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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Jack, VV, the sisters.
  2. Calax


    I guess there was some telekinesis involved, otherwise this Captain Marvel would just fall uselessly into a pile of limbs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> or run jump "split" hit the ground between panels and bounce. I also liked the telepathy BTW my last post has 3 different links (one in each word)
  3. MoZILLA!
  4. only if warren spector is attached is it system shock.
  5. superman 2 I loved the "There's no way to get your powers back if you do this" then " Oh NOEZ! IT'S ZOD!!!!1oneelevetny1!!!" bing powers back.
  6. why did they make it so friggin HARD to plant those stupid webcams and get back out without being seen in hollywood?
  7. DUDE! (w00t) I challenge you to a team deathmatch!!!! Strength and Honor!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you know... one of the funnest times i"ve ever had in school was when my class for game art and design spent the entire day -20 mins (we had like 4 hour days) playing team deathmatches and finially ctf. When I won the TDM I was the only one who knew the kl;' buttons would make your char do victory poses.
  8. I admit, I use yahoo as a web based email so I don't have to pay a dime. however today I tried to log in and got a notice from my browser saying "oh dear, sombody sent us a certificate that is not actually related to the site you want to view." I blocked it but it really annoys me now that EVERY SINGLE TIME I want to look at my email I'll get the same message because akami has too many servers to block via server address. And I'm annoyed at the fact that yahoo is violating it's own privacy policy (in my view anyway) by allowing them to do this and essencially view what I see so that they can get a better Idea of how to spam adds in my face. Plus the Yahoo! help system isn't very... helpful to say the least. I tried to find a way to drop an email their way but the only two places I could find in the help section bopped me over to A) yahoo music's customer care, and B) Yahoo small buisness'. I ended up sending an angry egram at the small buisness section with an extra note attached about the unhelpfulness of their help (seriously). Now I'm going to see if anything happens in the next day or two and if it doesn't well... I'm gonna move to google (who so far haven't shown a version of this yet to anyone I know). I admit it's petty but hey, humanity is petty (looks leeringly at a variety of players from COH and a small army from WOW in conformation)
  9. Calax


    I'm not entirly sure... but as to her powers if a man binds her hands with metal then she's powerless... (law of aphrodite or sum such crap) http://www.cracked.com/modules.php?op=modl...article&sid=484 enjoy... especially the part about magnetism. KNEELBEFOREZOD! And they do in epI of star wars... Terrence stamp (general Zod of superman 2) is Chancellor Valorum.
  10. why do we keep getting into these "my personal favorite is better than YOURS! AND YOU! AND YOUR SISTERS FATHERS BROTHERS UNCLES COUSINS FORMER ROOMIE!" Oh and I pick "other" with the Devestator.
  11. I refute that with Lord Kun... after all the guy beat up Luke without breaking a sweat as a spirit (well... disembodied and almost killed him anyway). And nearly killed Corran Horn.
  12. Awesome, I was wondering as I couldn't find anything in the options menu. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> options audio. it'll set it so that they'll automatically appear AND you'll see what people say when not talking to you in the upper right corner.
  13. the Eradicator
  14. Calax


    I've got welcome back frank.. and it's available at your local book store or if you drive into my general vacinity I'll loan it to you Feng. However it would appear that Wonder Woman was BOOTED from E3 because of the "booth babes" rules. Not entirly sure this is true as I saw it while browsing gamasutra.
  15. also you can flip the subs on and off with the right mouse button during a convo.
  16. given that this thread shouldn't be looked at by anyone under the age of eighteen (hey even the WEBSITE has an age doodad) and most of us are fairly adult (I hope) I'm gonna post the greatest line in the ENTIRE game here.
  17. well it's really if your nice about the cammarila, basically if you toss out that line you ruin your anarch chances.
  18. I question, HOW!? the bat is literally batters up. You club them in the head and hear the sound of a crowd cheering. I loved my toreador responce to nines "Join me" lecture, "But if you guys were in charge, Who would fund the arts? WWE for EVERYONE!"
  19. my version from when it first hit the shelves has a soundtrack.
  20. came in kinda useful against that blasted storm beast..
  21. remembers all the newbies in coh from the Swg exodus.
  22. especially not hers :ugh:
  23. wooo Guardsman on an Axe!
  24. great now I gotta go play chaos and show you the power of the bloodthirster. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. I'm waiting, Calax. 2. Nobody knows where I can, legally, download these games? I haven't been able to find a place yet. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> grumble grumble.. the awesomeness that is the bloodthirster actually takes an infantry tosses it into the air and uses it like a freaking baseball. WITH AN AXE... AN AXE THE SIZE OF A TITAN! (hight wise that is.)
  25. I ate her to death...
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