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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. If you do decide to pick a defensive line and fortify for God's sake don't pick the midway point. Pick teh midpoint all teh way along, except for one flank pushing far into their territory. I'd be up for a game. PM me.
  2. I just had that bit with the vampires in Fallout 3 and this wanker was trying to yap on about poetry and somesuch and IN MY HEAD I thought "This fool isn't going to let me complete my mission peacefully is he" So I hit the inventory, drank a bottle of beer, waited until they were assembled for a meeting, laced the entire area with landmines, and retreated to a safe distance. Then I had another beer. they got up, dispersed and mines started going off. They all died. I had another beer. Maybe not funny to you guys, but I perfectly hit my funny bone.
  3. Well, come on then, share them, you bugger.
  4. I recall many bits from the Cube, but I really wouldn't care to see it again.
  5. We have been working on the correct strategy behind this on behalf of my many nerdly friends. The basic format is to mention some cool place or event you are going to go to in her presence, then suggest casually that she might enjoy it, and if she looks interested suggest you go together. Simple, efficient.
  6. Someone who doesn't want their career as a conservationist ruined by smearing a parrot across the nearest tree with their fist?
  7. I presume you are somewhere safe. I've been attacked by wild dogs while out running, but in the USA I suspect even the hounds have handguns. Phase 1 people: 20 min walkrun. That is 4 minutes run 1 minute walking followed by: 2x pressups max 2x 6 dorsal raises 2x 6 tricep dips 2x situp max ~ Phase 2 people: 10 min warm up 2x 12 each exercise as before 10 min warmdown
  8. My pleasure. I have to say that if I was that conservationist I would have quit trying at that point. When the 'people' you are helping try and rape your head it's time they found another helper...
  9. I'd be careful. The other coyotes probably had a video caamera and were just waiting for you to use force so they could sell the footage out of context to the media.
  10. I appreciate the thought, but I'm going to stick to the planned regime. A bit of pain never hurt anyone. Hang on...
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8281382.stm
  12. That is very true.
  13. Homo homini lupus... ready, aim, FIRE! Good, now I hope you've learned your lesson. Actually, speaking of which, I'd have to count one of the weirdest things I've ever seen was that guy Onur the Courageous. The one who claimed Nirvana were British, and US helicopter pilots fly about masturbating all the time.
  14. A HA! You, sir are a bundu-basher and I claim my five pounds.
  15. It's not complex. Rape means sex without full consent, in the same way as drug rape or alcohol rape. Statutory rape means that a minor isn't fully capable of giving consent. A fact enshrined in many ways in law, including minimum age of criminal responsibility. I might point out here that other countries will subject minors to the death penalty also. Statutory rape doesn't demean the word rape any more than the term 'emperor penguin' demeans the word penguin.
  16. Had a proper night's sleep and woke well rested. Autumn sun, crisp as a hospital sheet folds up the south-facing rooms of the house. Off for a walk later, marvellous.
  17. It's a rest day today, which is handy because it feels as if I've got a nail in my right thigh. I think I run lopsided or something. Maybe I should get a personal trainer to teach me technique? Neverthelesss I'm off on a long walk today for the traditional British walka nd pub lunch in the countryside. I'd rather just have the pub lunch, butmy new-remembered spirit of bold adventure tells me to take advantage of the opportunity to soldier through the pain.
  18. Looks like it's just me reading the thread now. Well sod you all. The run went very well. I warmed up thoroughly and took to the runs in the only well lit quiet bit near me. A gang of teenagers cheered me on with encouraging descriptions of my variuos real and (hopefully) invented shortcomings. this actually spurred me on, and I feel magnificent. My legs feel like sea-swollen driftwood, and I'm wheezing, but you get the idea.
  19. I'm even more confused now. Not only do you weirdos refuse to accept the idea of statutory rape, but now as Volo helpfully points out, using drugs and coercion to make someone have sex with you isn't rape. I honestly don't believe this. And I believe all sorts of strange things.
  20. I've decided to go easy on myself and go for the run, athough it's dark now. This may sound counter-intuitive, but I realised that if I run I'll feel like **** for an hour or so, but if I don't then I feel like a lazy useless **** for days.
  21. If you were English and a gentleman you would know the only socially acceptable way to resolve such an appalling faux pas is to kill the boy's entire family as well.
  22. My old referee did one where we alternated modern events with stuff from the dark ages and renaissance. Explained as us having ancient bastard style flashbacks. We knew we wouldn't die in the past, obviously, but really awful stuff like torture, humiliation or violation could. Plus extreme trauma could draw us so far into our memories that we could lose current skills like computer use. Bloody good stuff.
  23. Stopped reading as I haven't seen the movie, but thought it would be polite to say so.
  24. Hear hear. Funny how it's always a miscarriage of justice. You'd think the courts never sentenced a guilty man. Free John Gotti!
  25. Badly hungover and massively tired today after good night out last night. I probably wil go ahead with the exercise, but not sure. 10 min warm-up 5 sets of 40 seconds fastest run and 2 minutes rest. 10 minute warm down. EDIT: Phase 2 same as above, but 1 minute fast, 1 minute rest, 10 times.
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