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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Snobby McSnobpants. That's MacSnobpants to the likes of you, peasant.
  2. Walsingham


    Then I stand corrected. There are no examples in all creation. Excluding Buffy and Evil Vampire Willow fanfiction.
  3. Postgrad study hardly counts, though. My first term of my Masters I worked more than 12 hours a day. Granted that's because I'm an imbecile, but I did work hard. I thought Gorth was talking about working mad shifts on top of studying.
  4. Walsingham


    Spaceballs. Kthnx bye.
  5. 10 hours a day? ****ing norah, what kind of plan is that? The guys' in school. He should be investing time in that, rather than trying to save at this stage.
  6. Bachelor of innovation?
  7. Is this post-apocalyptic 'broken down' you're speaking of? If so, Recoil's 'Earth No More' is going to be along those lines, but with an interesting visual twist. GRAW and GRAW 2 take place in Mexico City and the surrounding area. I'm sure a bunch of others have as well, but the Rainbow Six series pulls off the office and street environments really nicely. There are a lot of things you can do with lighting and environmental design to make a normally dull-looking area really fun to explore. Please elaborate on what you're envisioning. I guess I was thinking that part of the appeal of many environments is to see the mighty laid low, to see the bright made tarnished. I was wondering what would be most evocative from the present era, rather than the past. I honestly don't knwo what that would be, which is why I asked.
  8. I remember the early days. We were arsing about, and the GM said GM "Right! The Gods are angry! A mountain falls on you!" Pl1 "That's a bit harsh." Pl2 "I parry!" Pl1 "Parrying deflects all damage" GM [rolls] "You successfully parry." Pl1 "Don't want to have to do that twice. Better get back to the adventure."
  9. Learn to cook with rice and spices. You can make a little meat go a very long way with rice. Or pasta, really. 1. Acquire huge bag of rice 2. Acquire array of spices from Eastern supermarket for a few pence 3. Make friends with your local butcher 4. Acquire from him the cheapest cuts of meat 5. Acquire onions and garlic 6. Your cheap cuts of meat will be fatty. Use the fat to fry onions and garlic. Add spices experimentally to taste. 7. Add meat. 8. Add meaty goodness to rice. 9. Consume, and store excess in fridge. That should take care of dinner and breakfast. Eat raw vegetables for lunch.
  10. Everyone's prejudiced about something. My prejudice is cello players.
  11. Walsingham


    I believe it was your face. Let down by my face again. *sigh* Hey man, I think it's a pretty good face. Only because you like vegemite. It's because I'm black, isn't it? I thought _I_ was black! I don't know, you miss one meeting...
  12. Walsingham


    I believe it was your face. Let down by my face again. *sigh* Hey man, I think it's a pretty good face. Only because you like vegemite.
  13. I did that once. Ask me if anyone complained.
  14. No such thing as a guaranteed non-lethal takedown. Especially when you're talking about the weak or infirm (the people you suggested not wanting to kill). By their nature they have unpredictable reactions to most forms of energy, be it physical, electrical, chemical etc. But if it makes you happy, I'm sure you can imagine a non-lethal phaser or something.
  15. See, I'm getting very tired of all this. As you say, since when did buying a product mean you signed a EULA changing your name by deed poll to 'Corporate Bitch'?
  16. Although I can kind of see the guy's point. I'd have made it explicit that he was going to be crushed. The thing I love most of all about Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is the Fate Point system. Essentially you each have 'get out of badness' cards. You get some at the start of your career, and earn more by doing 'Fatey' things like save the world, or tell an incredibly funny joke in character. They don't overrule the referee completely, but they prevent total death/losing the mission etc. We also allow them to be used to do things the players know to do, but the character doesn't. Like set up an ambush, or run a special scam. The main thing is that it's up to the player to say when they are used, and so the referee can concentrate on simply being realistic. If the player consistently makes an arse of themselves and never does anything adventurey then they die off fast, but not instantly.
  17. Walsingham


    I believe it was your face. Let down by my face again. *sigh*
  18. Would it work if I had one of those plug in HDD? Or do I have to put it in the case for the sake of reliability?
  19. Makes me wonder if there wouldn't be milage in agile packaging. You know, the market decides it likes one of yur products, and you repackage as many new products as possible up into that form. Even if they more properly should be described as something else. Could be tricky to implement.
  20. Walsingham


    And what part of my critique so far invalidates it as an excellent spoof?
  21. A scant 11 years late I stick on The Chemical Brothers Dig Your Own Hole. Like a family friendly Prodigy. But good for all that. In fact I haven't heard a bad track so far (up to track 5)
  22. Isn't it a bit fething short-sighted to do to college football the exact same thing which has ruined the NFL? People get hooked on the fat cash like the crack pipe.
  23. I'm beginning to understand some of your moderating behaviours now. I'm glad someone does.
  24. I think he just is a genuinely tough guy. Takes it a bit far, but basically tough. Mind you, I don't trust people who do judo. They're like cello players.
  25. I completely have the answer to answering work phones. I used to put on a ridiculous hat. It gives you a definite edge.
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