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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Nope.... Bachman was never as serious a contender as any of the three Republicans that are currently in the race, and she didn't announce her candidacy until June of 2011. At this point last time she was being talked about less than Gingrich (who also hadn't announced yet) was then and Walker is now. Romney did announce by this time last election cycle, he was one of the first to do so. I live in Ames Iowa and I was here in 2011 when the republican primaries started. Bachman was considered a VERY serious contender (for about three weeks) after she won the Straw Poll and one of my dormmates had to sit behind her for a PR stunt. Admittedly I'm not as entrenched within the republican machine as you seem to be so I don't know how they talked about it internally, but Externally everyone was talking about Bachman v Obama. After Bachman it was Gingrich, then the Pizza guy, then Rick Perry, but each was basically forced out after the media started paying attention to them because of what they dug up. Say what you will about Bill's moral failings, but he was an effective governor and ultimately ended with the US running on a budget surplus, and he is an incredibly charismatic person in general. That being said, I don't want Hillary to actually get in the white house because of the implications of a "ruling family", same with Jeb Bush. Seriously, if either of them get into the white house Two families will have controlled the Oval Office for 19 years with Obama interrupting it.
  2. I wasn't saying that Clinton was a good or bad candidate, only that She was ultimately the only one who's currently declared who has a chance of making it to the general election. We've still got a year and a half of primary bull**** to work through, and the candidates that'll get into the general will mostly likely be the ones who manage to fly under the radar long enough to get the votes of the other candidates that have been ruined by the news. At this point last time, everyone was talking as if we were going to have President Bachman. Huh... from the looks of twitter, Clinton should be about 30 miles from my apartment right about now.
  3. Right now, the only person who's declared they're running who has a chance of making it into the general election is Clinton. And that's because nobody within the party seems to want to try to take her on for the parties vote. And on the Republican side, Cruz is a Joke, Paul is to radically stupid in his ideals to get much traction (Seriously, the economy wouldn't survive on the gold standard kipper), and Rubio is just a footnote. Although in general somebody like Rubio would probably take the nomination (how many of you knew who the hell Obama was before 2008?) But he'd be completely out classed by the machine that Democrat's have built for presidential elections. Right, and the best the democrats have is an incompetent woman that has gotten by on connections and has royally ****ed up every incident she's been involved in. But let's support Hillary cuz Republicans are evil. I'd trust these hippies more than I trust anyone else who's declared so far. You act as though other people aren't going to become candidates.
  4. Right now, the only person who's declared they're running who has a chance of making it into the general election is Clinton. And that's because nobody within the party seems to want to try to take her on for the parties vote. And on the Republican side, Cruz is a Joke, Paul is to radically stupid in his ideals to get much traction (Seriously, the economy wouldn't survive on the gold standard kipper), and Rubio is just a footnote. Although in general somebody like Rubio would probably take the nomination (how many of you knew who the hell Obama was before 2008?) But he'd be completely out classed by the machine that Democrat's have built for presidential elections.
  5. *mumbles somthing about turning 28 in 8 days*
  6. Hardline mostly... (I am not the camera guy but I'm in the car for that one).
  7. No one is forcing anyone. Re-read the article. True, but tone of the reasons that DirectTV probably pulled the campaign was because of the fact that the complaint was built up from their competitor. http://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/closed-settlements/41542-vitaminwater-deceptive-marketing-class-action-settlement/ That took 3 years before a settlement was reached and wasn't even touched by the better business bureau or anyone like that.
  8. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/directv-rob-lowe-ad-asked-pulled-after-comcast-complaint/ How is it that this company can force things off the air for being without basis in fact... but when Coke is called on it, coke is allowed to keep right on trucking with Vitamin Water.
  9. The thing that Gromnir doesn't pay attention to is that the network in question created an entire show to catch that black demographic and fill the hole left by Colbert. It's called the Nightly Show with Larry Whilmore.
  10. It seems like he's got the feel of the John Stewart shoe and how it would be, but he hasn't learned how to moderate himself. It's not gonna be fun that he's not an American comedian commenting on american politics. The thing about Stewart is that even though he's beating up on American culture, he still feels like a part of it. He still has had to grow up immersed in it and all of it's idiocy. Noah will have to be careful about not coming off as the outsider pointing and laughing at our culture. John Oliver gets away with it but his social commentary isn't "This is what happened in the news today and how it's sad", his pieces are more about the greater background of the stories (discussing how things came to be) which means that rather than giving a verbal argument to everyone who looks at them funny, he's instead telling them how things are in parts of the world/culture that normally aren't seen. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I feel like this was made by execs rather than by anyone involved in the show. He's got the outside perspective of John Oliver, the interracial perspective of Larry Whilmore, but everything we've seen of him has been unmoderated by others in the show/business. I feel like when John leaves the show will slowly fall apart because they're losing so many of their long time members. Jason Jones and John Stewart, With Jason gone I could see Sam Bee (his wife) going to, which would leave a very small number of people there who've got more than 2 years in front of the Camera. Honestly, I'd have gotten Bassim Yousef if I could. The guy may be arabic but he's basically Arabic John Stewart already.
  11. Still unemployed... spending my day productively. That is, I'm sitting around my apartment singing Backstreet Boys and Queen.
  12. The thing is that they'd spin off stable nations into clients (This happened quite a bit in the middle east) and only move back in to retake the territory when things got... unruly(/halflife2). I mean one of the reasons the Jewish population in Israel was so antagonized by the local roman government was that it was a client state, and the troops in the area were locals who had beef with the Jews. While we consider it to be Roman as a whole, the fact of the matter is they were (technically) their own nation. Although Romans were hilarious about fulfilling the letter, but not the intent, of the laws/rituals. The way they declared war was by sending an emissary to the enemy's territory, throwing a spear in their territory and declaring the demands that would appease them, with a note saying "We'll check back in a day for if this has been done!" Well that became inconvenient when the enemy could be weeks or months away of Rome, so they designated a field on the Field of Mars as generic "Enemy Territory" and would perform the ritual there rather than actually giving the enemy a chance to come up with the demands.
  13. This made me giggle. You do realize that half of the reason that Rome was successful was because of a nearby state would start to think about being hostile towards Rome, they'd smash it, install a new leader, and wander off. They really didn't want to actually govern squat, but just did so because they couldn't stop people from being on their borders and not going along with Roman policies.
  14. Whoops. Realized I'd forgotten to update my PoE address last august when I moved... Changed it today but don't know if it'll go through on the package (sent a contact us email).
  15. Apparently I have 8200 posts now... Also kinda considering applying for dis http://www.obsidian.net/jobs/766-technical-advisor-researcher
  16. Sounds like somebody that my dad would have had to deal with during groundwater cleanup. Got a call from Hertz about a new job. Either as Manager in Training (where I am) or as a Counter monkey at their airport location.
  17. Well, got a call from Hertz about their MiT position... and realized I'd spent the entire time since I got fired in my apartment so I went to the store... And spent 30 bucks on food v.v
  18. I'm a history major with mostly managerial experiance not coding sorry.
  19. Oh gods. First, Cant is back. Then he's a mod. Next, we'll have to deal with his alts. Weeeeee!!!!! Who says you haven't been doing that the whole time? I remember Eldar, and I think there was a 10 foot tall rabbit or something. 10 foot invisible rabbit was Hades wasn't it? Also submitted three applications to Gamestop for different positions in the stores in Iowa (all management)
  20. Don't suppose anyone knows of a job I could have?
  21. And I just got fired.
  22. no doubt you has spoken to teachers and know what you is doing, but is our understanding that teachers got one of the lowest job satisfaction rates. takes you a year or more and some student-teacher training to get a relative ill-paying job that has you working far more than school hours. and heck, if you think cheap-bastard bosses is bad, many school districts got this wonderful habit o' hiring teachers just long enough to not need give 'em real benefits. am pretty sure coal miner and horse knacker is having better job satisfaction. HA! Good Fun! I know they have bad satisfaction rates, but at least a district won't be hiring me, then taking a % of my money and when the state says "Hay, that's illegal" they'd give it back. Besides, I could yell at Hurlshot to get his district to hire me... or my mother to get help getting into the Union.
  23. Got confirmation I'm getting Medicare because the owner of my company is a cheap jerk who steals from us (seriously). Still hunting for a job, but if I don't find anything in the midwest by July I'm probably going back to california, and getting a teaching certificate.
  24. I feel like anymore, SDCC is more of a press event than a convention for fans. It's a place to show off your newest product, but the intimacy of what it used to be is gone in the wake of the noise of the press.
  25. I assume it's just the 24 hour flu.
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