Truth is, we don't know. If it wasn't for the cut-endings we would.
Atton- Confronts Sion. Either lives or dies. Low influence and female meant that he'd confront the Disciple.
Kreia- Dead.
Mira- After beating Hanharr up, she was to confront Kreia herself along with Atton, Disciple/Handmaiden and Visas. However, she pwns them and is captured. The Exile has the choice to rescue her or not.
Handmaiden- Same as above. Otherwise, if the male Exile was darksided or low influence with her, she'd attack Visas (and loose). If she was rescued, then she'd be left behind to guide others.
Disciple- Same as Handmaiden except Atton attacks him.
Visas- Same as Disciple/Handmaiden.
Bao-Dur- We have no idea. Though we assume that he dies at some point.
Mandalore- Um...well. I can assume he'd be on the Ebon Hawk when it crashed and so wasn't able to get up due to some injuries when he was on the Ravager (even though Visas healed him)
Hanharr- Nothing except if the Exile had been lightsided and turned Hanharr good then he'd rescue the Exile by sacrificing himself at the Trayus Core and throw the Exile on the Ebon Hawk.
Goto- Attacks the Remote. Depending on Exile alignment, and other choices in the game, he deactivates himself or lives on.
HK-47- Goes to the HK-50 factory and shuts it down while aquiring the new HK-51s to be loyal to him. He ends up following the Ebon Hawk to Malachor V and confronts Goto and the Remote. Depending on alignment, either helps the Remote or helps Goto.
T3-M4- On the Ebon Hawk I guess.
Wild has it.