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Everything posted by Walsingham
Good effort! I assume. Anyway, after my weekend break, which mainly involved being drunk, eating, and watching films about zombies, I need to get back in. As predicted even my short break left me feeling a bit slack and generally weedy. So I'm I'm just about to go out and re-do the last day on the program, which was pretty easy. Jog walk for 20 mins: that is 5 mins jog, 1 min walk. Then 3x 1 quarter press up max 2x7 dorsal raises 2x7 tricep dips 3x 1 quarter sit up max rests of 30-90 secs between sets I won't bother writing up phase 2 since by the sound of things mkreku needs a rest, and anyway it's on the last page.
The US purposefully and knowingly provoked Japan into attacking it. ROFLMAO I'm not going to spoil the perfection of this hilarious statement by probing the rationale.
I'm not sure I'm going to have time to do this today as an old friend is showing up. So I am probably going to offset it until tomorrow. If i find time I'll do it, but I'm guessing not and it's best to be honest.
I saw a professor on the BBC actuyally seriously saying that it was OK to award teh prize now because new initatives ghave been begun under Obama. Like hell they have. Anyone with more than passing acquaintance knows that overtures were in the works to Iran and Algeria (to take a couple of examples) at least a year before he ever got into office. I haven't time to link to the features, but just think about it. Diplomacy doesn't happen overnight. Especially not in such a bureaucratic system as the State Department. Frankly this is such an ill-judged award I'm seriously tempted to consider it an attack on him.
I must concur with my learned colleague, Dottore Slugland.
I was referring to the principle. Prodigal sons etc.
... and our illustrious professor turns out to be a military theorist too. Or does the dialectic cover that in a sort of two-for-one package? Simply because ancient militaries used and excused homosexuality doesn't make it right. They also permitted freebooting, torture, rape and so on and so forth. I'm not for a moment suggesting being gay is teh same as those things, but you follow my point. As it happens I think there could be more open-ness about homsexuality in the military. I think that at the end of the day it simply reflects the background of the guys in service. GD's right that having a gay guy 'surface' in a platoon is as disruptive as a u-boat surfacing among a pack of liberty ships, but does it have to be? I don't know, frankly. I can see it would complicate things in the field because it creates cross-currents of emotion and pressure which are simply not in the 'design specifications' of the system. *shrugs* However, I think you could be a bit more ****ing respectful given that GD has actually served and you're just some bloke at a desk. He's earned the right to an opinion.
Surely going from war to peace is better than simply being peaceful?
The lecturer is generally flamboyant. Always has been. If you watch the history channel you'll probably have seen him before he became a she. You can hardly discipline a student for being flamboyant tho. In my opinion this just underscores the need for school uniform. Uniforms are cheaper for most parents and take away two sources of trouble (competitiveness, sticking out) while neatly giving students something to rebel against that doesn't actually hurt anyone.
I actually saw a good comment on this on the BBC. The guy pointed out that like everyone else the President is on a receive now, pay later system. This is daft. You can't just make speeches about peace and get the prize. Actually, wait, **** it. *coughs* Gentlemen it is my believe that we as a people must get into space through the use of gravitational drives and I will not rest until that is done. Can I have a Nobel in physics now please?
A thought occurred on my way home: I am one charming mother****in' pig.
What if I made my domestic staff wear them while hoovering?
Fair 'nough. I'm nt sure who the hell is even doing this any more besides us.
Did my exercise and then stormed it to the pub before closing time. No-one I knew was there for about half an hour then an acquaintance appeared. He was having work trouble with which I assisted. He then suggested we go to a pub he knew. I concured. At said pub he introduced me to a number of people. A 'certain' lady appeared and we got on very well. Foundations are laid. I am pleased.
As I was out running this evening I amused myself by thinking through the old problem of software copyright. I need to be away off to the pub, but these are the basic points: 1. Situation: Piracy is an issue 2. Problem: Taking revenue from sales requires draconian safeguards and still leaves revenue to chance 3. Solution: Sell a class of shares in teh company where the 'dividend' is a special numbered hardcopy of each game that comes out. Could generate revenue from sale of the shares, and of course trading in them. Thoughts?
Jane's Intelligence Review did a feature on security barriers. The short answer is that they only work on short stretches when aided by terrain. They were quite guarded on the US Mexican issue, but even if you did seal the land border you are NOT going to stop them at the ports. We only have a handful of large ports and thousands get in. Hell all tehy have to do is cross on legitimate tourist visas and decamp. Of course Killian 'Clemenceau' Kalthorne woud never accept this. Great moustachioed 'compoop.
I mentioned this to a friend of mine and he told me that there is a trans-sexual lecturer at RMA Sandhurst. If the Army officer training academy can handle it then kids ought to. As for inciting tension I don't see the issue. What about a sikh wearing his topknot or turban? If he gets into fights because he's a sikh whose fault is that? Whereas I do see the issue if he wore waffen SS dress uniform.
I'm late posting today because I'mrunning late in general. Enjoying FO3 too much on teh replay, using my own soundtrack. Both groups we're doing 20 minutes running. Phase 1 will get to split it up into four blocks of five minutes, with 1 minute breaks of walking in between. Then its: Phase 1: 3x 1 quarter your total pressups 3x7 dorsal raises 3x7 Tricep dips 3x 1 quarter your total sit ups 30-90 secs breaks as usual Phase 2: 3x press up max 3x10 lunges 3x sit up max 3x8 dorsal raises ~~ I really promise not to arse things up like this again. Will post in the a.m. in future. Tomorrow, BTW is a rest day.
I did hate the way AI could see you unfailingly a bajillion miles off.
I'd rather have them actually trying to run a radio station, but constantly getting in fights and insulting each other on the air. "No that song is stupid, play something else! All your music sucks! *sounds of a fight in the background while the song is still playing* LOL. Raider Jukebox Jury! You could have them trying to big up several equally appalling thumping screeching tracks then, as you say, getting into a fight.
Agreed. Would it be funny to suggest that the radio report on nice/amazing things happening wherever you weren't?
Maybe I'm approaching teh game all differently. You know there's that bit where you arrange a wedding? I'd been pretty nice to everyone involved and was working my way back up the karma tree. Anyway I sat down and waited for fully five minutes for something to happen. Everyone except the bride had arrived. Frustrated I quietly slipped out of my seat ['HIDDEN'] and asked my companion for the Fat Man mini-nuke launcher. Mini-nukes make excellent confetti. As do the guests.
I'm playing it now for about the fourth time, and I am LOVING it. I don't know if I've changed or whether it's because I'm using VATS less, but it completely rules. I'm even finding new places I never realised were there, and in honour of FO NV going to Obs I'm going to buy all the DLC if I can hit my targets on work this week.
Hey, multiplayer Op Flashpoint rocks.
I think two things are important to Fallout and that is echoes of the past and contrasting (favourably and unfavourably) them with the 'present' hellish wasteland. It occurred to me that this could be delivered using the (slightly rubbish) radio system Fallout 3 uses. 1. Have a 'raider' station which is hideous anarchy. Drumming, shrieking, gunfire. Make it as violent and shocking as possible. I'm thinking Firefly reavers here. 2. Have a 'scanning' function on the radio. This permits the player to pick up on useful 'secret' transmissions, but also picks up 'ghost' transmissions from the past. Snatches of radio songs from all eras, and particularly snatches of speeches from Charlie Chaplin and marconi to Roosevelt, the moon landings, messages of promise and foreboding. The good thing about this is that being old you can probably get them on the cheap. 3. The emergency broadcast system should be transmitting advice and propaganda. Again you should be able to scaffle this from historical records.