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Everything posted by Calax

  1. If you know how to do home improvement stuff I'd say go for it, otherwise what you could do is get a house that is halfway gutted, so you have a living area, and you've got an area that you can slowly work on, preferably a smaller area, like a single room or something. Simply so that you can get it to your exact specs. But ultimately I think the best thing for you to do would be to get a fully completed house, but stay away from somebody in the midst of declaring bankruptcy. My brother's going through that, and he had been told "you'll get the house by the end of August!" which got changed to september.. october... and now it's november and he got so pissed he put an offer on another place.
  2. Not much, going out of my mind trying to figure out how to add more stuff to my history paper. Also I appear to have been been banned from the WoW forums for "trolling or spamming" but I'm not sure what I said to do that...
  3. ... You know, I don't really care if Barak gets the nobel prize that much, I can understand the reason behind it (he did get most foreign nations to like us again and give them back hope about US foregin relations), but I just don't really care. I do laugh at somebody like Glenn Beck who says that the people who should get the Nobel prize are the "tea partiers" and the "9/12" movement or whatever. Both of which are spear headed by Fox, and have some... unique thinking individuals (for example a woman who wears a holster, and instead of a gun, has a cross in it). *shrugs* all I know is that I hope in 10-15 years I can pick up a prize for physics
  4. It's... ok. If they had added a bundle of more variety to the enemies and made there be more levels that were shorter it probably wouldn't have been as panned as it was. Combat was functional but sticky, but guns were kind of... underpowered, and one of the boss fights REQUIRED Them to be powerful. The final level (hel) was... idiotic because they finally started throwing new enemies at you but they were coming in hordes and were significantly more powerful. Usually when you send a horde of bad guys at your player you don't have the badguys take 8 hits to go down because by that time the player will be dead because the rest of the horde ate his face.
  5. how windy did it get near you? In sac we had the interstate literally flood, and power outages all over as trees got knocked down.
  6. well, really it depends on what the fans are asking for. If they're begging for a game that's basically "the old one with a tweaked plot and better graphics!" then say "screw you we're doing it different". But if they're asking for something that's significantly different and are being constructive, then you might want to take bits and pieces of what they say and pay attention.
  7. So, a republican congress (who you've said has been fairly constant about spending more money) SAVED money, and then clinton did nothing because he was on a bubble from the internet stocks.... And yet GW had the same bubble from the stock market but found that his deficit skyrocketed under his control, with a republican congress. Probably the only thing that will save us quickly (note quckly!) would be a good honest to god, going to the mattresses war between superpowers. Not saying that's a good thing, but it'd probably be the only thing that'd refocus our industry and force us to create new jobs and factories here instead of in a foreign country.
  8. Northern Lights! Decapitation-disembowelment! Yay, gore! "Dodge, Special Attack, Throw!" -Living life the Muso way I'm reminded of an old megatokyo... the one where largo fights (and wins) by shouting out combo commands and doing them.
  9. Try Hawaii. it has every one of these but glaciers.
  10. That's the last time I buy a textbook from a man operating out of a suitcase. well, she tried to explain the concept that people have an inherent knowledge of certain things (like a circle) that is the basis for everything else we know by showing U2 tribute bands and asking us what we could extrapolate from the tribute bands about the actual band.
  11. Just because I slept with the girl doesn't mean I want her baby! What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Ender thought that certain posters were making racist/anti-semetic remarks in a couple of topics and didn't see the mods doing anything to stop it (If I remember the comments weren't anything like that) so he left with a whole good bye thread and changed his avatar and signature to reflect all this.
  12. save money on energy by installing hydro electric plants on each toilet so that people generate bits of electricity every time they relieve themselves? Install solar panels on everything facing south? *goes back to watching his power meter move backwards because of the installed solar panels*
  13. You might try SoCal. Yosemite is nice (admittedly you want to hit it around may rather than "Oh god my face is melting from heat" July/august) and you can get to Disney in a day.
  14. Fleeing from the giant dragon... That said, I missed my friday class, and it turns out that that was the day that he handed out the essay questions >.< So now I've shot him an email and am going to have to beg one of my class mates to give me a copy of them, read a book and a half, and write a 3 page essay... by friday. Doable, but not gonna be very fun. Fortunatly one of the books is Tony Hillerman so it should be an easy read. Next essay I have to read "Killer Angels" (again) and the rest of our text. Meanwhile my philosophy teacher keeps dropping in my eyes, she's gone from disliked to despised in my eyes. My school has this system called d2l (desire 2 learn) that teachers can post documents and discussions on, the philosphy teacher uses it (everything is on there... including the 15 page syllabus). One of it's features is a "dropbox" that students can turn their papers in digitally with. Well, my philophy teacher seems to LOVE making us jump through hoops (including turning in a "prospectus" for our papers, for this here intro class) so she's forcing us to sign up on a totally seperate website JUST so we can turn this garbage in digitally.... AND we have to have a bloody physical copy to hand her too. You know, for somebody who says "we're saving trees and money so I'm not giving you physical syllabi" this strikes me as wasteful in the extreme unless she's only using the digital copy to tell if we're plagiarizing a work. I mean I can understand how hard it is to teach a frigging class, my mother's done it for the past 15 years, but this is rediculous. Doesn't help that she has a wierd double standard of "You're in college now, so I'm not gonna hammer you with stuff and it's up to you to do things" but then require us to A) write like we've had a college composition course (which as I said, this is an INTRO class meaning that people probably haven't or have forgotten how to write that well), B) Have DRACONIAN attendance standards (if you aren't there before your name is called on the role sheet, you're absent, even if you walk in as the next person is being called. so sometimes you can show up 15 minutes late and get away with it and others you show up on time and are marked absent), C) Has a very bad style of teaching that often leaves things totally unclear. D) She tests us on the reading and extrapolation from class discussions. Now this wouldn't be a big thing, but the fact of the matter is that often she tests a week later than when we finish a unit and has filled our heads with different stuff by the time she actually hands the bloody thing out. And I'm really starting to get tired of U2 references. I mean I understand they're her favorite band, but you can't liken EVERYTHING in philosophy to U2 in SOME fashion. that's like trying to liken everything in the physics to a mans genitals.
  15. ... I wonder what the obsidian hall of fame will look like.
  16. Did somebody summon me?
  17. Calax


    I'm only on Discworld 6 (I'm an incredibly slow reader) but I love Pratchett so far, so I suspect I will like it. Just gonna say, Good omens sometimes has an audible thunk when the authors changed.
  18. Still playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. there are a TON of characters. They've even got Pennance (aka Speedball). But they have like one story for 2/3rds of the game and then suddenly radically shift the games direction.
  19. Started messing around with Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. The developers said "if we're gonna rip something off, might as well be blatant" and the story opens with a condenced opener for Civil War (from Secret Wars all the way up to the Stamford incident). Gameplay is the tried and true model, not many changes, but you might as well just let the game auto level you up rather than do it manually. But honestly, it feels kinda like the devs just phoned it in. Their big selling point was "fusion attacks" where two characters combine their abilities to do massive amounts of damage. Well from what I've seen there are only really four or five attacks, just with different models being used in the animation to represent the different characters. So most blasters and most melee will do an attack where the blaster floats in the air and describes a circle while the melee is making something explode in the center to clear out a crowd. I've only seen like 1 other variation of that. Also the voice work is as terrible as ever (admittedly there was a funny appearance by Stan Lee). When I'm playing the voice work gets really crackly like they having trouble with a connection (may be my 360), and I've noticed a couple of times the camera is enjoying not doing what I want it to do. I fought a boss that was basically in a tarantula from Mechwarrior and I ended up getting pushed around so that we I was pressed up against a wall with the boss right in front of me. The camera didn't turn to look down at the character, so I switched characters, the camera didn't move so i spent probably 2 minutes zooming around trying to stay alive while my screen was full of giant boss (thank god you can spam special attacks like no tommarow). Like I said, it feels like the devs are moving to the Madden method, take the game, give it one or two new features, and send it out as a sequel. It just takes longer because they have to rewrite a comic story for the game.
  20. Woke up and realized that if I went to class I wouldn't learn anything... I hate missing this class. Then I decided to get on my facebook page for whatever reason (I check it maybe once a month) and saw that my cousin had taken this in soho: http://twitpic.com/ko4sp
  21. Not much, went to my after noon class and ended up leaving because we had a guest speaker who talked to us like we were highschoolers about harassment and rape. The speaker also had such broad definition of the terms that they kind of lost their meaning. Then I discovered that Matthew Rorie is my favorite game developer.
  22. mmm... computer stompingly large masses of units marching across the wastes of planets *drools*.
  23. Cannon is there mainly to knock down walls and do a bit of moral damage at REALLY long range. If you're fighting at close range and you don't have your own forces between the cannon and your target, swap to canister and watch the soldiers collapse (you do know how to shift ammo right?) Cav is no longer the main unit you want to use for battles, if you go strait line infantry you'll have a better time (maybe back em up with grenadiers). Cav is more hit and run, and for disrupting arty when you find they're undefended.
  24. Now that would make an entertaining filler arc. Rukia going nuts and attempting to kill everyone. "OMG! What's possessing her this time? Nothing!" I've only actually watched one episode of the current arc and that was the fight between Ichigo and Zangetsu. I only watched that one because the inner hollow guy was back. He needs to show up more often. From what I've seen he's a rather large part of this story. Or rather the power struggle between him and Ichigo is going to be.
  25. I donno, I'm divided on this. If they had strict dress codes mandating what is and isn't ok for each gender to wear I'd probably side with the school, but I also have to look at it from another perspective, what if boys were forced to wear skirts to school?
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