Identity Crisis...was that the Dr. Light bit? Haven't actively read anything in a couple of years.
I read about the return of Kara. That, Batwoman, Superman's origin being changed again, and numerous other things are all bullcrap that should not exist anymore. DC is undoing the entire Crisis, and doing it poorly, House of M-style. All it will really do is discourage new readers from learning about the DCU, which was the state of the DCU before "Crisis on Infinite Earths". It really ticks me off (for the record, I was against "The Kingdom"; "Kingdom Come" should have just stayed a prestige-format Elseworlds tale).
Undoing COIE was kinda the reason for IC... I think... I don't read the issues I do trades. But if you think about it they had already undone COIE kinda with the whole hypertime concept. (which was what The Kingdom was about)
But right now they are slowly (oh so slowly) sorting out the remains after IC... superboy Dead. Omac's gone, Batman pissed at himself.and Superman is depowered.