I admit, I use yahoo as a web based email so I don't have to pay a dime. however today I tried to log in and got a notice from my browser saying "oh dear, sombody sent us a certificate that is not actually related to the site you want to view." I blocked it but it really annoys me now that EVERY SINGLE TIME I want to look at my email I'll get the same message because akami has too many servers to block via server address. And I'm annoyed at the fact that yahoo is violating it's own privacy policy (in my view anyway) by allowing them to do this and essencially view what I see so that they can get a better Idea of how to spam adds in my face. Plus the Yahoo! help system isn't very... helpful to say the least. I tried to find a way to drop an email their way but the only two places I could find in the help section bopped me over to A) yahoo music's customer care, and B) Yahoo small buisness'. I ended up sending an angry egram at the small buisness section with an extra note attached about the unhelpfulness of their help (seriously). Now I'm going to see if anything happens in the next day or two and if it doesn't well... I'm gonna move to google (who so far haven't shown a version of this yet to anyone I know).
I admit it's petty but hey, humanity is petty (looks leeringly at a variety of players from COH and a small army from WOW in conformation)