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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. You really ought to tuck your feet under something. Or you're kind of lifting your legs. I think.
  2. Madame, like a dwarf in orthopaedic shoes, I stand corrected.
  3. Phew, that was actually fun. 30 seconds is no time at all. I cracked up half way through when this small kid got inspired by my running and started hareing alongside me for about ten yards before laughing and stopping. Just opne more reason why I love running in public, and couldn't stand the gym.
  4. Are library workers often the victims of attacks with office material? Thanks to 'care in the community' for people with paranoid schizophrenia etc public libraries are full of nutters. Handing out scissors MIGHT be dangerous. But someone who's job involves scissors as standard ought to have them. The headline should read "Attention-seeking halfwit demands common object they ought to already have"
  5. Can I point out that the framers wouldn't have even considered healthcare because medicine was almost total balls at the time . They didn't consider a national space agency or airforce either. You still have them.
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8276243.stm I appear to be the only person who thinks that a library not lending scissors is more absurd than a dress maker not owning scissors in the first place!
  7. Can we at least agree that - in purely principled terms - there is nothing wrong with a system which unfairly gives to others if you yourself come out better than a system where no unfair benefits are given? And I'm not talking helathcare specifically. I mean anything. Like a milkshake thing, maybe, or a national porn service.
  8. I saw the ad for The Sims at the end there. As they crest the hill, and the guy says 'unleash them on the world' my immediate and full-throated thought was "FRONT RANK.... FIRE!" Pure fething Zulu.
  9. Well, that's the internet buggered.
  10. By 'King' I presume you mean he is unrepresentative, anachronistic, and rich on the blood of the workers?
  11. No worries! Although to be honest I had hoped this would be nice and simple. Anyone who wants to get specialist about fitness probably doesn't need a thread with starters or a program. This is supposed to be for complete n00bs, or lard-arses like me. Keep it simple, keep it achievable. Speaking of which, I'm just about to begin my warm-up on today's exercise. Who's joining me?
  12. Walsingham


    Am reading Dawnthief. I don't know if my standards are rising, but I think it's a bit rubbish. It very VERY generic fantasy up to page 100 where I'm at, except the occasions when the people behave as if they're midwestern Americans from the 1990s. It's like having suburbanites doing an evening roleplaying. It's all painful plot leaps and flashing steel, combined with PC attitudes, and coffee in the morning. Still, against the odds I seem to be enjoying it.
  13. You mean like in 2001 A Space Oddysey, where they had about twenty minutes of film, and stretched it out to waste what felt like three years of my life?
  14. Up betimes, and had a big full Englsih breakfast at a cafe. Read textbooks. Played far too much civilisation. Rang people to check on projects. Cooked curry, friend came round, we ate curry, listened to comedy on the radio and talked particle physics. Drank a couple of beers.
  15. Off to bed late, so I'll get down the details of today (Saturday)'s exercise. Phase 1 people (most of us including me): 10 Minute warm up Run fast 30 secs, rest 2 minutes. 5 times. 10 minute warm down. Phase 2 people: 10-15 minute warm-up Run fast for 1 minute, run slowly for 1 minute, run fast for 1 minute, run slowly for 1 minute. Continue for ten minutes. 10 minute cool down ~~ Warming up and cooling down means doing a few stretches, and shambling about a bit, waving your arms and legs around to serve notice to your body it's about to do work, or can calm down. Don't let the short length of today's exercise fool you. If you reallly push the speed on the running it will still leave you warmed through. It's the transitions which will get you.
  16. Walsingham


    Why do you say that? I just read his biography on Wikipedia, and he sounds completely mental.
  17. Cesarean, mate. The only way to travel.
  18. Huh. I did not know that.
  19. I simply don't trust Paypal. They've had umpteen frauds and are apparently unregulated. Bastards.
  20. Purely as a tangential suggestion, you could make your audience stay awake for about three days and nights before they watch it. That would make it FEEL as if it was all jerky.
  21. I had to organise a work 'do' once. I insisted on getting good wine, and it was so delicious I drank too much. On the way home I fell asleep in front of the police station. They were very nice about it.
  22. Perfect autumn day here. Am enjoying my day off exercise with a bottle of imperial stout and some reading in the crisp clear sunshine. Looking forward to exercise tomorrow.
  23. Now to check if those pics come from another ad for the same sort of stuff!
  24. Er... you guys were told about the apocalypse, right? Did you miss that meeting?
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