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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I tell you it was hell in there.
  2. No need. Britannia birthed me, sir, and Britannia is eternal.
  3. You mean as in: "What do you serve here?" "Fat chunks who ask stupid questions?"
  4. How appropriate: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/1288230.stm
  5. This echoes my previous pleas to have walking frames and buggies replaced with power-loaders.
  6. Points to Fenghuang there.
  7. That sounds delicious. Mmmmm... fat chunks...
  8. Ye daft bugger.
  9. What if the crate was great?
  10. But you don't think we should do anything to stop it? To be honest, yes. When children are involved I do wish to interfere. [Luke] There is still good in you, I feel it. [/Luke]
  11. Well, you have a point there. I don't know the stats for the US but we have about 100,000 alcohol related deaths in the UK each year. *thinks* Totally random but why not have a 'responsible drinker' card that gets you money off booze? Not much, like 5%, but enough so you'd avoid doing anything that would get it revoked. Incidents get you points against your card like with driving.
  12. Combat course?
  13. But you don't think we should do anything to stop it?
  14. Sorry, man, but you'll admit you were indulging in a lot of violent imagery there. You ever get the urge to just relax?
  15. Nice one, Aram. I was just talking about this to the guys at the corner store and they observed that while we think of these tunes as definitive, the top ten was full of completely different stuff. Made me wonder how much about Vietnam we absorbed from films and artsy types.
  16. At last! A clue! So Ed-D'Oh, what war did you grow up fighting? Weren't you listening? He grew up fighting Godzilla and the Vietcong* in the mean streets of Swansea. Congratulations on displaying the empathy of a psychopath. I suppose you would extend your philosophy to others butchering you for small change, raping and murdering your loved (a big assumption, I know, but I'm talking hypothetically and assuming you have a shred of humanity) because you matter not at all. Or are you a hypocrite as well? And now I wonder why anyone would want to live in the same society as you. Steady on there, Meta. It's quite normal for peopel to feel less emotional about things that don't affect their immediate family. For example: some kid being flung into a churchtower = mildly funny. My brother getting flung into a churchtower = hilarious. * Some people still seem to be ignorant of the fact that the main reason the yanks lost in Vietnam is because LBJ refused to bomb Godzilla or Swansea.
  17. *follows retreating Mus? stepping carefully backwards*
  18. Mayyn, I'm sorry to greet you with teh proverbial hail of fire. I hope we'll continue to see you here. BUt I really can't believe you've considered the consequence of your position. If you are honestly saying that you are unomved by the systematic destruction of an individual's mind, let alone taht of a small child, then I can only feel sorry for YOU!
  19. You echo a comment one of my colleagues made last week before the incident, which was that it was too late to repeal gun ownership. I'm not certain about that, but having studied prohibition, and the subsequent war on drugs, you can understand my skepticism. What I don't agree on is the notion that a gun culture is somehow immutable. Culture is inherently changeable.
  20. All excellent so far. Keep 'em coming.
  21. I picked up this game Shellshock, Vietnam '67 yesterday, largely because I was too fatigued to see straight. It's a rubish game, due to the control and combat interface (filthy console game if you ask me), but it is very stylish. In fact it's so stylish I've decided to go totally Vietnam era with my music this week. I want suggestions on which tunes to listen to. That is name and artist, not just film soundtracks.
  22. I still can't understand how late in the day you yanks get to drink. In fact, just thinking about it makes me thirsty. I'm off to get some beer.
  23. Sadly I don't have that luxury. BTW, I caught this article, and wondered how it looked when you got more detailed about what it means to use kids as combatants. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/6579487.stm
  24. Went to a Turkish restaurant, and was dragged up to belly dance by the hostess. Now, an Englishman dancing is a traumatic event at the best of times, but an englishman with a gut and two bad knees bellydancing is practically an apocalypse.
  25. Riiiight. Because the quality of the life in between is irrelevant.
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