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Everything posted by Walsingham
I agree with Lewis Black. If you are on a multi-million pound salary, and you steal from people you shouldn't be sent to some white collar jail. You should be sent to the nuthouse. Because you're clinically insane.
I am so staggeringly bored. I've been sick for three days and am going mental.
If the government is a big shareholder then why shouldn't it exercise shareholder's rights? Anyway, leaving that aside, what are the measures a CEO should be judged on? 1. Market performance Too many auxiliary factors to get a clear message 2. Not committing fraud Fraud kills entire companies. Fraud is a definite no. Hence... 3. Integrity Hence... 4. Accepting responsibility 5. Not killing babies for fun 6. Looking cool I don't know...
That reminds me: I hate you and all your effortless style.
I can understand someone getting paid big bucks to set a company straight, but simply running a company seems a sinecure. Like being a Field Marshal without an enemy. One step at a time: what does the CEO actually DO?
According to today's telegraph we;re set to absorb another 9 million immigrants in the next ten years. I find that mental. I don't care hwere they're from, there's not enough room/water/power for all the wankers already here.
Good explanation. Thanks. The only issue I'd have with that is that they don't actually run any risk. It's not as if they get fired if things go badly, or miss out on their pensions. I cincede one must avoid bad CEOs, but I simply don't see the commensurate improvment from a 200k CEO to a 200million CEO.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/roy...age-strike.html This brought back a thought I keep having: What precise benefit is had from an organisation paying their CEO
I was about to follow this with a further comment on the sexuality of any man who can't handle women unless they're under a tarpaulin and in fear of their lives. But that would be demonising the enemy, wouldn't it?
Working with a hangover isn't always bad. I've done some of my best work while hungover, by which I mean angry and short-sighted.
I still don't get that. I want an array of women, from virgins to right slappers. Plus at least one just for cooking the raisins. EDIT: Something I just realised. Why blow yourself up to get 40 virgins? If you really set your mind to it I bet you could get that many just by working hard and being charming. No deaths required. Retards.
It's funny you mention helping others, Krez. I reckon that's the best measure of whether one is SHing. Even knowing all i do I still flap about but put me on someone else's behalf and I'm a ****ing engine. Focus, plan, execute like the freaking terminator*. I was thinking about this two nights ago. Whether as humans our best bet would be to do each other's jobs. * Are you Sarah Connor? No. Damn. Well, I'm all out of ideas.
Idiotically stupid 'jokes' ripped from Clinton Ditchkins' Smog Infusion, however, are certainly grounds for being eaten alive. How about for an encore you tell us about your money-grubbing Jewish neighbour, the terrorist Muslims who live down the street, or do your oh-so-hilarious Indian accent? Do say hello to Dr. Paisley when you see him. Whoah.
Monte: Aha. A Londoner. yes i agree Londoners are not really English. They just think they are. What's worse people who live in London think the rest of the UK is just the embarassing aged relative one keeps in the woodshed.
The thing I find really depressing is tha if Al Qaeda did nuke a few million civilians you'd STILL have tw*ts running around saying they're just freedom fighters.
Nah. Sounds like you're just rubbish, mate. SH doesn't necessarily mean failure. I recognised a lot of what Enoch was saying. I guess in some ways SH behaviour is even better ego fodder if you manage to succeed despite the handicap. In fact that could be why we do it so much. Case in point, due to an injury I play pool one-handed (I used to fence, so I use the same pose). If I lose no-one crows about it, and if I win the other guy is massively humiliated. Plus over the years I've got pretty good. I'm not sure whether doing things at the last minute is really SH. It could be simply that I need things to be exciting to get my brain fired up. It could be that while I may not think I'm working in the buildup period I am actually chewing it over at a preconscious level. What do you chaps think? It's quite odd, but as I predicted, that we have so many SHers.
Personally, I find I can get along with almost anyone EXCEPT my family. If you take my advice you'll start whistling a merry tune, and never think of the fools again.
Actually, no. It's a pretty large country, and if you wanted to cover every valley and hilltop 100% I imagine it would be pretty oxorbitant. Then of course some of the guy you'd want to nuke are on the spree in Afghanistan and Kashmir. So presumably you'd nuke them too. Then you've basically nuked India. So, good luck with that.
Does investing in hookers count as investment? Surely hookers are a guilt *tumbleweed*
*sees an image of your avatar spitting out his pipe and sending a froglike tongue to catch a coin in mid-air while onlookers drop their drinks* Majestic Incidentally, were you thinking of the Catholic eating Elisabethan spy master or some comic character I don't know about. My dear boy, you don't EAT catholics! The constant guilt makes the meat bitter.
Leading on from the discussion in WoT I wondered how many of us here are self-sabotagers? That is do you feel you occasionally deliberately do things which you know will undermine your own efforts to succeed? Examples would be leaving work until the last minute, going drinking before an exam, failing to do enough basic reading... and so on. The theory is that self-handicapping exists to protect the ego. The idea being that if you fail because of a simple 'error' then you can still be a genius, while if you did everything process right and failed then the only option is to be a cretin.
No apology necessary. I'll just dwell on the intense excitement while I was waiting.
Er, guys... using the bank's money to buy things is GOOD, provided the overall result in terms of effect or interest at your end is worth the interest at theirs. The only problem with credit cards is the amount of interest at their end. However, if something is needed NOW then the benefit could be huge. For example buying a train ticket to pursue the love of your life. It's no fething use saying 'oh I'll save up for it'. By then she's already married the pope.
That's the story of my academic career right there. Probably my professional career, too. There's a book on it in the Bodleian library in Oxford but I've forgotten the title. I could show you where it is though. One of the most useful reads ever for me. It really makes very good sense. I mean if your whole identity is built on being a genius and your success is a direct measure of that genius, then you better damn well succeed. It's the curse of the annoying over-achiever.