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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I am actually now empowered to announce that Project Georgia is a 30 litre jug of iced tea with a bushel of mint, and 10 lemons, that will be served ice cool on the lawn of a white baptist ministry.
  2. Can you say WHY it was the most realistic? I can't find a cheap copy to test.
  3. Sorry to hear that. I thought the x-com games were available from abandonia.com
  4. I can't imagine ANYTHING being compatible with bears.
  5. I particularly like the way the Carroll satirises political leadership by having the Bellman respond to practically every crisis on the mission by standing around ringing a bell. Anyway, just be glad NWN2 doesn't contain a wenderboojum. Then we should all softly and suddenly vanish away.
  6. I don't have any particular problem with emo haircuts.
  7. Actually, to be honest I'm pretty much doing exactly what I've always wanted to do. I heartily recommend it.
  8. Paintball costs a lot of money, and unlike Brothers in Arms I haven't found anywhere that will let me play in my jimjams, clutching a mug of coffee. Brothers in Arms is going to get better when Hell's Highway comes in to model civilians, and lying prone.
  9. I won't know if I became what I wanted to be until after I'm dead.
  10. Agh! It burns!
  11. I noticed Heavy.com were running legit episodes.
  12. Gott in himmel! "Ares appears as a pearl dove. She embodies love, peace, balance, and devotion. She is associated with the color pearl, the season of transition, and the element of love. Her downfall is idolization. " Firstly, _I'm_ a dove? Secondly, i thought Ares was the god of war!
  13. So YOU were the masked stranger who threatened me with that gun? My palms haven't been so sore since I was introduced to Kelly Brook.
  14. But personality is what animates the exterior. Blondes never seem to try so hard or have as much to say. Hence IMO they are rarely going to hit the top 10% of attractiveness. I'm confused though, what is the consensus for the women and men? And do women REALLY like those crazy modern haircuts which make men look like a redneck that has fallen crown-first into a bean sprouter?
  15. I just tried to get some water and found a large quantity of what I can only describe as sulphates of copper resting indolently at the bottom of the glass. This is not good.
  16. Worst? ...Or best? Anyway, isn't anyone going to flame my technical post from earlier?
  17. Hey! I enjoy these mad topics!
  18. Knee too bad. Went for an hour and a haf walk tho.
  19. Surprisingly tasty beer.
  20. At least Eddo's topics are unexpected.
  21. Good effort for trying though. I'm afraid I've been on three nights of boozing straight as various friend groups have been having reunions. I can't tell if I've somehow miraculously escaped a hangover or if I'm just too blasted to realise how bad it is.
  22. Firstly, to prove my spod-like credentials it was a Marder III tank destroyer, not a tank. Secondly it may be daft but the thought did occur to me also thata shot down the barrel would be my reaction, even if it wasn't very likely to do anything. However: - a rifle bullet is not going to hurt the inside of cannon barrel in the least. Think of the pressure and force the barrel contains when it is fired. - assuming the sniper's bullet hit the shell, it would probably have been a high explosive round (not the more difficult to manufacture and valuable HEAT rounds). These are actually pretty tough. and unlikely to suffer any serious injury. - assuming the sniper's bullet hit the fuzing at the nose of the shell it would be unlikely to make the shell explode, but it might. This would be quite messy. He'd have been better off shooting the guy loading the shell/firing the shell through the vision port to the right of the main gun. Probably. But the main thing is that SPR is just damned silly after the opening sequence.
  23. You may have noticed that despite abandoning religion as a driving force plenty of countries are still capable of starting wars.
  24. Kudos for asking, mate. Any idea where you're going to go? Is she quirky or traditional?
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