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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I think you're bang on there. The problem as usual is a lack of common language. Systems engineering TO THE RESCUE!!!! *KA-PWING!*
  2. One of my classmates in college (working in the same field of study, no less) was a German woman named Meike. When she first came to the country, she went to a party where a mutual friend gave out presents to everyone. She became very alarmed when the host gave her a box and told her it was a gift. Jonestown city!
  3. I don't know, but is anyone else scared by recent developments over there?
  4. Ow ow ow! Enough with the piercings! And not all of us are flinty men of the frozen north like you, mkreku. Forged of blood and elk spit.
  5. Congratulations! *off camera* Like the Jesuits we will get them while young!
  6. I really really must agree with Gromnir's post except I've always been of the (possibly daft) opinion that doing nothing is worse than a gently increasing something. I speak as someone who due to possessing a stronger willpower than body has two partially torn biceps, busted knees, and a wedge-shaped dent in my right shin*. Take things slowly and keep in mind that so long as you make a regular thing of exercise there's no practical way you aren't going to feel better in the long term. You've got the whole of your life, so take it easy. The other thing I'd bring up that Meta already mentioned is stretching and warming up/warming down. These are essential, not optional. *kickboxing
  7. I'd like to point out to alla youse who are out of shape and know it that after barely a month of really quite gentle exercise I've lost a lot of fat, and feel a hundred times better day to day. It really is worth getting out there and working up a sweat every couple of days.
  8. 33 minutes today in three blocks pinishing with a 200 metre sprint and a triumphant whoop. As good as learning to fly.
  9. Quiet, you. Or they'll realise we're onto them.
  10. I think we should get him back. We're only, like, racist to Australians an' stuff now.
  11. May I henceforth suggest we refer to Putin as 'Vlad the Irradiator'?
  12. Fenghuang's on the money. I too objected to a lack of decisive action, and I hope we will never have a recurrence of such behaviour. For it will be met with extreme sanction.
  13. I used to get a really bad reaction to doxycycline (all purpose bug-nuke) when I took it on an empty stomach. Made my stomach so acid I got throat ulcers.
  14. I suppose you could make it taste better by embedding herbs in it. I'm guessing you'd have to go with something strong like cumin seeds.
  15. Its hardly fair to put yorkshire pud up against the best Italy has to offer. It'd be like putting bagels up against the whole of Thai cuisine.
  16. I agree. Although for obvious reasons I can't any more I just to just love tear-assing around town. After running a fifteen minute block, seven minutes of it at top speed, I used to let out these rebel yells at the top my lungs and just laugh my butt off, rest a bit and start over. A truly liberating experience.
  17. Gah! *is having flashbacks* The horror, horror, horror. Or diet margarine.
  18. I must confess that I was thinking the other day that 'works makes you free' is a scientific truism, and uite good general advice. But also that the grotesque associations it holds means that I doubt I wil be making it my sig any time soon. Hardly very considerate.
  19. yeah but we got white ppl do this black ppl do that, mexicans are blha blah haiwwians ajfmadha down like a clown son. :'( but in all seriousness I mean Dave Attel, Chappelle, Jim Gaffigan are pretty much amazing beyond all awesomeness. Yes. I guess that kinda humour can be fun if you like it. Ach, I'm probably talking out my kazoo since I've only seen a few US live comedy shows on Paramount. As evidenced by my not knowing who the hell those guys you mentioned are.
  20. Thank the gods you said those three things. For a horrible moment there I thought you were going to say something else.
  21. Sounds nasty. Could it be a pinched nerve?
  22. That is because like all your compatriots you are comedy deprived. American comedy is far too safe when it comes to current affairs. It's like eating diet yoghurt.
  23. My right knee hurt for the first time today with the old rhythmic thumping. Great run tho'.
  24. You mean we only just worked out Meta's devious? Hell, bar myslef I very quickly realised that the Obs mod team was just about Ocean's Eleven.
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