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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Given the history Afghanistan has for making us 'reap the whirlwind' we al know we could expect in five years some kind of size zero insurgency.
  2. Walsingham


    I can't eat corned beef hash since I ate too much of it one day and got sick from all the salt. Spam is fine, though.
  3. That does it, you're my vote for King.
  4. I think this also calls fro more English Majors* to analyse the architecture of good stries, and explore the dynamism within them. *This post sponsored by the society for the promotion of English Majors, and the Prairie Home Companion.
  5. I have no problem with Bethesda doing Fallout 3, provided they keep in mind that there's a better reason to do FO3 than just a ready market of fanbois. FO was stylistically awesome, and really caught the mood of the time in terms that Sando might have more luck describing with his degree than I would. It was also emotionally very free, yet offerred plenty of opportunities to get emotionally connected to various groups and people. What worries me is that Bethesda will get a bunch of simple-minded cretins together who will fill the game with dungeon bashes, and simply copy the FO format stylistically rather than letting it evolve a little. I'd suggest trying a different or at least the odd intense environment. Ithink also that a dark sense of humour was what marked out the earlier games and really made them come alive. Sadly it is this last in particular that I feel is conspicuously absent from the whole Morrowind series.
  6. Can anyone fill me in a bit on modern (last three years) developments in AI, who makes the best, and where the Unreal AI engines fit in? EDIT: Does anyone feel like filling me in...
  7. Dead rat.
  8. I just worked out what that inexplicable stain on the bathroom ceiling is!
  9. o RLY? I can't make the damn thing work! But luckily meta can!
  10. And have her become a martyr? To who? Spoiled rich kids? Precisely. You want them getting all like spoiled middle class kids got about Kurt Cobain? WHERE'S MY PETITION, dammit?!
  11. Actually, in my opinion the principle problem is not a lack of space, but an inability of most economies to keep up with the birth rate. This is creating millions of angry jobless young men. And historically that usually leads to some huge assed war. Which would be bad, m'kay.
  12. And have her become a martyr?
  13. Although the first modifier depends greatly upon your frame of reference, and the second modifier is flat-out untrue, my advice to you is to rent a very fast car with no top. And you'll need the cocaine. ...Just so long as we don't stop. This is bat country. *searches for hunter s thompson emoticon* Anyway... I thought that proramming was only mad hectic when it was badly planned?
  14. It is the propensity of rats to eat humans that makes me loathe and despise them. That and the tails.
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6637855.stm Paris Hilton is trying to use an online petition to claim she enlivens 'mundane' lives, and should thus be let off part of her jail term. Well, I think I speak for us all when I say that she annoys the bejeezus out of me, and moreover must make every honest working or hungry person the world over feel the same. I DEMAND that someone set up a petition to lobby the court to deny her petition. Let's hustle, people!
  16. While I have nothing against the hair I do object to whiny spoilt brats slouching around pretending they've got problems I should care about.
  17. Copy and paste this after you've answered the questions please What age range are you in? __ 18-24 __ 25-30 __ 31-55 X __ 56+ Are you male or female? __ Male X __ Female Do you think overpopulation is a problem? __ Yes X __ No What do you think should be done to solve it? __ A maximum limit of children per family enforced by law. __ Colonization of currently non-habitable environs. __ Nothing, new technologies will be developed to allow us to place more people in the same area without stripping the planet of its resources. __ Nothing because I
  18. Walsingham


    When I was younger I wanted: Pass the Hatchet performed by Roger & the Gypsies. It is the background music whie Tarantino tells his bar joke in Desperado. The style, if you can't quite hear it is like this:
  19. Thanks for clarifying, and also thanks to mkreku, who I forgot to thank earlier.
  20. It could be the School of the Americas in Georgia...
  21. Its because you have one. Yeeees. I'm sure you can all see me getting very into my own hair. *Thinks: nuts. They've found me out*
  22. I got woken up by rats in my ceiling at 04.30 this morning. Usefully employed my time writing sardonic threatening letter to letting agents. Back to sleep at 07.00 slept to now. Very very annoyed.
  23. I can't imagine ANYTHING being compatible with bears. pandas seem pretty cool edit : what the hell is this crap??!?! cat icon is a disgrace to all cat icons i want the old one back the one that doesnt freakin suck ):< Walshingham I demand you fix this immediately Sorry, but Cat icons are the responsibility of 'certain' other mods. Mods who like cats. Unlike me, who despises the verminous parasites.
  24. Walsingham


    I'd like it to be 'Walk this Way' by Run DMC and Aerosmith, but frankly I'm more likely suited to the theme from the muppets.
  25. Dibs on Enoch as my huge Samoan attorney.
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