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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I think it was Stanford. not sure where Stanford is .
  2. It's only just occurred to me that some of you may not have come across the classic prison experiment from the 1960s. Or Milgram's obedience experiments. I really think you should check them out. I'm not going to link because that would make it too easy. If you look them up yourselves based on my partial description, you will be subject to a consistency bias and be more inclined to actually read and understand them.
  3. My point was that I have spent months studying global warming and wrote a paper on it. I'm not talking out of my ass here nad my research has led me to one clear conclusion. Wut? Well, then I can see why you'd feel you were on solid ground. But I'd suggest your tutor buck up a bit if they didn't explain anything about feedback and/or complex systems. You may poke them with a blunt object from me. Since the original point seems to have fallen away, I recapitulate: don't wave a flag for scientific rationality as if it's all very straightforward.
  4. Volo, it's just my opinion, but this isn't even trolling any more. This is
  5. Sure. Which is why it isn't appalling that Internal Affairs exist. Not to mention parrallel security organisations, and democratic officials above them. You can't possibly expect organisations to police <sic> themselves all the time. But don't let me disturb your fun. You crack on screaming about twisted evil policemen.
  6. Sorry, Orogun. Bit tired here. Didn't follow you. Say again?
  7. I love how Volo's trying his damndest to paint a picture of cops like these drug crazed fiends loosing shots off willy nilly, stealing our donkeys and sleeping with the milkjugs. If anyone actually is getting a kick out of that notion, read The Choirboys, by Joseph Wambaugh. Should keep you frotting merrily for a few hours.
  8. I read this bit and imagined the constitution with "like" buttons by the amendments. The problem is this is the same line of thinking that causes cops to protect other bad cops. That tarnishing one of them tarnishes them all. No, being open and honest about your dealings with the public, investigating and - if necessary - taking action against cops who go too far will only tarnish the image of the police in the eyes of those who'll never trust the police. They're not all brutes; but the system shouldn't protect those that are, either. I didn't say it did. But if we can zero in on that aspect, I was taught it's art of ingroup/outgroup dynamics. The more distinct a group is, the more loyalty it feels to itself, and the more it norms on its own behaviours rather than those of general society. To an extent you want this to happen in any organisation deisgned to sacrifice life and limb - military, police, fire service. But when it goes too far it becomes toxic. One way in which to over-egg the ingroup/outgroup dynamics is to treat them like a uniform with a pig inside it. Although of course it depends on the context, and if they are being slack or over the top when you encounter them. Plus as I've already said, militarising the police doesn't help.
  9. I've got about one hate PM as long as I've been here and I'm a huge jerk. I got a declaration of love once, though. Guess which kind I just sent you.
  10. Today's misread headline: "Egypt swears at new interim leader."
  11. Feeling like some kind of gullible fool I have paid my mate's rent arrears as a gift. This is in pursuit of trying to reverse a trend towards doing the right thing on paper and behaving like a ****. Going to miss the money, but miss it less than the thought of a friend on the street (presumably ) ~~ Word of caution to everyone but Guard Dog on the ex front: 1) exes became exes for a reason. Often the reason hasn't gone away. 2) Why not try something new? 3) The hard part is letting go.
  12. Hurlshot makes another good point about different departments. Anyone willing to say that the New Orleans PD are as bad/good as the NYPD?
  13. What in the name of the Capital Wasteland are those beauties?
  14. Or just skip straight to aluminium foil. Foil is so nineties, tho.
  15. I accept that there's no indication in the article that there was shooting going on. But the nature of US law enforcement is that they have to assume firearms are in the equation all the time. My real question is what is the point of this discussion? To sow fear of the police? Or to galvanise effective action to improve them? Can you not see that many of the problems with cops are exacerbated by treating them as brutes? You'll laugh but it really does hurt their feelings. That in turn poisons the respect they have to try and give the public, despite them knowing how many members of the public are thieves, rapists, dealers etc etc.
  16. Cops can't think of a plan B ? Interesting reaction from you, expected as much. Look, man. I expect a lot from the cops. But I also acknowledge that they take some heavy ****ing risks. When was the last time you risked for life to help someone else? And if you had, don't you think you'd get annoyed if someone wanted you to run a higher risk just because they were worried their dog would get upset? Listening to you people I swear you'd be happier with automated drones.
  17. Careful, Malc. I know quite a few banks who go heavy with surveillance on their techies. You should avoid sharing anything here which you don't want HR throwing at you.
  18. I've had stop and search done on me four times. I'm always very polite and have a chat with them. I like to think I help counterbalance you mentalists being instantly lairy. Of course complaints go somewhere. If they didn't then we'd have the same police services we had in the 1950s and if you think things haven't improved then I'm sorry but you're just a c***.
  19. Joke about low energy states. The Emperor of Ice-Cream Call the roller of big cigars, The muscular one, and bid him whip In kitchen cups concupiscent curds. Let the wenches dawdle in such dress As they are used to wear, and let the boys Bring flowers in last month's newspapers. Let be be finale of seem. The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream. Take from the dresser of deal, Lacking the three glass knobs, that sheet On which she embroidered fantails once And spread it so as to cover her face. If her horny feet protrude, they come To show how cold she is, and dumb. Let the lamp affix its beam. The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.
  20. I'm a little alarmed by the feeling I'm in a time warp. Is this 1967? If it is how are you using the internet? What is so appealing about having an us and them attitude about cops? If you don't take that attitude surely it's just common sense to accept that they are government employees like any other. They misbehave, they break the law. The point is what happens when they do. Part of that is down to you. And guess what? Treating the whole profession as evil doesn't help it actively makes things worse. Imagine if I started a 'teenagers are s***' thread? You'd say I was mental.
  21. I can't believe I'm agreeing with this. Given that Volo disagrees with everything it's literally impossible not to find yourself standing next to him occasionally. If you suck an aniseed ball it helps mask the smell.
  22. What about the emperor of ice cream?
  23. So much for trying to be nice.
  24. Surely you could don a massive foam tricorne hat? That would block the noise and be patriotic. You could strut smugly around shops knocking things off shelves with the ends and just smiling at anyone who tries to remonstrate with you.
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