This is actually a pretty good idea. I'd skip the whole force-disengage for everyone, and the disengagement attack, however. I think that adds unnecessary complexity, concepts and artificial mechanisms. I mean, if you have absolutely no talent, class or otherwise, for disengaging a swordsman, you will not be able to escape him easily. And by not having a disengagement attack the swordsman would not get two free (artificial) attacks in the middle of a normal attack when two targets try to move away from him. Instead he would have to chose if he would like to pursuit target A or B for "free" hits, or pursuit A while B is still hitting him etc.
Its kind of imperfect, but its a simple way to give fighters some control of the battlefield, to be able to block corridors, scare squishy rogues from coming to close etc, while maintaining the usefulness of disengage talents.