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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Hilarious mixed communication today. I rang an agency to try and wheedle some negative/positive feedback about a failed application, and they ended up scheduling me an interview! I can only assume that it is my mellifluous speaking voice.
  2. I like that it resembles 'rapport'. Odd that 'ro' and 'or' are switched. Is eating hearts common? I'm afraid that sounds as enticing as bloody oyster-shooters. I need some broccoli to wash out my eyes. I wouldn't say it was common, but in some ways it is. British people are absolutely comfortable eating Mystery Meat if it's processed. However, show them a chicken gizzard, lamb's heart, or cow's cheek in its unedited form and they freak out and run in small circles waving their arms and shouting. It's just childish, and certainly sub-optimal for cash and flavour. Lamb's hearts, as I say, turned out to be very tender, gamey and grassy flavoured, and only unfortunate in their presentation. Boiled in broth and then thinly sliced, under a rich sauce you could serve them at a silver service dinner, and be feted as a champion.
  3. I agree with Trashman. If the Emperor isn't in the Throne then that only means that Humanity, leaderless, is still stronger than Chaos. ~~ I wonder if this is how theology students feel? Debating scripture?
  4. Cannot agree enough. Look after your ****ing back and spine. You cannot possibly imagine what it's like when it goes.
  5. He died while masturbating. ...Stalin. Hence the defensive wounds.
  6. Had the oxtail and lamb's heart. The lamb's heart was actually just fantastic. I would certainly recommend it for curry or (as I did) a rich soup. It's a strong flavour, but very tender, no tough ventricles either.
  7. EEeeeever so slight PR fail.
  8. Although you don't say if it's any good... EDIT: Doing some pre-bedtime tidying. Found an old copy of a book by Anais Nin (NSFW). She's such a weird writer. In some senses her philosophy of life was quite interesting, yet in her writing there's so much pain and disillusionment. It's as if she hates intimacy as much as it fascinates her. As if she hungers for sensation and is starving on it in equal measure. Ultimately I found her quite scary and sad.
  9. The Immortal Emperor is unconquerable, even in death. He is the way, the truth, and he protects for 24 hours. .... hang on. No, that's anti-perspirant. Sure anti-perspirant. Won't leave sticky heretics. ...No, hang on.
  10. Very interesting. And interesting how the interactivity draws you in.
  11. Hey, everyone has to have a hobby!
  12. Chaos isn't 'freedom'. Chaos is total abject subservience in every waking moment to desires that want only to consume the individual. For example, Slaanesh isn't "get laid when you feel like it". Slaanesh is "You better get laid and love every second, or we'll mutate your legs off. Then we'll mutate them off anyway." Service to the Throne, and the Brotherhood of Mankind, is the only way to defend self, achieve meaning in life, and rest in death. That is true freedom. ~~ I need a purity seal or something.
  13. Hi Walsie Where have you been, you've been quiet the last day or 2? Working and gaming, old bean. Half my work at the moment is 'menial' work, the other half deskbound. Makes for a weird mix. Eating sparingly, most of the time. But i have a planned oxtail soup for later. I'm throwing in a lamb's heart just for giggles.
  14. The most interesting thing there is the old adage that people follow geography.
  15. I can see how a psychopath would find that amusing, certainly.
  16. Unexpected rapprochement with a bloke I fell out with years ago. Down side was I spent my food budget so had to just eat toast for dinner. Actually not so bad. No indigestion, at least
  17. Thanks, man. but i really don't have that spark of originality when it comes to music.
  18. Or Bodypoppingvegan? EDIT: Recliningrabbi? SUBEDIT: Immobilemullah
  19. You are all heretics. Perfidii purgendii Fideles purgator Let death be the lot of the traitor May the rebels be no more
  20. Hit the music from sorophx and sacred-path simultaneously. Not so bad... good opening.
  21. Those are some hi-vis pirates!
  22. *nods* Understood.
  23. Still better love story than Twilight. I sense some stabbing involved... just a hunch. It would be more accurate to assume a ferocious number of summon wands and scrolls, and a LOT of arrows. For the record I should add that my PC ate his corpse. So they can take their resurrection spells and f*** off.
  24. Point taken, Enoch and GD. It's easy to conflate metropolitan Phillipines with the outlying islands. And if there isn't much stone to work with then... ~~ If I can segue slightly, without being disrespectful to the disaster, how does the weak government response resolve into your view on government, GD?
  25. I hope horrible horrible things happen to you. Look, child, this game isn't for you. If you just want camp badly written elves performing sexual favours for one another within some trite fantasy universe with sh*te consolised game mechanics then go and play some bioware games. There have been an enormous number of bad 3D rpgs released in recent years, why are you complaining about the ONLY mainstream one which isn't? So much crap has been released in accord with your awful tastes and yet you still seek to rob the rest of us of a good pc rpg. Why am I even bothering to argue with some twelve year old? look at what the internet has reduced me to... In turn I am mocking you for not being older.
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