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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I admit I was frustrated by the ending, you know how Aristede just shows up out of nowhere and shoots Stokes (... why did I just get the image of Stokes and Jin making yuri?) to save her job. I mean the Delta team had to fight through hordes of Replicas and ghosts to get to the vault and Aristede is able to simply Waltz in? I hope FEAR3 has the point man fighting mommy again and maybe having to deal with his half brother.
  2. I think Wil Wright once said that back in the day piracy was rampant to the point where he guessed that 1 in 3 copies of a game was actually a pirated version. Mainly because most of the games were on cheap easy to replicate CDroms and 3 1/2" floppies.
  3. Ok I've calmed down some but I'm still questioning why the heck I'm trying to be the parent in this girls life.
  4. Didn't those guys put in a bid to literally buy themselves a sovereign nation after one or two server raids? You know one of the small island nations.... I don't know, on one hand I'd like to see people get paid for the work they do, on the other hand I think that the people who are making draconian DRM schemes should burn in hell... I guess overall I'm apathetic at best on this case.
  5. The regular witcher version got automatically updated to EE by the devs. That might have been that huge patch.
  6. Christ, I'm weird. I've recently started corresponding with a girl who currently is rushing into something akin to a marriage relationship, and I'm trying to stop her because I'm finding myself acting as if I was her father. I've never even MET her but I'm scared to my wit's end about her situation and what she's rushing into. I probably won't sleep much because of this, and am also asking myself why I care so much about somebody who I've exchanged 5 emails with. I know I've never been in a relationship beyond a wham bam thank you ma'am that I was in up in college (we were together for most of a semester but only really hung out during the run up to the christmas break, we had sex twice but that was it and I ended up breaking it off because I didn't know if I was going back to that school next semester), but I feel like I'm supposed to be protecting her. I'm very confused about my feelings, options, connection, everything about her (and this is without direct contact! I could probably deal with this better if I'd known her more than this, but as it is... I'm just F'n confused.) I know some bloke is going to say that "this is what love feels like" but I can't even be sure it's that because I've never even MET her. I'm confused, scared, trying to do my best to create a safety net for her to fall back on... but most of all I'm confused. Hell I don't know what to think.
  7. Also I think they were able to get away with showing a **** because it's DLC and thus not in stores. DLC in general is unrated and thus subject to less stringent conditions to be disseminated to the public.
  8. I don't know about you but that THING doesn't even look right.
  9. ... Oh, I remember that piece of trash game. Honestly that crap is probably considered "non-canon" by most members of the fan establishment because it interferes so much with the Story of Ulic.
  10. Taken... Best movie I've seen in a long while. Actually had spying which is unusual for spy flicks these days.
  11. I think it's because movies are much easier to write reviews for because of their length. I mean they're 2 hour experiences in general and you can see it in a day, mull it over and pop up a review. Game reviews take MUCH more time because of the amount of content the reviewer has to sift through to get a good idea of what's going to happen, and thus they need to get the game much earlier than a movie reviewer does. Also the games industry in general.... well not the industry, more like it's surrounding media, is driven by the marketing of the games. Why would I want to click the add for the game who's review says it sucks? That's the catch 22 of the entire gaming review industry, if a game gets bad reviews then people won't want to buy it, and then you loose ad revenue because the company who's game you gave a bad review to will pull the marketing. There are a number of film reviewers will start writing their review during the movie. Exactly, it's just easier to review a film because it's got a defined length of time and isn't very interactive.
  12. I think it's because movies are much easier to write reviews for because of their length. I mean they're 2 hour experiences in general and you can see it in a day, mull it over and pop up a review. Game reviews take MUCH more time because of the amount of content the reviewer has to sift through to get a good idea of what's going to happen, and thus they need to get the game much earlier than a movie reviewer does. Also the games industry in general.... well not the industry, more like it's surrounding media, is driven by the marketing of the games. Why would I want to click the add for the game who's review says it sucks? That's the catch 22 of the entire gaming review industry, if a game gets bad reviews then people won't want to buy it, and then you loose ad revenue because the company who's game you gave a bad review to will pull the marketing.
  13. Actually I was saying that Naxx was more technical, not harder. The thing about Kara was that most of it was a gear check, meaning that if you didn't have your team geared out from lower Kara (everything below Curator) you wouldn't be able to progress upwards. Also Prince could still gib a tank because he had a random chance of firing three shots within a second of each other that combined did more damage than the tank could sustain. Naxx we also had the benefit of the fact that most of the fights are unchanged (I think) from their 40 man variant so all the strats are right there. Crafting is a some of a gun to have to level (which is why I will NEVER EVER level professions again) but at least it has a point, Weapon Skill seems to have no point and you have to level that sucker.
  14. The instances equivalent to Naxx is Kara, Gruul and Mag. The biggest thing about Naxx is that it doesn't require you to have farmed for gear until the cows come home. It requires people to be intelligent and not asleep. Kara and it's cohorts were designed to force the group to gear up for the fights, things hit like trucks and required damage to be VERY high. Naxx things hit a lot lighter and doesn't require much in the way of dps, but the fights also require more movement and coordination amongst raiders. Sunwell was the hardest thing on the planet when it came out, most guilds couldn't complete it until the 3.0 global nerf.
  15. It was so very satisfying watching Liam Neeson beat the crap out of all those other guys in the movie. I know what you mean with the Bond stuff. He actually did some spying! OMG! and he didn't walk into a targets home, kill him and take his identity. He'd walk in get the info he needed, kill everyone except the person he wanted more information from then interrogate.
  16. Just got back from Taken.... Jesus H Christ I'm never letting my kids go abroad without me there. Actually the film reminded me more of Bond than the recent Bond movies did.
  17. I had a weird bug where the DRM scheme would keep kicking me back to the desktop and not letting me run it, I cracked it and that solved the problem.
  18. ...---... is not 01110011 01101111 01110011. I'd guess that ...---... is 000111000 or it's inverse but that's just me.
  19. sat around on my lazy ass and then learned that SQUARE is buying Eidos... Lara Croft in Kingdom Hearts? I forgot that I'm finding a footing that I might want to finish a degree in. Either Geology or Business. Geology because it's in high demand right now (these are the guys who prospect for resources) and I know a very good college nearby (within 2 hrs from my current residence) in UNR. Business because I obviously have a head for it (and marketing as well), well at least from what little I've seen in business 300, on our projects etc. I'm the one who has to order my group to put things in high traffic areas (rather than just on a wall in the middle of nowhere) and am the only one to realize that when you're selling a product you're also selling the packaging.
  20. Where are you getting this crap about the "dark Reaper?"
  21. Ah japan, the only place Ranma would make sense.
  22. It's really simple, everyone needs to have above 1600 dps (I think it might be lower than that) on 25 man and all dps has to do is not move when it's raining rock spikes on them specifically (DBM/Bigwigs will tell you when that's happeneing) and stay out of the "fart clouds". Tanking is a little more complicated in that the main tank will get picked up and the OT has to taunt fast. That's really it.
  23. GameReviewers just need to get better backing for their companies. As it is they rely mainly on revenue from the game companies that they are writing reviews about, and i don't know about you but if I were getting money from somebody I wouldn't say a bad thing about them unless the failings were obvious. If the reviewers could get money from another source we'd probably see more honest reviews
  24. Sat around, raided a bit, did a few instances, all in wow. Then made myself feel superior by watching ExtantDodo's Kent Hovind videos.
  25. Have they tried Sartharion with drakes up? Sarth with 3 drakes up is harder (and this is in the words of the top guilds in the WORLD) than Mu'ru from Sunwell Plateau.
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