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Everything posted by EnderAndrew
My sentiments exactly, and I heard about this last week. Again partisan politics getting in the way. I propose we have a civil and rational debate about what level we'd really like our federal government to operate on rather than pointing fingers.
You made it a point to post probably a good 50 times or more that you wouldn't play the game. Since then you've posted probably another good 50 times that you want people held accountable. Put those two things together. I think everyone on this forum has a right to their opinion of KOTOR:2, save for the one person who hammered into everyone's heads over and over again the same sentiment that you would never play it.
I didn't post links on more complex grammar topics. I posted links to simple grammar topics.
I'm repeating the opinions of my step-father, which are not my opinions. I live in tornado country, and there are people here who don't take tornados too seriously here because of how often we deal with them. So I understand those who felt a hurricane would be no big deal. And I'm sure a level 2 or 3 hurricane might have done nominal damage and passed, but a level 4 hurricane broke the leevies and presented new problems.
Yep, they were pretty much empty calories.
Spellmar doesn't want to just correct you and make fun of you. Spellmar wants to teach you. Here are some basic rules that can help you become a better poster. Capitalization Commas Periods Question Marks Apostophes Commonly Confused Words Avoid These Phrases Like the Plague I hope that helps.
Who wants me to parody another song? I need a suggestion. Post the lyrics and I'll parody it.
I have zero problem with a committee deciding to offer ratings. They have that right. And there are consumers who want ratings. So long as the government stays out of the way and doesn't try to actually censor games, then I'm fine. I think the Mature vs AO debate is pretty stupid. What is the difference between saying you should be 17 or 18 to play a game? I think this recent decision is silly and impossible to enforce equitably, but it might appease the angry watch-dog groups. EA won't let games like the Sims get AO ratings even though they are moddable with adult content, so eventually I think someone will argue this whole policy. If Rockstar is smart they'll have their lawyers prepared to tee off on this.
Working in the IT industry, I see one major problem with open source today. Big businesses like stability. They love knowing exactly what they got. They love consistency. They like having a huge contract and knowing that their entire Enterprise is going to be on the same page. On the open source OS market, you have way too many divergent roads, and none of them really nail what enterprises need. QMail can handle being a mail server for a website of a few hundred people, or a few thousand, but it lacks the functionality of something like Microsoft Enterprise Server with Active Directory, Outlook, etc. Open source is great for individual end users at home who want Microsoft alternatives, or for individual web servers. Home users often use Microsoft alternatives, pirate, or get a prebundled OS and apps anyway. The only way open source will work and spread is if it becomes feasible for large companies like HP and Dell to start prebundling open source software, or for businesses to switch to it on an enterprise level. HP and Dell will ship a server preinstalled with Linux if you want, but they certainly aren't going to push it, and I don't believe they offer Linux options on workstations at all.
I still maintain this thread is pretty silly. I doubt Lucasarts folded intentionally just to spite their own property and Obsidian. Some said that if LA didn't have LucasFilm behind it, it wouldn't exist today. The division basically went bankrupt, and on the books it got absorbed back into ILM.
Babies are too inactive for some. They just sit there. However, I've found that by putting them in the microwave, you can get them to become quite active.
Up in the employee break room they had Fox News on. I swear I wouldn't willingly watch that channel. But they interviewed a black hurricane victim who was angling that all of this was racially motivated. FEMA did contact him mind you, and gave him a $700 debit card as well as food. He spent the debit card right away and was screaming that no one was taking care of him. So the reporter (I use that term loosely with this network) asked what exactly he was looking for. The victim said for starters, everyone needed to be handed $20,000 cash. He then went on to say that this was basically slavery all over again. Yep, slavery. The white man forced the hurricane to enslave him, naturally.
Overrated: Velvet Revolver Underrated: Early STP
I think he is wrong as well. However he believes that if you don't own your home and have no insurance, then you are less likely to evacuate. All you have is likely in your residence, and if you leave, you'll lose it. Those that own homes and have insurance know they'll be taken care of. However people who rent, and likely rent on Section-8 assistance have less reason to leave. Given the rampant poverty, some argue that looting and violence is a logical conclusion. I argued that poverty was the problem then, and not welfare. However he believes that the welfare system keeps people trapped in their state. Removing the welfare system forces people to sink or swim. I don't know that I agree with him, however I do agree that welfare needs serious, serious reform.
You can download episodes of a TV show legally, but not DVD rips of a TV show since you can't legally copy and redistribute DVDs.
The last thread was closed which suprised me. I think most of the conversation was on-topic. In only diverged from babies to birthdays. Either way, Sarah took this shot and I wanted to share. My baby girl even sleeps like me. And for the record, we don't cosleep or anything normally. She sleeps in a proper crib. Sarah probably asked me to hold her this morning as I was half asleep. I don't even recall her taking this picture.
Meta is usually obsessive about being right, much like myself. However, if he insisted that the Ultimas were made by a European company he is mistaken. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_...2/ai_ziff120356 I was a major Origin/Utima fanboy. I can tell you all about their studios, Lord British's castle he built in Austin, the new one he is currently building, Destination Games, etc. etc. When you play the opening of Ultima 9, that "park" near the Avatar's house is even modeled directly after a local park in Austin.
Hades planned to protest KOTOR:2 by never playing it. We saw how well that went over.
I imagine it was satire, but my father in law did try to convince me the real problem with Katrina is the welfare system. With Andrews, we had no problem rescuing people. But with Katrina, people are looting, shooting at cops, etc. And he feels the welfare system created that environment.
I have 5 megs per second bandwidth, and no noticable cap. I do routinely download several files that go over several gigs.
There is a pretty huge change between OpenOffice.org version 1 and 2. You may want to take a look at the 2.0 beta. I only really now consider it a serious rival to MS Office.
Where did you see that video?
I can't draw stick figures to save my life. Most of the comics up at stripcreator where entries for specific contests they had there. Most of the people there were, how would I say, ass-hats. So I stopped posting comics there. If I could draw at all, I'd put together a real webcomic.