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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. NO! Go back to sleep. Everything is fine.
  2. Is it propaganda if it's true? It's obviously inferior if it's true. You may want to read up a bit on the history of the Spanish civil war. No doubt you will find it a glorious, knee-trembling account of heroic communist activity.
  3. *Yawn* Now that's a comic.
  4. There is no such thing as the "special relationship". I'm not quite sure what about this is difficult to understand - the US uses us as a vassal state. That is our relationship - so I don't quite see what's so bad about wanting out of it. OK, I'm not sure who you'd rather we were in bed with, but that's really rather irrelevant. 1. The US is our key partner in Afghanistan 2. Labour has committed to Afghanistan 3. Pooping on our key partner is bad 4. Ignoring a solemn commitment to our key partner is pooping on them 5. Our Prime-minister is asleep at the wheel
  5. I knew there had to be an anti-US agit-prop in there somewhere.
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8231124.stm I read this and immediately thought: how stupid was this man? He's up for
  7. most systems have more than two states!
  8. That would appear to be your mother.
  9. the dead don't care I actually shrieked with laughter when I read this! Are those goalposts on the back of a pickup truck or what? GD comes back saying it wasn't a mistake in the sense of available information and you just YOINK say justifications don't exist. I salute your madness with a joyous heart, sir. Zoraptor, you make an interesting point, and thanks for mentioning at least one source. I suggest you have a quick squizz at the BBC historical version. I would suggest this was a case of 'running with scissors', where a **** ups happen in a warzone in times of war. If you think you may be attacked you have literally a couple of seconds to react with modern missiles. There had been attacks on US forces by both Iraq and Iran, and the captain apparently decided enough was enough from the unidentified target. I don't want to have a go at the poor buggers who died on that airliner, but what in the name of unholy **** was it doing flying across contested waters during a shooting war?
  10. Could you rig a pepper spray to a food bait? *thinks* *looks at watch* Forget that suggestion. It's just lunchtime.
  11. My favourites : * Charity Walsingham And The Coconut * Alpha Walsingham And The Town * Between Walsingham * Walsingham Seven
  12. Hardly a shocking new revelation.
  13. The simplest way to give an example is the coin toss one. I have a coin. I toss the coin and observe how it lands. It lands heads up four times. I form the hypothesis that it has a head on both sides. I can toss the coin 100 times, and it can land heads up 100 times. This passes what we would normally regard as 'proof' that my hypothesis is correct. However, this is not proof at all, since it is perfectly possible that the coin has a tail and by chance (0.5 ^100) it has simply not landed tail up. In fact even after 100,000 observations the coin only has to land tails ONCE in order to violate my hypothesis. This is why supporting observations are not the strongest form of proof. This is also why the best hypotheses are what is called 'falsifiable'. They have clearly defined terms which permit the hypothesis to be declared false. This may sound needlessly pedantic to you. In normal life we look for supporting evidence. But it is misleading and even dangerous to do so. For illustration consider teh conspiracy theorist who wastes the better part of their life on a few consistent facts supporting their theory. A less political example of how hypothesis testing should work can be taken from cryptography. But i'll be interested to see if anyone knows what it is.
  14. Brown's administration is - in the popular analysis - totally discredited already. He vacillated on the banking issue, has failed to support the Armed Forces in either leadership or materiel, and wastes time on stunts like ringing X Factor contestants while 'ignoring' critical issues like this one. he appears to be pinning everything on the hope that there will be a spontaneous economic rally before the next general election, when he will no doubt paly the scare card over a conservative victory in anattempt to rally Labour supporters. I don't believe this alone will greatly affect the trainwreck of his doom plunge.
  15. *sigh* MUST we go over this again? You can't prove things scientifically, gentlemen. You set up a hypothesis and attempt to disprove it. *muttering* Bloody engineers...
  16. I do, actually. I don't gad about adopting cynical poses to try and look more in the know. So I don't begin by assuming all government is crap. In any case the mere fact that this was so obviously going to be public made me think that a deal of that nature couldn't have been on the cards. However it would seem that yet again I have underestimated the capacity of Gordon Brown's camarilla to foul things up. Viz: 1. Gordon Brown goes to Afghnistan and tries to convince the country that our engagement and success there is vital. 2. Working with the US is vital to our effectiveness in AF. 3. We just took a huge steaming poop on our working relationship with the US.
  17. Um... guys... er... like... I just gave you proof from a senior Labour cabinet minister that it was done to serve oil interests, not any definition of justice. I'm not making thsi crap up. I used to vote Labour.
  18. Had one huge meal today of pork chops, chips, beans, and toffee pudding. A few beers. Did a small amount of exercise and was interrupted to get dragged out to see the film District 9. Loved it. Still hyper.
  19. District 9. Fantastic film; 9/10; Could have been slightly longer. Plenty of action, and an intense well communicated backdrop of racial tension.
  20. I'm going to call this bull unless you have some links to back it up. If the developers say anything at all, it's that programming for the PS3 is different and more difficult than the other platforms. Porting between the 360 and PC is pretty doable, which is why we're seeing a lot of 360 games on the PC as well. Surely that would be consistent with doing PS3 first and ramping down from there?
  21. Sounds interesting. Can you tell us any more?
  22. Any progress, mate?
  23. I played with a guy who hunted vampires carrying bottles labelled Holy Water, and in fact contained conc. nitric acid. That way they worked no matter what you hit. Later he had them blessed for good measure.
  24. Gordon Brown is worst Prime Minister EVER. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...ked-to-oil.html Cabinet colleague admits quite simply in plain English that the release was in exchange for oil. I stand humbled, and retract my earlier defence. This is a national disgrace. For what it's worth, I am ashamed and apologetic.
  25. Walsingham


    Consider Phlebas is one of the worst. I reckon you'd enjoy Against a Dark Background, or Use of Weapons.
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