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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Are we not getting a bit off topic?
  2. I'm feeling antsy today, which is great as I know from previous experience this is the sign my system is notching up a few steps. I may do a few situps and peressups just to burn the excess energy, and we'll be walking around this evening of course.
  3. My friend had trouble with his insurance and the call centre in Mumbai retorted that their system was incapable of making any error. Quite apart from the fundamental impossibility of such an assertion, he pointed out that they had sent correspondence to teh wrong address twice, making numerous spelling mistakes, which had only got to him thanks to the ingenuity of the Royal Mail.
  4. I almost understand the concept of a mayor, as the 'owner' of a city. But there's been a mania for elected and unelected officials recently, none of whom appears to have the power or inclination to do their job. Surely scrapping those bastards would save cash.
  5. You never see fat monkeys, do you?
  6. Were they really? What are they made of now? So what's an assault ship for? What kind of conflict is that likely to be used in? My exhaustive historical research came up with this: I think if I ever get married I shall have the wedding rings made at the same place.
  7. Party systems in general are kind of silly. Like saying "I want to elect an entity to represent me in this other entity." That's why I believe in systems where you vote for the man, not the party. Which only makes it doubly perplexing that people in the US and UK where we have that option rarely consider the candidate. It's like choosing a musician to listen to based solely on where they trained. This is relevant to the thread, I guess since we're talking about implementing solutions. *ponders* I don't suppose we could raise cash by putting all parties on the game?
  8. The correct response to that is "It's not 1993? Oh my dear god! *glance at your watch* 2009?????" Then fall to your knees weeping and muttering softly "Too late! Too goddamn late"
  9. Roger that. I'll pick up some bananas later today. Remember today is a rest day so naturally I'll be out drinking.
  10. Nah, Brits are always cool. Heck we're not even pissed at the French anymore since Sarkozy came along. Canada is ok because if they get out of line we'll just take another one of their hockey teams away. No one has anything against Scandinavians, Aussies, or Kiwis either. Would that the reverse were true... I think you chaps rock. Strange notions about government notwithstanding.
  11. Thats not fair. You're going to have to throw in a few cases of Bass and all of the players from the Manchester United for our World Cup team. So, to be clear, you're saying you'll take Manchester United AND Gordon Brown AND some substandard ale? *sniff* who says the special relationship is dead? U S A! U S A!
  12. I've been giving this more thought and I believe it may be one of the worst ideas I've ever heard.
  13. Something I'm quite proud of is that when a friend's father (who is a very senior consultant physician) got asked to do one of those things I immediately pointed out he should just staple a copy of the hippocratic oath to his 'mission statement' and damn them to challenge him. They didn't.
  14. It never fails to make me giggle when you chaps get all loyalist about Republicans versus Democrats. As if there's a real difference. Conservative and old Labour, now THAT's a difference. Not that anyone can remember old Labour these days. Or in fact the old Conservatism, before Thatcher.
  15. Speaking of which, GD, is it still cool to mention the UK over your way? I get the impression our credentials as loyal ally have faded.
  16. No. You['ve clearly never been to any major UK cities. Places are overrun. That and fething seagulls. SEAGULLS. We should have a special town in teh hebrides or wherever where no animals are EVER harmed in any way and see how long teh bastards can stand being knee deep in rats, goldfish, and presbyterians.
  17. I tell you what... we'll trade you. You take Brown we'll take Obama.
  18. I'm suspicious of those protein shakes. Are they REALLY any use or am I ok waiting for a meal? For some reason I absolutely bloody love curry after exercise. After the run I walked an hour to go to my training night, then on the way back realised I was probably overdoing things and putting the program at risk so I got a cab! Finally enjoying a pale ale and waiting for my soup to reheat. Muscles gently steaming and crackling like a car at the end of a long drive. Heaven.
  19. I obviously wasn't trying hard enough. I managed the full thing in one go with no rests which is good, but I ran it over my test distance and I only covered the mile and a half 25 seconds faster than my original time. I also didn't feel sick. Clearly not going fast enough on the sprints. Still, hopefully now I'll have the confidence to give it laldy next time. Tomorrow is a rest day, then we have jogging and upper body on Friday. Details to follow on the day.
  20. I know what you mean. Nothing makes you feel more virtuous than exercising so hard that you puke. Actually, on one occasion the PTIs made us do mixed exercise so hard that I nearly pooped myself. I actually fell out of the platoon at that point, reasoning correctly that it was the lesser of two evils for once. It wasn't so much the poop as the realisation that I'd catch it even worse for messing up my uniform.
  21. I generally take the view that if I don't pay any attention to it it will go away.
  22. What would be even cooler is if he put them all back to back in a triangular formation. Then they could move by rolling sideways.
  23. Sam Cooke - Bring it on home to me.
  24. bags I get to be the front.
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