford that since you can rest once in a while. But if you dont have a rogue or a cipher in a six man party, or both, or preferably more than one of each, you are in serious trouble. Rogue's deal single target damage like there's no tomorrow, and ciphers crowd control and single target damage is awesome. Without dedicated damage dealers like that it will be difficult to scratch durable enemies due to how the combat system works with defence and damage reduction (e.g. stacking high damage works while average damage gets mitigated). EDIT: Actually, this must be an issue if you cant take down at least one enemy before going down. Opening with focused fire, or even a single rogue with a heavy ranged weapon+ability sometimes, should get you a kill within the first second of combat. A single rogue with a heavy ranged weapon and backstab is almost guaranteed to kill an average opponent! You can also open with any ranged weapon followed immediately by a heavy CC, such as the ciphers mind.. mind.. oh whats it called, paralyze+AOE stuck. This should buy you like 4-12 seconds of falling back to a doorway, focusing down the paralyzed target, or even getting back to 15 focus and casting another paralyze with the same cipher before the enemies can reach you. Puh, I usually dont write long posts like this, but when I do... Hope it helps you!
  14. Where is it? where is it? someone call valve now, this is outrageous!
  15. Half an hour? I expect at least two hours, the last half hour being naming only
  16. No! The question is - should I play on path of the damned or hard the first time?
  17. Work? Oh, right, I was supposed to be doing research or preparing that presentation.. But I have more important things to do, like checking my watch every 2 minutes.
  18. Is the speed of phrase accumulation affected by dexterity or any other factor, or is it a set timer?
  19. Uhm, are you saying that intelligence are not a personality trait? You are not confusing personality with taste now? I believe that both intelligence and preferences can be part of what we normally describe as personality.
  20. Its not fully that simple though, due to DT. Say that the enemy has 10 DT, then you're down to 13,7 vs 29,9, which is quite a significant difference of more than twice as much damage.
  21. Well it is release worthy right now so I would say pretty good. I agree Also, remember that the BB is a few days old.
  22. That's a VERY nice compromise between minimalism and a beautiful solid UI, and the composition is a very nice improvement on the original.
  23. Did the bounties they showed at PAX go under quests or tasks? Bounty hunting sounds like a suitable candidate for tasks.
  24. Be sure to check their DT values for their resistances and weaknesses. They sometimes vary quite a lot.
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