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Everything posted by Calax

  1. but but... dangit... I wanted to see *smash thwack* stuff! Not "OMG I broke a Nail! AGAIN! (but wait... i'm indestructible..)"
  2. tie fighter collectors cd rom?
  3. the reason they do DC is because DC is a Division of Time warner as is CW and WB... Marvel is harder because they don't have another media attached to their parent (I think)
  4. Literally... gamestop is so worried about the workers unionizing that they won't let employee's have friendships with coworkers outside of the store AND they can't post that they are part of the chain... they have a super secret internet forum too...
  5. Calax


    Bwa!? this didn't even have Dev tags but it's got a dev STARTING IT!
  6. it's kinda funny... it seems more like she's trying to talk around him rather than with him.
  7. who needs to be a tank when you crush the other guy to the point where he can't do anything?
  8. hasn't been anything in a while...
  9. well it's pretty hard to completely LEVEL a city like taris. When malak bombarded it all he really did was wipe out the top 1000 levels... it'd have taken WAY too long to knock all the way down to the surface where the Outcasts made their homes. Besides we ultimatly don't know that much about the aussalt. All we know is that it became invalid as a space port.
  10. against aussalt shuttles theres no reason... they carry troops and you just blow them up. the reason for ions is to knock out shields and let your cap ships do hardpoint damage off the bat. ( usually ignore it and let my bombers hit the generators first)
  11. max conviction seems to be the skills of choice for Mad Ppls.
  12. poor orkies... ran right into my fire zone.
  13. theres a difference... I feel my vote doesn't count because it TRULY DOESN'T! only a few votes count in this ENTIRE STATE and that's the people chosen to do the electoral garbage.. that's my beef.
  14. Reason I don't vote: It wouldn't do anything. really it's that simple. Because of electoral college all I've got to do is park my butt in a "blue" district and all of a sudden it doesn't matter what I vote Its blue... of course that really doesn't matter anyway as in the college it's all or nothing where as with representative (which will never happen because the way we have it now makes the smaller states have hypothetically more power) I'd probably vote.
  15. Identity Crisis...was that the Dr. Light bit? Haven't actively read anything in a couple of years. I read about the return of Kara. That, Batwoman, Superman's origin being changed again, and numerous other things are all bullcrap that should not exist anymore. DC is undoing the entire Crisis, and doing it poorly, House of M-style. All it will really do is discourage new readers from learning about the DCU, which was the state of the DCU before "Crisis on Infinite Earths". It really ticks me off (for the record, I was against "The Kingdom"; "Kingdom Come" should have just stayed a prestige-format Elseworlds tale). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Undoing COIE was kinda the reason for IC... I think... I don't read the issues I do trades. But if you think about it they had already undone COIE kinda with the whole hypertime concept. (which was what The Kingdom was about) But right now they are slowly (oh so slowly) sorting out the remains after IC... superboy Dead. Omac's gone, Batman pissed at himself.and Superman is depowered.
  16. one thing that bothers me about MGS... you can take out the terror of the world that cost millions to produce arm and armor... with a max of 1 mil ordanance... (friggin stingers)
  17. my point was that rather being as sensitive about things as the majority we have to be that way to the minority (snow white cannot prick her finger in certian im systems because prick is censored out for being "sexual innuendo") also it's not the majority that gets courted for votes... it's the VOCAL minority because the vocal minority will cause sympathy with the dumb idiots. :meh: it's not my country as I've never signed up to vote so...
  18. I say we start as the local village idiot on Taris with the outcasts in the promised land. that way you actually SHOULD be a country hick who knows nothing about the galaxy rather than just a person who suffers serious amnesia...
  19. Leia actually did pretty good... one kid went darkside... one died... one.... yeah.... I'll stop now... Nomi ftw
  20. well... I'll be back on pinnacle when I7 finially comes out... I let my acct drop because I got bored... Eldar might still be there.
  21. I thought Boomerang would never walk again after what Walter "Dark Flash" West did to him? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nope he's still around... well... he got killed at the same time as robins dad... then his son became capt. boomerang... but with superspeed <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What? Geez, DC needs to have a real Crisis, not this faux Infinite Crisis crap. That kind of stuff is almost as bad as the X-Men (616 variety). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that was in identity crisis... not infinite that they had the new cap boomer and Meta... it's not supers it's metas... as in metahuman. Oh and theres a supergirl that is actually Kal El's Cousin. Powergirl actually has a reason for not having an origin and her fluxuating powers... and I'm a tad angry at JLU because they turned hawkman into a panzy... ("this is hawkman, anything below third degree makes him giggle" in the comics)
  22. its dawn of war... I'll find a better army shot...
  23. Everyone loved man meat except the guy who became huge and turned green... interesting.
  24. well around here they have the Gold edition for about 10 US more...
  25. which is better? that or what we have now (tyrrany of the minority)?
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