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Everything posted by Calax

  1. meh... I did some fun stuff in mannassas.. the second one is just the first one from a higher view... hence the names.
  2. I'm one step ahead... (thank jesus for boyscouting...)
  3. Calax

    X3... Xmen

    nope he's alive and well... it's just he's ticked off becasue as time goes on he turns more and more into a beast... He's questioning weather or not his mind will start to go. but I'm not entirly sure about what will happen after "No MORE MUTANTS!" (wanda maximoff... better known as the scarlet which who's powers WARP REALITY! and she went nuttier than a squirl.)
  4. Stop messing around with the booth girls!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Booth BABES... Everything has Booth Babes now... even engineering conventions...,
  5. GASPOD! the ENDER!
  6. Calax


    meh... he didn't get laid...
  7. no buts the legs look almost the EXACT SAME ingame...
  8. Simple... ray was a marine produced Metal Gear. The initial version (marine built) would have been made according to the rules... and it would not have had the biomechanical parts because this was designed to hunt and kill other metal gears... the Rays in the later part (where they go nuts) of the game were mass produced for use with arsenal, It's hard to mass produce that much tissue and keep it alive for that long... also it would have been much more fragile than the metals used in the gears production, they ACTED like they were animals mainly because of the GW program which utilized the architecture of the worlds most powerful computer (the brain) as a basis for processing and controling the flow of information in the internet. the only POSSIBLE organic tissue in the things would have had to have been the pilot Ocelot.
  9. Red Faction (da first one)>halo...
  10. for me I could never QUITE understand the "OMG" about halo... It's easily a mediocore FPS. I think that the only reason it became fantasically popular was because A) it had coop and B) it actually found a way to get FPS controls onto the controller without people going nuts. It's easily outdone in terms of quality and quantity by Half life 2 and FEAR. Heck I liked Doom 3 better...
  11. wiki is crap...
  12. least its not the Flaming crusade (watches 17 elves go bye wearing pink and very VERY tight pants...)
  13. I'm not sure if it is organic or not. I do remember that the Metal Gear Rays in MGS2 "bled" as well, and there was no mention of them containing any organic material. Personally, I think it's just artistic license, meant to make the Metal Gears seem more like monsters (this, by the way, is consistent with Metal Gear Rex, Ray, and the Shagohad "roaring"). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it's hydraulic fluid... mechanics have it colored red so that they can see it when it's broken.
  14. then all is not lost!
  15. why snake WHY! I mean he's a PS2 character! AND he's not quite what you'd call a happy go lucky camper. well... too bad he didn't get put in DOA4... Snake VS Master Cheif!
  16. He didn't nutralize. Naomi set it to something of a wild car effect. It could kill him at any moment. She thought it was the perfect revenge for Snake killing her father-figure (Big Boss) and Grey Fox (was her brother I believe, don't quiet remember). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> not sure about the father figure but grey fox was not her biological brother... I think he was a big brother style person in her life...
  17. meh... I'd never EVER volunteer to be shot at thank yew veddy muchly... If I were to be drafted I'd probably find my way into some itty bitty niche that allowed me to stay a tad bit behind the lines (artillary or silent service)... but given as I'm going to be an electricion (if the berks ever call me) I'd might be tossed in with the army corps of engineers which I doubt would be fun... given those poor suckers have to go and build stuff while being bombed and shelled...
  18. The main reason for Blizzards success is that it had a wonderful and deep (enough) universe that everything was SOMEWHAT explained. While they did steal heavily from the world of Warhammer they didn't take everything. I know dega will probably dissagree but you have to admit that Chris Metzen is easily one of the best storytellers and artists around. From what I can tell Mr Metzen pretty much was the "geek in the basement" that mus was talking about. He also helped create Starcraft and Diablo. I'm not sure where he is now but after vivendi bought out blizzard he might have been tossed. On a side note... they appear to have Entire TV channels devoted to starcraft matches in korea (had a friend get back from his station with the army motor pool there.)
  19. YAY! all we need now is the live videos and it'll feel right!
  20. kinda figures that it'd kill him... (foxdie killing snake) given that liquid died origionally because of it. I never quite understood the whole "live" thing about how Snake nutralized foxdie in MGS1
  21. I am...
  22. not cheesy... teenage. I personally Loved it to death... (really... I'm still removing the disc's fragments from my skin...) saw Get Carter with Stallone (eh... it's a nice flick but could use a little on the plot side) and History of Violence (good movie but a little wierd. They explain like NOTHING about the characters from the first scene.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was talking more about the effects, specifically the Robot at the beginning. Teen movies are a perverse indulgence for me so that wasn't really a problem. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> true but its hard not to have cheesy effects in a super hero movie.
  23. I think we should just go back to hammarabi's code (switch from "you'll be put in a prison with good health care and probably not be killed" to "I will kill you if you do one of these 200 things.")
  24. don't forget raiden's running around while carrying olgas child...
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