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Everything posted by Calax

  1. nope... they simply said that alot of things don't add up, and that if you look at it from THIS point (luke vader killed your daddy) it would appear that the bush administration orchestrated this whole thing to turn us into happy little zombies that would do his bidding in the "war on terror"
  2. wouldn't the buildings destruction have looked.... less controled? I mean the blasted thing got hit in one point, I'd think that if anything the destruction would lean that way (for example the top of the tower would (on the one with the corner damaged) start to fall towards the missing corner rather than just kinda go everywhere.) And I'm wondering what is up with building seven.
  3. Yeah me too. Sam Fisher > Solid Snake. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and raiden eats them both for breakfast.
  4. .. that was before Gamestop owned them.
  5. really from what I can tell it completly depends on who's running the store. I love my local gamestop because they will do everything in their power to get me my game. and the place is run by computer geeks so the PC section is as big as they could possibly make it. so all in all it's good, YOu can also order any game from them and they'll get it in store (not just the NEWEST ones but new games of all kinds)
  6. probably somthing along the lines of "oh but theres so many to choose from" However I'm wondering if you can keep the ghoul alive (just got finished with the society)
  7. why are the tail numbers on the two united aircraft still valid?
  8. *looks at V for Vendetta*
  9. not really. It was three endings depending on who you managed not to anger during the game.
  10. kinda funny considering that they are citing the devs as a reason even though they didn't get any credits in games.
  11. Queston: what about the phone calls (he's got a point, when was the last time you used your FULL NAME with your parents?)
  12. eh... santa was drunk. he fell
  13. but it's his board...
  14. wow... sombody that DOESN"T agree with hades this day
  15. :shrugs:
  16. ... HURK! that is just way too gangsta to be a african guy posting... he's gotta be a 12 y/o white kid just hitting puberty... otherwise I ph34r.
  17. Yup, that's true. Though Kotors are EU too Yeah, I mean Tale of The Jedi series. But at one day I looked some of my old SW comics and there was some sort of "SW comics timeline" and below Tales of the Jedi section there was two comics, that Kotor and Kotor TSL. I had quite of...WTF feeling should I say. I haven't read them though, so I don't know how much they have common with games edit: Oh, nevermind. Kotor comics were: * Tales of the Jedi 1: Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon, Part 1 * Tales of the Jedi 2: Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon, Part 2 * Tales of the Jedi 3: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider, Part 1 * Tales of the Jedi 4: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider, Part 2 * Tales of the Jedi 5: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider, Part 3 Damn, I should've been more precise when reading those comics. ' Hmm.. but well, about Kotor in wookiepedia: Set shortly after the Tales of the Jedi comic books from Dark Horse, BioWare designed the game around this little-documented period in order to have more conceptual and artistic freedom. So... there might even be some comics (or concept arts and abandonded ideas) about Kotor comics. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you forgot the dark lords of the sith, Sith war, Golden age of the sith and the fall of the sith. Golden age and Fall take place 100 or so years before the others. They chronicle Naga Shadow's exploits and his attempt at taking the galaxy in the Hyperspace war.
  18. I've got the warriors netflix coming this week... then the list has both Xmen movies Batman unbreakable, swordfish...
  19. it's just as big as the emptiness beneath yours. besides Alex Ross ROCKS!
  20. Is this because he named you "Sue?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it's an oedipus complex... I got my dad some jelly bellies. when I get the chance I have GOT to go back to the Jelly belly factory and get some more belly flops.
  21. boy the 5900 was not a good thing to showcase.
  22. so... we've got a model, a porn star, a govenor, a drawing, two "sgi" (probably mean Cgi) and a nameless form less figment of imagination as a cast for you movie. Interesting. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lol so whats your point :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not sure if your A) an alt B)young or C) mildly insane.
  23. ie Darque don't cry but we should see other people anyway From what I've played the starfox game that's actually star fox (flying around in little ships) is good but the adventures like is horrible... Also SSB:M is good. You should also try at least one of the Rogue squadon games. And if you've never played MGS before get twin snakes.
  24. strength, intelligence, dexterity, and constitution. those probably are the basics for anything else. you could have an appearance/demanor that would take the place of charisma. but that's social so... just a hint. Don't make somthing mundane like Knitting cost as much xp to level as say decapitiaton. Edit: also wouldn't this go in PnP?
  25. Interesting... Hades screams like a little girl.
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