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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I love capturing stuff It gives me lovely little fights like using Mammoths backed up by annihilators.
  2. I don't think that not paying attention qualifies you for Darwinia. Concious attempts at stupidly hurtful things do. Like for example being a corperate heavyweight and hiring a dominatrix to treat you like a pet in a hotel, she chains you to the bed then a fire starts three floors up. She runs you are stuck bound and gagged to be found by firemen who parade you infront of new cameras. That earns you an honorable mention. (German in origin btw)
  3. I'm not following the story or anything for that matter in the news (yay for comedy central!) but one of the few tidbits I picked up is that he was raging against having to grow up the poor boy in a rich community. And we wonder why he's a basket case?
  4. I'm fairly certain this should get some notice yes thats jesus getting off a cross and attacking the greek pantheon for some wierd convoluted reason.
  5. given that figuring out the easiest way to pull off a shooting, THEN writing it down is considered a terrorist act/threat.
  6. I always thought it was some massivly convoluted way that required you to do a circus act... not just light a fire on a bridge.
  7. So you think the avengers movie would be more like Ultimate Alliance?
  8. that wasn't my intention. I just post crap to get it out of my system (which resulted in this thread among others). It's more my inquisitive side than my angry gamer side. After all it's much easier to post in a forum and get several on topic replies than to run through 20 or 30 webpages to get a compilation of what might or might not be correct. Unfortunatly WoW doesn't have anything similar to lord british in that he's the monolithic leader of the entire WORLD who can not be killed (usually). It would be interesting if there was somebody like that because generally there'd be somebody on every server who'd do it just to do it.
  9. Ok back in the day, UO was the top of the line mmo. In the beta a character managed to KILL lord british. My question is ultimatly, why was he banned if killing the lord exposed a flaw in game design. http://www.aschulze.net/ultima/stories9/beta.htm according to that he was killed for not reporting the flaw. When according to the interview he mearly was trying somthing he didn't think was going to work.
  10. Read the rest HERE Now let's forget the fact that this would never, ever be enforced. Ohio's public school funding system was ruled unconstitutional 10 years ago and still hasn't been fixed, manufacturing jobs are disappearing as factories close up shop, and this is how our representatives are spending time? Debating how much safer strip clubs would be if the strippers were six feet away? Hell, some of the old folks I've seen in places like that won't even be able to see the girls if they're six feet away! It just doesn't make sense to me. What are they trying to accomplish? I don't think the change would improve the secondary effects" the article talks about -- high crime rates, declining property values and urban blight -- because the clubs will still be there. They aren't even trying to remove the strip clubs -- they're just making them less fun. Thoughts? why not tax the strip clubs and cut them some slack? then they support the community and build schools.
  11. Tim McViegh would disagree with you (I think I spelled the name right.)
  12. Cap would probably be a role for Matt Damon or Brad Pitt. Iron man could be Johnny Depp Wasp is only part asian so you could probably put Keira Knightly in without much trouble. Ant man: Ewan McGregor Bruce Banner/Hulk: Steve Buscemi (admittedly he's getting old) Thor could be Sean bean, But I'd throw in Brad Pitt (provided he bulked up for it) or the Terminator. Nick Fury... Michael Madsen could pull it off quite well Scarlet witch: Kate Beckinsale Quicksilver: a cleaned up seth green? Jarvis: Edward Herrmann
  13. It'd still hurt like a son of a gun.
  14. I think that part of what causes people to snap younger is the amount of pressure put on each child to succeed. Whe your put through school you are told by every person, every teacher, every mentor, that College is the only option. and every little kid forces themselves to try for higher grades in order to get into a good college. The amount of testing (in Cali) is insane. every year students are put through at least four weeks of standardized testing, not counting Psats, SATs, or the militaries version of the SATs. My freshman year was the first year for the California High School Exit Exam which had my class stuck in testing for a week longer than any of the other classes (admittedly the difficulty was laughable). Also (at least in my experiance) kids are pushed into cliques where a social norm is established. Some of us get tossed out of all the cliques or don't fit perfectly with one clique so will over the course of the year move around and never have a really steady group of friends. School councelors are usually scheduled for a month in advance because every kid with a scheduling grevience is sent through the councelors to get the classes changed, so if somebody has a real problem and it gets picked up on, either they get dragged off in the back of a cop car to the county mental health, or they bottle it and finially at one point or another go ballistic. All in all we live in a society where accountability is non exsistant, more people are on antidepressants than not, divorce rates are through the roof. and access to violence, sex, and drugs is at an all time high. Of course we're going to see a heck of alot more people going ballistic. But I some how doubt that we will see any wild west family feuds popping up with death tolls in the hundreds.
  15. yeah the GDI wasn't doing very well against the scrin so I set up aa right there then slowly started to put up an obelisk or two. then when the twist happened I simply set up three more obs and let them murder everyone.
  16. Your obelisks are facing the wrong way. I didn't even realize the plot twist when I set that base up, I had just put it there to stop the scrin from killing the ion cannon.
  17. If he'd waited four days it'd have been bitterly Ironic.
  18. Reminds me of the new Pro "stare over your kids shoulder while online" ads POS is, instead of Piece of S*** it's Parents over shoulder
  19. Nothing like partaking in the violation of someone's privacy to set you up for the day? if they violated their own privacy to pump a business for money I'd watch. On the subject of hirings, From what I can tell the hirings take place with minimal backround checks. And generally the employer will try to do everything he can to save money (excons and illegals) I used to work at a cash register with a vietnamese gang member who was convicted of armed Robbery. I don't think it was done with law suits in mind. Have I misunderstood? My question would be whether you would regard a bank employee who steals your cash from your accounts to be a problem for just you or for the bank. Well... I was aiming more at the fact that she could EASILY be lying about this entire thing to pump Best buy for cash. So it'd be like the customer saying that the employee stole money that the customer currently has in the back of his truck.
  20. Damn NDA's... shadowstrider SHOULD be able to provide insight on whats going on but the NDA's block him :cries:
  21. One thing that I don't really like about GTA is what hades said they remedied. you take forever to get a zillion guns and ammo and body armor and your a walking tank, then in one quick move you've lost it all. Another is that some of the missions can be too hard for a casual, or require you to move a specific way (in a sandbox game? Not good)
  22. Nothing like partaking in the violation of someone's privacy to set you up for the day? if they violated their own privacy to pump a business for money I'd watch. On the subject of hirings, From what I can tell the hirings take place with minimal backround checks. And generally the employer will try to do everything he can to save money (excons and illegals) I used to work at a cash register with a vietnamese gang member who was convicted of armed Robbery.
  23. Well has anyone else seen the footage? Or for that matter could they have faked the footage for monetary purposes?
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