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Everything posted by Calax

  1. snagging the patch for B&W 2... first time i've seen this in a readme:
  2. Quick! THE BAT FAX!
  3. well... working vending machines would be Deus Ex.
  4. Calax


    well new avengers is good (if you like bindis' writing anyway) and for dc... I think Bat's is still good as is Lantern (with hal jordan btw) Kyle has his own comic in ion. Not sure what's up with the league because before crisis they kinda broke up. JSA is always wonderful and titans is MUCH darker... (what do you expect when one of em is dead because of infinite crisis...)
  5. mass shadow generator created a titanic gravitational field around the planet malachor amplifying it's own gravity till it hat the pull of a small star. that caused the planet to condence and suck in everything it could. when you flick it off it all simply drifts apart as there is really nothing holding it together.
  6. donno if it's been said but regenerating health Halo. the RTS ageish system of tech (before you can do anything with THIS stuffm you must purchase THAT upgrade) Age of Empires 1
  7. carth wasn't an admiral... he was a simple pilot.
  8. what's ulter? Edit: whos to say that the crystal isn't embedded in his colon?
  9. So people know... the war with exar Kun was the Sith war... on a side note... the Sith War was where there was a prophesy about two children born to walk the sky was created.
  10. once you toss a few heros in there they go down to X3 or X4 or whatever...
  11. ok... that's interesting... Rise of legends has JAFFA! or rather analogues.
  12. but then again it wasn't really a academy was it... more of a holding pen.
  13. the only crystals that were in lightsabers origionally were the focusing lense... THAT"S IT. and because of the way the light was focused and through which crystal the color changes. so the whole kiburr thing goes OUT THE WINDOW smart alec...
  14. Pretty ignorant statement all around... <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> QFT Just going to point out that somtimes kids art has a storyline for adults and visa versa.. Also the 360 is probably the gameing machine of choice in america for those males between the ages of 16 and 25 byond 25 people are computer geeks and below that they usually have a ds.
  15. Calax


    I went direct to DC comics site and they had a linky for mail order... (you can also get wildstorm from them...) Marvel might have somthing the same. Edit: Yup... subscriptions.marvel.com (I think the server is down right now.)
  16. mmmm superstardestroyers in the expansion :drool:
  17. Calax


    ok... I admit... I just tossed 119 out the window and bought 5 series for a year online... Supergirl Legion Green Lantern Green Lantern Corps Teen Titans... now I wait six to 8 for the first issue.
  18. Calax


    I did the borders thing yesterday and they didn't do squat... EB isn't carrying used games becasue they got bought by Gamestop.
  19. Calax

    X3... Xmen

    The ending is pure gold. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you should see his house of M parodies... He actually has a line of Wolvie in true canadian say "Eh... well yoo know between the Xmen teams and my own comic book series a guys got to live a little eh?" about the new avengers.
  20. Personally I'd love that shift... and do you get 2 hrs overtime?
  21. Calax


    try the GLA... or Great Lakes Avengers... one of em has the FANTASTIC power that he's incapable of dying (he found out when he tried to suicide.) Oer... you know any mail order comic places?
  22. argue all you want... this guy can eat anyone else for breakfast... plus he's got a handy dandy little amulet that multiplies his rage giving him even MORE power.
  23. Rise of Legends... among other things... (WHOOO HOOOO! STEAMPUNKY GOODNESS!)
  24. A) Malachor is spelled wrong in your post... B) Palpitine didn't live for 4000 years... only Kun can make that claim and he was in spirit form. C)Revan was a child compared to the amount of power wielded by the hyperspace war and Sith war era Lords.
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