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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. The problem is a social one. Boards are chosen as a boys club. Shouty ****wits like Ballmer get chops. The solution is smarter investors who get the shrieking abdabs when they see a shouty ****wit at the helm.
  2. Got seriously annoyed today by Open Office. I know it's free, but I have a rather simple point to make: If you don't have development time to do a feature properly do not include the god damned feature. I am talking principally about formatting of visual and text elements. They should not change between saves. They should not autocorrect to standards buried inside the source code. It is a hundred times better to present a handful of features done well, and let the user improvise using them, than to have thousands, with unpredictable and undocumented interactions. The example I'd use in the converse is Paint.NET, which with one notable exception (shading) is trouble free. It isn't photoshop, but it's free and it works.
  3. OK. Maybe not EXACTLY like starlings.
  4. There's no hive mind. The explanation of how the zombies started was implied but never really stated. Probably like those flocks of starlings.
  5. I've only recently become interested in Roman history. But it seems to me that a reliance on the mob is exactly what doomed the Republic. That or it could have been a giant space station. I get easily confused.
  6. If a mob of goons tried to depose even an unpopular British government I'd be cheering on the cops. I don't want mobs deciding who runs my country. However, I'm in danger of oversimplifying. I gather Morsi has been squaring things away to try and corner power. So arguably this is about him no longer being democratic, even if voted in.
  7. I thought the point was that peaceful nuclear power and weaponised were two very different aims, technologically.
  8. Not really. He was elected. Democracy isn't the same as mob rule. technicalities aside, even if they depose him the next bugger will have exactly the same problems, and pretty much the same toolbox to tackle them. He won't do any better.
  9. Today - not for the first time - I questioned the heritage, and intelligence of the persons responsible for the default formatting settings in Open Office. I further ventured to suggest that the man who set the indents in particular was a wart-flavoured newt rapist. If I only I were this creative when not furious. EDIT: If you offer me a button to turn a line into bullet points, AND I PRESS THE BUTTON then that is what should ****ing happen you colon-less freaks!
  10. I'd personally like to know what crazy zionist conspiracies the Hooters waitresses get up to.
  11. I hope I'm not going too far off topic if I raise the issue of _self_ shaping a game experience. I'd been wondering what Old World Blues would be like with the same start setup as Dead Money. And I realised that of course it's easy to find out. I just dumped all my crap in a dustbin before hitting the portal. I hugely enjoyed it, just as I did with Dead Money. I could have demanded a mod to do that. Or I could just crack on and do it.
  12. I concede the point and apologise for going a little far. You are quite correct to make your point. Although I would point out that I didn't mean buffers I meant feedbacks. Feedbacks can accelerate change, in the right direction. My point was the complexity of systems spread over considerable time and space. 'Rationalist' verbal arguments cut bugger all ice with me. I mainly just wanted to patronise the **** out of him for patronising the **** out of our religious members.
  13. ...Vladimir Putin, defender of free speech. Sits a wee bit uncomfortably, doesn't it?
  14. Go and have a walk, you daft bugger.
  15. You got a little bit of the old Eastern blood showing, you're ashamed of? I really hope you are an alt, because this is just sad.
  16. I believe we pretty much agreed that Egypt's core issue is economic, and simply deposing Mubarak wasn't going to solve it. Too many young men are coming of age each year with no obvious jobs to do. My 'analysis' is that the Brotherhood have simply found out that it's a lot easier to agitate outside power than to actually do any good when you get it. Beyond that, I think we will see a military intervention. yes, they will only be legitimising the Brotherhood. But by the same token, now they've made the threat they can't back down or they will be emasculated. Pretty flimsy prediction tho.
  17. Wasn't there an FBI project - now openly readable - on the mechanics of dropping people in fights? Something like a combo of blood loss and nerve shock, plus mechanical disemxploderment. That last term may be one I've just made up.
  18. Amentep makes an interesting suggestion there. I kinda like the idea that stuff doesn't disappear but it does shift utility. ~ I'm sure I now the first person here to wonder why no-one steals from your stashes. There could be some good side quests involving tracking down missing stashes.
  19. He'd presumably accuse her of being a Hittite spy, and fire rockets at her.
  20. If so, bloody get on with it, so Hollywood can change the record.
  21. Wait, what? When were we discussing mail order brides? *thinks* I wonder if mail order brides are subjected to normal UK distance selling directions? If so one could *ahem* return the article within one month.
  22. The company of the forum inspires the occasional win.
  23. Enjoyable working vibe on at the moment. Verdi's Rigoletto playing, big mug of green tea, checking journals online. It's no gorgeous brunette watching a coyote run off with her carelessly discarded undergarments, but it'll do for today.
  24. Yes. And I have friends who are like the walking dead due to court cases, alimony payments, stray children... I'd risk anything for love. But I'm not throwing my life away for a quick shag.
  25. I sympathise with your intent. But I agree with the other responders that this would be annoying. I've been doing a FO:NV playthrough without hoarding, and enjoying it a lot more than normal. I got the idea because at the end of my last playthrough I worked out I had barely touched any of the caches I'd built up so painstakingly. If you want to stop the old squirrels then there are better ways than targeting a specific item. I'd be interested in what your thoughts on that would be.
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