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Everything posted by Calax

  1. So... many.... childlike... hooligans... wanting.... pokemon. I worked a full eight hour shift at Gamestop. And it was packed for pokemon. If i'm right we sold close to 200 units of the games. (my store is itty bitty) plus got massive amounts of people in the store.
  2. Calax


    They pushed me QUITE hard to get me to drink anything. (I've an addictive personality so I don't touch things that are mildly addictive except caffine.) and i've got a friend who was nieve and a bit of an idiot, He didn't know what a controled substance was and ended up selling his ritalin in high school (got caught too). Then he joined the army and promptly became an alcoholic. its... not pretty.
  3. Calax


    24/7 if you have access. bars close LATE
  4. so does the plot tie into Xenogears (finially)
  5. Calax


    Hung with feng at a party... had a coors or two and a shot of jack daniels. (he didn't touch it as he was underage) Now we plan to go to hot fuzz and Grindhouse at some point together.
  6. Calax


    eh... the message got through
  7. Calax


    he was on the phone the entire time
  8. Calax


    yeah yeah calm down.
  9. What if there are dancing girls and tasty treats? If you think they can dance around the snare cord then it may work. theres candy on the ledge...
  10. Well one of the reasons people loved halo is because it had a whole story too it that was backed up, rather than the pos that's most fps's (this is the universe, this is what your doing... that's all) whereas halo had a backround for everything and it's cousin.
  11. Uhm.. shouldn't it be the other way around? I'm guessing that after I get drunk I'll be unable to stand.
  12. It was the best and first of it's kind on the consoles. It also allowed the jocks to get online and see how well they do against an opponent who could think (ie it had a large scale multiplayer) instead of just two or four. It also revived FPS story telling from a small dark corner that was titled half life.
  13. because the sound takes place of the text. I liked max paynes but I think that XIII is an example of what not to do.
  14. :turns 21: :dances: :gets loaded:
  15. I'm gonna have to say for the sake of clarity that the first nation should be "land". After all, I think the closest thing to a nation back then was the guys who we bought the most priceless real estate from (now) for three beads and a dance.
  16. that's when he's singing "you can't kill the messiah"
  17. sometimes they work (see max Payne) sometimes they don't (see XIII)
  18. It was a little too easy and a little too much of the "Huh?" factor with minimal questions explained.
  19. if that's sparta, wheres kratos?
  20. Ace Combat 5's cinematic where everyone goes to stop a pack of terrorists from blackmailing the world to peace. Also the Ion cannon hitting Temple Prime in C&C3 is just Beautiful.
  21. Huzzah for superdickery.com!
  22. but the pictures are starting to loose their golliness...
  23. you mean the gun culture like the militias you find popping up everywhere that think that the liberal government is going to destroy the nation and relieve itself on the torn shreds of the constitution? Or the fact that guns mean we can kill people with more ease?
  24. That sounds not even worth of Darwin Award attention. Honorable mention would require, at least, injury or a very near miss. A fire three floors up, pfffff. Maybe if he started the fire. well they added him in because if the fire had been serious he'd have burned to death in gimp gear and chained to the bed because his choice of playmates was bad.
  25. They'd probably go for a black sam jackson Fury or add the falcon as a protagonist. They decided to make Fury black because they simply said why not. I think that they'd have to tone down parts of his character (the all knowing big brother part) in order to make kids like him more. Also don't let Joe Q or Bindis near the script if you can because they will probably try to add the infamous "wife beater" to Pyms character (which only happened once under demonic and alcholic influence, but EVERYONE has to bring it up). The first villian would have to be pretty well known and powerful in order to get the ratings. So you could have it be a Red Skull or baron Zemo story inorder to play with the nazi backround and get more freedom with the character. (the only other one I could come up with that is well known would be doom, but he's already a f4 villian.)
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