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Everything posted by Calax

  1. and City of Heroes...
  2. the hybrids will probably be like the naga from TFT, they have their own buildings and units but not enough to balance them against a full fledged race.
  3. Ooo, there are monkeys? I might play this now ... In the meantime, I shall play Jade Empire. little psychic monkies who rip you to pieces.
  4. probably Siefer from FF8, Squalls enemy.
  5. Can't say it was bad..the combat was great, but level design was lacking (every map looked pretty much the same). well when your working with a story that takes place in one spot it kinda happens that way. (Doom3 anyone?)
  6. I liked the cartoonish but not too cartoonish style of the origional Starcraft. Having somebody who can literally squish their head between thumb and forefinger was a little to over the top for me. For the record, the writing that gets everyone cheering in the vid Tale posted is "Terran Military Marine Status: *pause for effect* --Active-- and the last words of the trailer are quite, proper, "Hell, it's about time" with a southern accent.
  7. oh sweet f****** jesus it's starcraft... Did they have a release date?
  8. people didn't like Chronicles because it was basically a total of three scenes with a story so short you could use it as a pogo stick.
  9. halo 3 got bumped up to september 23.
  10. I was playing NWN2... and my allied AI has died several times on me... well actually it's going between combat thats screwy. I get in a fight with zombies who disease Khelgar. I complete a quest and and warped back to Fort Locke and khelgar spends several (in game) days before he finally dies of some sword or another for the debuffs to get removed. and more recently Khelgar and Quara were dead in a fight when I left the building And their AI just flat out shuts off... GRAAAAAGH!
  11. wow... at least two face won't have a wierd race change between movies this time.
  12. NWNII its interesting... Two Fighters a Rogue and a sorceress run around blowing stuff up, but can't keep the damage away well enough so they have to rest after every fight (I'm in the process of "purging" a warehouse of valuables for the city watch.)
  13. As a member of the fast food industry as one of it's many sales people, does this mean I'm a quest giver?
  14. All the romance is is at the end you get a cute little "and then there was X" where you become the companion who either saves the empire and is revered or becomes exactly what you were killing.
  15. because most shooters are on the PC. admittedly on the PC they should add a squad option to games (imagine, say... Call of duty with coop. ... of eight players)
  16. because it's midday for them, besides they'd probably ask you to reserve eighty copies at your local store and send em to korea just so they can play them that much sooner.
  17. the european siren takes care of the first one. (in america it's just head under your desks kids) and given the reaction I got for writing out "pull fire alarm, wait, shoot" on a letter, I could believe the CS thing.
  18. That's only one of their 3 most popular franchises. The very one that I've noticed a number of people on this forum express a distinct liking for! Or maybe it was just Raven and she seemed like several people. I think I should point out that their other two franchises are just plays off the same genre.
  19. I figure Sup Com shots would be welcome
  20. Ok I'll bite. Why not? simple... it's horribly placed. Its only in the american release, It's not in ANY of the promo's for the movie, and it seems like they were trying to say that spiderman was the symbol of being an american (when that honor goes to captain america or superman) Huh? I thought Superman was Canadian and Jewish. The creators were.... Superman himself is now as a icon, connected with america. "Truth, Justice, and the american way" ring a bell? if you really wanted to get technical he's not human.
  21. it's a good game it's just that it's no longer about armies kicking the crap out of each other.
  22. only in the eyes of the unknowing and uneducated.
  23. that has to be real... it's got the right guy from headline prime. He's the most right wing of the talking heads on headline. But thats nothing compared to the drivel from Bill O'reilly
  24. yup. It was adding politics to a popcorn flick...
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