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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Okay, I don't understand what you're doing. This formally tested total is the 39 pushups you did in the first page? And are you seriously shooting for 3 sets of your tested max with 30-90 secs rest in between sets? I'm confused. Yup. I didn't say it made sense, but it's written out in black and white. I've been doing my best to achieve it, but frankly anyone who could do that clearly didn't try hard enough in their maximum.
  2. I LOVE kimchee. Especially the farting aftewards.
  3. Rest day today. i intend to do three sets of 20 curls each hand with a 8 kg weight, followed by three sets of crossover situps, say 20 per set. A crossover situp is when you put your hands behind your head and touch the elbow of your right arm to your left knee at the top of your arc, etc.
  4. I did not intend to post this. But a friend has the same problem. Both our inbuilt DVD drives have taken to refusing to eject unless there si something already in them. Accessing them requires ether random flailing or strange unqie and limited combinations of pushing buttons and singing songs. This evening I became so enraged by this that I grabbed a pair of pliers and wrenched the drive tray out. Now it won't accept closed a s a stable state. I am literally about three heart beats away from smashing the whole machine with a hatchet, which would be immensely satisfying. What can I do? Replace the drive> spit on a spaniard?
  5. Indeed. That , or a Korean restaurant.
  6. I agree. It's nonsense. Gravity is already known to deliver effects at beyod the speed of light. Therefore light is not the measure of speed.
  7. Went down to Swindon to see We Are Klang. I loved it, as did my friends who I paid to take with me. They are deranged, obscene, and very hard working. i wholly recommend them.
  8. You are mad. When it says "3x pushups max", it means you do each set until you cannot perform any more reps. Not to your theoretical max. That is with a given rest time. On the other hand, if you are shooting for a given number of reps in each set, you should rest as much as you need to (reasonably) hit your target. Rest days are for resting. Stick to your plan and don't be greedy! Sir, you are clearly paying bugger all attention. The max is taken from the formally tested total, taken at the start of phase 1.
  9. Oddly enough, neither did I.
  10. Naturally, as we discovered during the statutory rape discussion the entire concept of 'childhood' is a fiction designed to sell birthday cards and persecute intellectuals. I don't just support THIS child sailing solo around the world. I believe ALL children should be forced to sail solo around the world. And all pensioners.
  11. You mean one processor doing ten calculations is the same speed as ten processors each doing one calculation?
  12. That might explain my youthful desire to kill millions of them with boiling water.
  13. I estimated a new course today and wound up running out of running time before I got home, so I did some of the upper body stuff on the street. Mainly the pushups. My arms were wreck tired. I don't know how I'm supposed to eb improving my upper body strength with all this. 3 times max seems impossible, and 1/3rd max is risible. I guess we'd better wait until the end of the week to check how progress is going, but I'm beginning to wonder if we shouldn't use the off days to do some simple stuff like core muscle tensing and bicep curls. Nothing actually tiring tiring, but just to develop some of the peripherals.
  14. Walsingham


    Tagged. yesterday I read The Napoleon of Notting Hill by GK Chesterton. As you know I'm a fan of Chesterton, and I hugely enjoyed this very quotable book. The picture he paints of a world where nothing is worth fighting for and no-one minds not voting, and all is dullness is frighteningly familiar. However, I concede it can be a bit weird at times, and the ending is utterly fantastical and a bit rubbish.
  15. I'm still waiting for mkreku to take ManU away.
  16. I thought quantum computing was instantaneous? Also, what about parrallel processing?
  17. I knew you'd all be clever enough to work out that Sunday was a walking/rowing/swimming day. I didn't walk at all on Sunday, but I walked for about six hours on Saturday so I excused myself. Today we have Phase 1: 15 minutes jog-walk ( I assume this means three blocks of five or something) 3x 1/3rd Press ups max 2x 8 raises 2x 8 tricep dips 3x 1/3rd sit ups max Phase 2: 20 minute steady run 3x pressup max 3x 14 lunges 3x sit ups max 3x 14 dorsal raises ~~ We're onto week 4 now, so I'm quite pleased. It's definitely been easier to stick to the exercise with the plan, and also keeping this blog going.
  18. My charity ends at humans and dogs, mate. And gun toting gorillas, but then i guess that's not actually charity.
  19. I would say go for it if you're a seasonal or part-time worker and can't turn your free time into cash to pay someone else to do it. Even if you do have money builders are a total nightmare. It's only recently that I found a guy who's ex-Forces and a senior NCo at that, and he's completely trustworthy. Bills by the day but works like a well organised dervish and if he runs out of things to do before his clock runs out he'll suggest stuff. I suppose the only other reason would be lack of deposit. Or if you're simply hard as nails and don't care about living in a building site.
  20. I'm totally stamping on those little Independent reading wankers. Vegetarian spider? Thieving workshy benefit scrounger more like, living off the plant/ant symbiosis.
  21. Short answer is Muslims condemn terror every day. Which in some cases takes real balls, since it is often visited with 'punishment' from the terrorists. Some don't. We're working on that. And I think publishing accounts of what really motivates these looney tunes helps. As you've done. I agree that no-one seems to regard terror as important. As if it's been a massive scam. The only reasons I can think of for feeling that way are either laziness, or simply finding it less threatening to be under threat from their own government. Which I guess would be appealing if you already felt that way. EDIT: In case anyone's unclear I'd like to condemn Loyalist terror in Northern Ireland, and white supremacist terror, and anti-abortion terror, which might otherwise be construed as being associated with me.
  22. Phase 1 people: 15 minutes jog-walk ( I assume this means three blocks of five or something) 3x Press ups max 2x 7 dorsal raises 2x 7 tricep dips 3x sit ups max ~~ Phase 2: 10 min warm up 12x circuit training exercises 10 min warm down [i assume you recall the list, if not it's on earlier pages]
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