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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I spent a good twenty seconds hoping this was an animated gif.
  2. She doesn't like violence? Have you pointed out that this is about as sensible as getting upset about gravity?
  3. Turns out that training thousands of terrorists in your own country and believing you somehow control them is FAIL. It's like trying to revenge yourself on your spouse by giving yourself HIV. Having said that I am sorry for the hundreds of poor Pakistani civs who are being murdered. It's not as if they've had much say in the matter. My overall view is that I'm just glad we started to tackle these bastards when we did. They'd have only got stronger the longer we left it.
  4. *sees an image of your avatar spitting out his pipe and sending a froglike tongue to catch a coin in mid-air while onlookers drop their drinks* Majestic
  5. It always comes back to coke and hookers. I'm against the coke. Unless it was coca cola syrup. And hookers.
  6. I've always felt that the optimal solution would be to catch the coin out of midair with your tongue and swallow it.
  7. You could get a professional qualification. Surely 50k will get you a PhD. That would boost your earning potential.
  8. Move this to Skeeter's?
  9. Then there's all the sexual harassment...
  10. Three main reasons for procrastinating in my experience as student and coach/tutor/manager: 1. Overstress. Taking a break rallies the reserves and makes work easier. 2. Demotivation. Doing some 'fun' reading around the area or talking to the more charismatic professors may help warm teh embers 3. Self-handicapping. If success becomes too important to your identity [the reverse of demotivation] then you may seek to avoid doing work as an excuse for failing, rather than conclude you aren't any good or aren't clever enough. I can't recall ever having to tackle simple laziness as a cause.
  11. I can think of a lot of things a 16 year old girl should be doing to enjoy herself for a year, and sitting alone in a boat is not one of them. And believe it or not I actually started writing that sentence without it being dirty.
  12. I'd start my own business and quit being managed by **** heads. Which is of course what I did.
  13. Could just be a feature of teh force and number of turns possible in the time during an arc of that force. But i always knew coin flipping is a useful art to know.
  14. *Suspicious glare* Doesn't sound very English to me. Are you sure you're English?
  15. New thread? Keep us posted, mate. Not that I can suggest anything which a competent investigator woudn't know already.
  16. You're just jealous because it was going to be you until God changed his mind at the last minute.
  17. Ugh. Don't get me started on those little demons. I went to a reunion on Friday and one guy simply wouldn't leave the damn thing alone.
  18. The only thing I like about Apple is that they've shown yet again the necessity of commanding a company's product range rather than just piddling things out at random.
  19. I agree with Numbers. We may laugh at some ideas, but Newton is proof that oldies can be goodies.
  20. Trust me. No, in fact, just go read his posts, under his curent user name and 'Onur the Courageous'.
  21. I commend your discipline in paying them off. I still have mine and regularly juggle between lenders to get zero interest rates etc. The main reason for this is that my life, while broadly fortunate undergoes periodic balls-out FUBARs. A credit card is a quick way of getting cash to smooth out the bumps.
  22. Because Afghanistan attacked us. Iraq is just about making world a better place, eventually. Lieutenant, if you think talking to him is going to work... You might just as well try to invalidate a poem by shelling hazelnuts and throwing them at the sun.
  23. Indeed. Perhaps you'd like to pick up some of those Canadian pubic spy satellites you warned us about. No doubt they're going cheap.
  24. Sometimes I think bits of our training are simply to make us hurt really badly. the one thing I know for certain is that an Army PTI wouldn't think twice about making me do my total three times in a row like that. So I may as well train for it.
  25. I think I speak for all of us when I say "**** causality" I follow Einstein's logic on why an object can't be accelerated beyond a certain speed. But that does not mean EFFECTs cannot be delivered at beyond that speed, as gravity demonstrates. e.g. if someone moved the sun the effects would be felt on Earth immediately, even if the change would not be seen for a while.
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