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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I watched 'Castle' at the weekend. For some reason Castle reminded me of Raithe. Honestly can't say why.
  2. Hang in there, Cal. If the system is trying to chew you up, make sure it chokes.
  3. Nice post, Orogun. What's the background on those figures. Just your experience?
  4. Mate, to echo my esteemed colleague: - Go outside - Find a field - Feed sugar to a horse or fling a rock at a squirrel - Realise that every passing moment is like a lover's breath - Then realise that, inferentially, completing fedex quests while being forced to search every single ****ing random container to find overpowered loot is like having your own breath slowly forced out of you by a moose farting in your ear - Then realise that being fedexed around the place with random loot could only be made worse by being forced to interact with shallow meaningless characters - Then realise that the only thing WORSE THAN THAT is Neverwinter Nights 1.
  5. Don't drink soda. I drink maybe a can a month now. Feel better for it. Actually, that's a complete lie. I drink soda and lime in the pub, to avoid alcohol. But that's relatively low sugar.
  6. *crickets*
  7. That would be surprising as it was announced in October. Will be cancelled by March, more than likely. Must have been one of the other ones I was thinking of.
  8. Weirdly, I had an insight from an unexpected quarter today. In a job interview, to paraphrase: - Completed tests in top centiles - Excellent CV - proven team and interpersonal skills - "Perfect" experience - Accustomed to stress, seniority etc. Was told (not in so many words) that I was considered a "flight risk" because "Frankly, you could work anywhere... We don't think we could invest in you because you'd leave." If being educated, talking proper <sic>, and playing the game gets you this kind of lunatic response, it's no wonder that people would try the alternative! Strangest goddamn experience in a long while. I guess I shall just have to enjoy the compliment - assuming it actually is one.
  9. I definitely don't want to discourage you, but you need more than just an idea. 1) Take your idea, and make it clearly recognisable to anyone outside you and your mates. Pictures help. If you use words, the total speech should last no longer than 10 seconds. 2) What sorts of people are likely to care about this project? You will need to be sure you can activate lines of communication to them, and have enough credibility to get them talking. 3) Talk to the people who are likely to care about your project and write down what they like and don't like. 4) Turn what they like and don't like into a plan. Don't just assume it's what you started with. 5) Take your plan to some techies and have them say how hard it would be to build using the skills and kit that they already have access to. 6) Cost part 5. 7) Seek funding. Partly by talking to the people who care in part 3. With the funding, commence work. 9) Other stuff, like marketing, testing, release, follow ups.
  10. I don't call a bunch of people not talking to each other, using their smartphones, in a bar, 'politeness'. That's just a collective noun of dullards.
  11. Can an artificial construct - an alt - even have a mind? You might as well be debating with my halfling AD&D character.
  12. Lack of education and failure to comprehend their mother tongue come to mind That's the traditional argument. But is it actually what's going on? I don't think so. These people are quite capable of understanding the correct sentence constructions. They do not consistently use double-negatives. I suspect that the phrase itself functions as a single signal unit, like a word would. Modern British is littered with common use phrases, such as "to be fair" or "at the end of the day" or "**** **** **** biscuits". I also suspect that it is deliberately incorrect. By rejecting proper grammar one stands apart from mainstream acceptance. But one also by default joins another group of incorrect grammar users.
  13. I don't think it's terribly democratic to just strip an elected official of powers. If the public want a crackhead, they should get one.
  14. well the trip on foot should negate all the calories, you little health fanatic you I hardly think so. I can only assume you've never drunk mountain dew. It's like consuming sugar-dipped loft insulation.
  15. We had a link to her over a year ago.
  16. Up betimes, after a well deserved lie-in. OK, not well deserved, but deserved. Question for the day: "You don't know nothing" may be bad grammar, but people still say it. I think we should work out WHY they say it that way.
  17. Then better hope that you'll never be the target of a really dangerous burglar or burglars. I like being prepared though, totally beats hoping in my book. I'd be interested to see what the statistics are on how many people are victims of a home invasion and would have been able to prevent it if armed with a gun. I mean, sure, it may make you feel better, but if the odds are the same as getting hit by lightning, I'm not going to walk around wearing a large lightning deflection rod on my head just in case. Power armour. Live in it. Then your home is a castle. With fists.
  18. Perhaps you could convince your trumpet playing neighbour to synchronise? Maybe the William Tell overture?
  19. Giving my liver a break this month should achieve the same thing.
  20. That comic post has t be the most 'in-character' thing for Agiel to have posted, or indeed anyone else, ever. My sense of humour can oscillate weirdly. But I found it funny that a linked video from the GAU-8 video mentioned HEAT rounds in the top five worst weapons ever fielded, that should be banned. Good ****ing luck, 'Truthloader'. It makes me amused to see people wasting everyone's time trying to ban things that are not only a military necessity, but also surprisingly easy to build, and no worse than a myriad other ways of clocking out. Because such campaigns, having no practical point, can logically only be narcissism. And I laugh at narcissists.
  21. I have stashes of particulate sprays about the house. Anyone comes in here and I will smash the tops off and spam them out like I was Relic games, and they were a poorly thought through unit. Unless an intruder has a filter mask and goggles they are going to swiftly depart, hacking their lungs up. Failing that I bought a crowbar last christmas. I like to think I know the tropes when it comes to basic weapons.
  22. 'Finished' work at 4.30, picked up some food fixings, then drafting some written documents until just now. I love that moment when you're working late, and suddenly you drift away and just listen to your fingers hammering the keys almost independently. I guess because it reminds me so much of being at uni, slaving away through the wee hours just before a deadline. Remember, kids. In school they teach you to do work long in advance, but this skill is pointless in grownup jobs. You will never be given enough time, and the deadlines will move. Learn to do work at the last minute!
  23. The soup was a bit too fatty to be really enjoyable. But I did get value from reboiling the oxtail. Melted all the tougher parts and became eminently gnawable. Put in too much salt, though. Ruined the stock! Toast and jam for pudding, and to take some of the salt taste away. Licorice tea.
  24. I love rollmop herrings! Although it annoys me that you can only get the sweet kind in supermarkets these days. they're supposed to be sharp, eaten with buttered brown bread (IMO). I shall be having the second half of my soup from yesterday, with a few added potatos and oats.
  25. Artist's impression of Ros.
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