Some robust snipping follows:
I like your angle on totalitarianism. I don't agree on your version of socialism. But you conflate socialism and communism, as Gorgon points out. The former, you point out, and as I pointed out earlier, requires totalitarianism to be sustained. If our trolltastic friend knew his Marx better he might be appalled by the realisation that this reduces all men to the status of slaves. Even Marx would have recognised that slavery was inferior to the corrupted freedom of wage worker.
When I think of socialism, or most of my compatriots think of socialism, we think of society. No man, as they say, is an island. Nature does not furnish every man with his just desserts for his efforts. I take no satisfaction from seeing a man without the means to feed himself because his occupation has been taken away by forces utterly beyond his control. Nor do I expect anything good to emerge from his starving. I take no satisfaction from seeing a man with more money than he can possibly spend on anything but artificially expensive toys. Nor do I epxect any good to emerge from his boredom and aggrandisement. I share your somewhat pessimistic view of the niceness of people, so I do not expect the latter to help the former on his own, although he has the means to do so.
Incidentally, I notice that no-one has yet contradicted my statement that LoF ignored sensible posts of mine in the past. I remind the members that I asked for people to chip up in his defence if they felt it justified.